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RE: This is my Land!

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Tundra and Canyon are interesting cases for sure. They have smaller penalties, but also smaller bonuses. People are up in arms for their 5%! Look at the neutrals, they don't get bonuses for anything - the mercenaries that they are.

I don't have as large a pool of farm workers to choose from, so I may have to be a little more strategic in trading my workers to fit my lands. I'll bet there will be many people in the same situation.


10% of my land can possibly be optimally used. Rest likely remain vacant at this point

Wow, you do have a lot of plots, but that is an incredibly low ratio. I would have figured you had more extra cards lying around, so this is a surprising Stat. Curious to see how all the land stuff plays out.

I do have extra cards lying around, but that is with the extra cards! Lol