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RE: Top 1000 Hive Stakeholders! Moments of Pleasure, Years of Pain!

Nothing can be achieved without pain, struggle, and challenging moments. So along with a big congratulations to everyone in the top 1000, I also want to share my sincere respect!!

 6 months ago (edited) 

The intent of this post was not to congratulate people for being alive, but to show where they belong in the community.

Your KE = 3.46

That means you have extracted nearly 3.5X rewards compared to your currently held HP. Think about it, and process this information.


PS. Since I know you nearly from your day 1 at hive; I went in and checked your account to process the information myself!

I am happy to report you have no outflow from your account. All those 'extractions' are saved as HBD in your savings.



Thank you but I am not sure if it's a situation that should really be congratulated. I wish I could invest more in this platform and be more recognized for this thing rather than my blogs. But yeah, it's been a while since I joined the chain and I am happy to meet you from my first days around! :)

That is prudent to say.

Since we are decentralized the responsibility is on you. Why don’t you show the light to someone new. Someone who is not here but you know. Also someone who is here already but seems lost. Show them the way!

I am afraid this is very hard to achieve. I hate being a pessimist but when I joined the chain I brought quite a few people and we had a very stable and beautiful community until the big drop happened and 95% of them ran away!

I am assuming this is the situation for more people as many look towards a new opportunity only when things seem easy and nice but when it gets harder, they simply disappear. Most of the Romanians that are still on the chain right now, don't even live in Romania anymore because of obvious reasons and lots of things missing, including financial education!

The best I could do was to welcome the newbies and obviously offer advice from what I learned being on here. But when the first questions are all related to income, rewards, and methods to get as much as possible in the shortest period of time before the price drops, it seems like a lost battle already.

It's terrible to say this based on how much I try to promote my country, but Romania is a beautiful country, those leading it and some of the people living within are the problem!

@gabrielatravels with your experience on Hive, you have so much you can offer, and it doesn't need to be restricted to people from Romania only. I get it, it gets frustrating when newbies focus is not in the right place, and that's where we can help. Even if it's just one or two people, that's one or two more people who can go on to contribute to help Hive growthin the future. The chain and communities are also desperately in need of good curators, I'm sure your contribution will be welcome and appreciated

 6 months ago (edited) 

I am afraid this is very hard to achieve

I agree! I never said it is easy. Otherwise we would be very popular and Hive will be well above $1.

I think I have a theory on this. People on social media prefers their ideas, opnions, being read by as many people as possible as opposed to money.

I mean they love the money, but enjoys the limelight and interaction with their friends more than money. Also they will be where their friends are. They don't care if Facebook sells their data and exploits their pocketbook; since their friends are on Facebook, they will be on Facebook.

So I don't think we can change this behavior. Hive requires a special type of people. The 5% who stayed, let us work on them.

Exactly!! I couldn't say this better honestly. I'm happy my message wasn't misunderstood! Hugs from Romania!

I've invited a lot of musicians to be part of Hive and of those only 2 have been consistent and are thrilled with the blockchain. @kococuatro @edgardsaxo

I still believe that Hive is a great platform and that HP is a great tool to help people around the world realize their dreams.

Hive connects us, because we all have a part of the responsibility for its future.

Congratulations @azircon For reaching the top 1000
