SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! - [Dragons]

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Welcome, this weeks challenge is all about Dragons!

We were left in charge of choosing which Dragon we wanted to highlight this week. I chose to go with one of my favorite Dragons, Robo-Dragon Knight. I'll discuss him more down below but it was a hard choice this week because there are so many cool Dragons to pick from.



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  • Standard
  • 25 Mana
  • All Splinters


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Robo-Dragon Knight
This is a beast of a card. I don't know why the stats aren't showing up but let me type them out for you.

Shield: 8
Health: 9
Speed: 3
Attack (Melee): 3

He comes with two abilities aswell.

VOID: Reduced damage from Magic attacks
Divine Shield: The first time the Monster takes damage it is ignored

Those two things make him a very effective tank. The enemy chose to go with Magic, which I didn't know at first. This just helped demonstrate how powerful he is in certain match-ups. I think he would have done well regardless but this highlighted how effective Void is against magical attackers. It pretty much negated the enemys summoners buff. I figured with stats like that, he would be unstoppable if i gave him a way to heal. When you use Dragon summoners, you can choose another Splinter type to bring along to battle. It was between water and grass and I ultimately went with grass because of Wood Nymph. I know how effective her healing is and I knew Robo-Dragon Knight would stick around long enough to utilize it.

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Furious Chicken
I had an open slot so naturally I threw this Chicken in there. Best 1$ I spent on the game. (When I started. He's going for 20$ now but honestly you use him in every match.)

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Dwarven Wizard
I sort of started a theme with magic damage so naturally I included this guy. For 3 Mana you get 3 Life and 1 Magic Attack. His Snipe ability is the real reason I chose him though.

Snipe: Targets enemy Monsters with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that are not in the first position.

I always like to include a little damage to the backline to pick off some unsuspecting units that hang back with low Health. He's very effective at that.

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Wood Nymph
She's very fragile with only 2 Health and 1 Attack. Thankfully the ability to heal tanks is very powerful on its own so I can see why she is easy to pick off. If she's left unchecked with a powerful tank, she can win games. She was the first Magic damage dealer I put on my team before deciding I wanted to continue that route. That brings me to my second choice.

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Serpentine Mystic
This card is cool. I haven't used it all that often but it has an ability that has caught my eye.

Affliction: When a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed.

I don't like the wording that says "Has a chance" because that means not always garunteed but taking away healing is huge when some of the most common tanks are ones with healing abilities in most colors. (Cerberus, Sea Monster, Haunted Spirit, etc.) This guys cool though. For 3 Mana it's another 3 Health unit which seems to be average, i'll take it and he comes equipped with 1 Magic damage. That's when I started seeing a theme and chose to include Dwarven Wizard.

Enemy's Team

  • Sea Monster
  • Albatross
  • Elven Mystic
  • Ice Pixie
  • Enchanted Pixie
  • Medusa

This is a pretty good line-up on their end. I am a fan of using this technique myself. Magic is hard to deal with for some classes but luckily I'm not going to have that problem. Robo-Dragon Knight has both high Health and a high Shield. It's okay that they will bypass the Shield. Especially because I am chose to include the earth element specifically for Wood Nymph. She will give Robo-Dragon Knight the sustainability he needs. That's pretty much the plan. Use Robo-Dragon Knight as a tank up front, throw the Chicken behind him, put my Dwarven Wizard infront of the Wood Nymph for added protection and then end the line up with Serpentine Mystic incase we have to deal with any healing. Sounds solid to me, that means most of my damage is coming from magic as well.

Round 1:

  • My Summoner gives my Monsters +1 Shield.
  • Enemy Summoner gives their Monsters +1 Magic.
  • Ice Pixie attacks Robo-Dragon Knight and his divine shield negates the attack.
  • Robo-Dragon Knight attacks Sea Monster for 3 damage.
  • Dwarven Wizard Snipes Medusa for 1.
  • Elven Mystic attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Enchanted Pixie attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Medusa attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Serpentine Mystic attacks Sea Monster for 1.
  • Wood Nymph heals Robo-Dragon Knight back up to 9 Health.
  • Wood Nymph attacks Sea Monster for 1.
  • Sea Monster heals 2 Health and attacks Robo-Dragon Knight but Misses!

Round 2:

  • Ice Pixie attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Robo-Dragon Knight attacks Sea Monster for 3.
  • Dwarven Wizard Snipes Medusa for 1.
  • Elven Mystic attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Medusa attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Enchanted Pixie attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Serpentine Mystic deals 1 damage to Sea Monster, leaving him with 1 Health.
  • Wood Nymph heals Robo-Dragon Knight back to 8 Health.
  • Wood Nymph attacks Sea Monster for 1 and kills it.
  • Medusa takes first position.

Round 3:

  • Ice Pixie attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Robo-Dragon Knight attacks Medusa for 3 and kills her.
  • Enchanted Pixie takes first position.
  • Dwarven Wizard Snipes Ice Pixie for 1 damage and kills her.
  • Enchanted Pixie attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Elven Mystic attacks Robo-Dragon Knight for 1.
  • Serpentine Mystic deals 1 damage to Enchanted Pixie and kills her.
  • Elven Mystic takes the first position.
  • Wood Nymph heals Robo-Dragon Knight back to 8.
  • Wood Nymph attacks Elven Mystic for 1.

Round 4:

  • Robo-Dragon Knight attacks Elven Mystic for 3 damage and kills it.
  • Albatross takes first position.
  • Dwarven Wizard attacks Albatross for 1 damage and kills it.
  • Enemy Team is Defeated

I didn't plan on it going so well but the fact that Robo-Dragon Knight has void and the enemy couldn't pick off Wood Nymph. No matter how low the enemy got Robo-Dragon Knight, he would just get healed back up. I like him a lot and Dragon Splinters in general are so fun to play because you can mix and match play styles from other Splinters. I am glad to have opened some cool Dragons in the Untamed packs and plan on opening some more cool stuff in Chaos Legion coming soon! Thanks for reading this weeks challenge and it was a lot of fun using Dragons this week. I can't wait to see the new Dragon cards introduced.

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Awesome battle. Serpentine mystic is a favorite card of mine. I try to fight with affliction in so many of my battles. It’s one of the under utilized effects which is good for me! Lol

Sorry I had to take back my Robo dragon, I got another one in a chest and got mine up to level 3 so I needed to use it. If I get another one I’ll lease it to you again!

Not a problem. I don't use Dragon all that often. Appreciate the gold foil fire and earth cards. I get a ton or extra DEC from those.

Yeah, I love the gold foil bonuses! I love winning on my alt account that's got mostly gold foils, sometimes my entire lineup is gold lol extra 60% dec!

Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

That was indeed a nice match to watch. Win without any damage 😉