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RE: Response to "The Case for Conclave Arcana pack prices at 4,000 DEC"

in Splinterlands2 months ago

It has become absolutely unbelievable how you simply refuse to acknowledge certain points above and literally ignore certain inconvenient objective facts.

Just hop in discord and ASK, you will find a significant amount of players who literally tell you they buy packs for $2 but not $4. I am one and there are literally dozens of others who come right out and tell you this but you literally choose to ignore this for some reason I cannot comprehend. Maybe because it does not fit your narrative? I won't list names here but your ignoring this is getting ridiculous. Actually, if you were to ask in discord, I wonder how many of those players are still here. Many have left and said they have been priced out of the game. Another inconvenient fact you seem to ignore.

Other points are also unbelievable, you really think new players will have 'no knowledge' of the other cards?? Have you talked to any players who try to play with just the ghost deck of commons and rares? It's a horrible experience, made worse by the lack of level caps and seasonal resets.

Same with point 2, I don't understand how you think players will or do see a $4 price tag but won't think packs are $4. This is also insanely important to consider when new players are looking around before diving in.

Also check out this video, you will see many points laid out about pricing you might want to consider before dooming our game to extinction: