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I'm SUPER excited about Chaos Legion in general, don't get me wrong.

but I really hate the move to extend Vouchers into the sale. Ultimately, it doesn't do a thing for newcomers, all it does is extend out the sale longer, and make it so new players are held hostage to a secondary market (again) despite being promised that this would be different.

And it will be different, when it finally stops having voucher requirements. That could be a week, that could be months though, and that factor WILL matter significantly. A few weeks will be fine, I think. Months will destroy the new player experience to the point where I think we'll be bleeding all of the growth that's been made over the last year.

It also inflates packs further, and really REALLY hurts accessibility IMO, which is what the game SO desperately needs for the new players coming in, right now. We've been arguing to new players that these packs are their saving grace to get cheap cards, but, just kidding, Collection Power is halved, quartered for higher rarities and prices are doubled, so even at base sale, they have to spend 4x more to get the same average CP and value. Plus vouchers are locked behind another huge paywall, plus those vouchers carry on into the sale, so you're going to need to buy secondary packs from an inflated secondary market that takes all of the benefits of the packs from you.

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth for small, lower budget, new players. It feels like the ladder rungs are being torn out as people are climbing and there's a glass ceiling being put in its place.

I have faith in the game, I'm sure that WILL change, but right now that's an inescapable reality, and it sucks to have to tell new players "Just wait for it to get better"

Gosh that was a long one, have some !PIZZA

$PIZZA@kennysgaminglife! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @jakkal.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)

While I'm glad that I probably have enough SPS staked to be able to buy a pack or two in the presale, I'm a little disappointed that that's all I'll be able to buy. I also wish the price was lower and that there were more total packs in the pipeline. Oh, and that we didn't have to wait almost another 2 full months before we can play with the cards. But despite all that, I'm looking forward to Chaos Legion and the new ranked split.

I'm feeling good about the CL pre-sale coming up! I seem to be way higher in my expectations of voucher pricing than most other players, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out in the market. Either way though, I expect SPS to continue its climb since there are added incentives for people to use liquid SPS to pay for their pre-sale packs. Riding it to $1! !PIZZA

$PIZZA@kennysgaminglife! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @shauner.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/20)

Hey kenny.
I'm a little disappointed with the voucher's air drop. I think the curve to enter the air drop of the voucher token is going to be too steep, you need to stake an insane amount of SPS to get 1 voucher lol. I thought that I could at least stake $100 worth of SPS to get a couple of packs, but no, you need almost a thousand bucks for that. I don't get it. They are releasing 15 million packs. I can't find the logic of staking $1000 to buy a $4 pack.
The way I see it, the rich get richer and the newcomers get screwed. I would of implemented a different system, something like: the rating you achieve at the end of the season will count towards the amount of vouchers you get, you gain a lot of rating, even on bronze (say 2200), you get more vouchers than someone that just reached 800 for example. It would be more evenly distributed among the community.. I don't know, thats just my thoughts on the matter, I guess a lot of people are just fine with the SPS system I guess.

The thing is that this is just the pre-sale, and the packs will have the same prices when they come out on sale normally - and they can't even be opened in between either.

The whole point of a pre-sale like this is to reward your early & large investors - because once packs hit the normal store, it's a free for all.

If you have ~300 SPS, then you will most likely gain a full voucher ever 9-10 days, given the current totals. That's 3+ vouchers over the course of the airdrop. If you keep adding more, and claiming-staking often (compounding interest FTW), then it could be even faster/more.

Vouchers may end up with quite a premium, where your best bet could be to sell your 3-3.5 for $20 each or something, to buy more packs in the regular sale.

You did that math for the voucher per staked SPS? because I did it and it wasn't 300 sps lol it was like 2000 o.o

It's ~2700 SPS to gain a voucher per day.

If you have 300 SPS (1/9 of that) then you would get a full one every 9 days, so like 0.111 per day.

oh.. in that case, aint that bad are right, its per day.. hmm..

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I was actually rather disheartened reading that announcement and listening to the AMA. After pushing and shoving the best a newer player that's not a whale could, come to find out that my efforts to this point will be mostly for naught. Best I can do is continue to push and shove to try to at least get in on the bare minimum benefits. @half-fast

I was hoping I could get at least 1 voucher for the pre-sale, but it turns out you need A LOT of investment for that, way more than I had imagined. I'm really not happy at all about that.


I love-hate it! I hate it because I don't have enough staked to buy 50 packs, Oh well, I just have to keep up with the grind and work on increasing my stake in the future.

The aspect that I love is that the team was pretty consistent on making sure that they don't flood the market with extremely high number of cards. This gives me much confidence on the stability of the game economy in the long run.

Overall, this announcement gave me much confidence in the team and the game, that despite not having enough vouchers (most likely) for my planned purchase, I am still pretty happy that there is a bright future for the game that I love and my staked SPS as well.

ign: @mozzie5

But dispointed as I wanted 50 packs but also I think alot of people forget that alot of whales will sell packs at cost cause they want the drops not the packs

my thought was " i maybe had to add more sps to my stacking..." xD @amaillo-m

Thanks for the videos.
I'm still quite new and only have a handful of cards that I've had to buy off the market. I'm keen to progress in the game, but find it very difficult to get out of the Bronze league. All the content and promotions seems to be weighted in favour of the whales or OG's who have DEC and SPS balances I can only dream about.

Anyway, I love the game, the new content will be exciting to explore and appreciate the time you spend creating your videos/ promotions!

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Of course like every new player like me who invest not much money in the game is not happy about the new Voucher, because i was hoping to buy some Chaos Legion packs.

You can still buy as many CL packs as you want.

The pre-sale is only 1 million, out of 15 million total packs.

At the time of writing this comment I haven't read the details of the Chaos Legion release, but I don't want to lose my train of thought so to speak so I'll go with what info I do have at this point. The requirement of sps being staked seems a bit high imho for new players and those who don't have a lot of money to invest into the game. I do understand the reasoning behind the requirement being that it prevents, or at least reduces, the amount that whales can purchase through alt accounts or whatnot. Again I'm lacking complete information about the subject so I could be off about the reasoning/ effect. I know that it's something that cannot easily be remedied, and unfortunately I don't know of another solution that could make packs more easily attainable for those with fewer resources.
That subject aside, I'm very excited and looking forward to the release of the new set. It will be very nice having more new blood in the mix.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to seeing more from you, keep up the good work :)


I was hoping the CL were $2 a pack, After 1 month into the game without spending almost nothing, my intention has always been to be able to buy at least 50 packs (and the alchemy and legendary potions for those 50 packs) with an investment of maybe 100 usd.

Now i see that with my 100 usd are going to get me half of what i was expecting.

What is worse is that the cards i will get have less collection power AND as there will be more, they will be less valuable


  1. the packs are more expensive
  2. the cards will probably be less valuable due to large amount of printing
  3. the CP i will get will be even worse than before (because ill be able to buy less packs)

Honestly, i dont know how to get into the game now without a big investment

Thanks for the giveaway

Seems like I won't be able to buy packs on presale. I guess it's fine coz I think the whales cannot buy all 15M packs before the official release lol. IGN: cloudgendary

Only 1 million packs are available in the pre-sale, that's why the vouchers are so hard to get.

Hey, created an account just to comment this.
I think this vouchers will make a bigger diffeence to whales and normal players. I wish I could buy something like 10 packs, but this voucher market will go crazy, so need to wait for official sales (and hope there are some left).

Ya, all their pre-sales have been just for the whales & old-timers for the last few years, so that's pretty standard.

Luckily, once it goes to the regular sale we'll have 14 million packs left (9x what untamed had), so I think there's going to be plenty to go around.

As this is my first time with such a game release I was surprised how many different way there are to create FOMO on the pack sale.
Doubling SPS FOMO because you need them to receive vouchers, but can have a 10% discount on pack buys with them as well.
FOMO from missing out on airdrops, pushing you into buying packs/vouchers asap, while only 33333 new ones will be available daily.
FOMO on discounts when buying 50+ packs.

A sane person who wants to invest a little money into the game has to be very cautious not to loose sight of what really matters. Enjoying the game ;)

And I would love to have more information on the cards, and think rather of winning strategies then monetization strategies :)


I'm a little bit frustrated, to be honest. I understand why they did it, but I expected that the price of the packs would be $2 not $4. In one hand, thinking that whales can have most of the vouchers while I probably would get one or maybe none, it's plain sad. I'm a little down about it. On the other hand, the spike on SPS price due to that announcement is amazing news to me! I have $0 when I began playing Splinterlands, and bought the Spellbook just before the SPS airdrop. Now I have nearly $35 in SPS only!!! I hope it doesn't read too bipolar or something, but come on! In which game you get money and you win more than you initially invested!? It's free money to me! A dream come true! So, I'm a bit sad because of my slim chances to get those packs on presale, but the consequences of it is that I'm happy because I got $35 out of nowhere! Sounds like a sweet deal to me! Thank you for your amazing giveaways!

So much hyped about CL, the double price was a bit of a downer though, I was expecting maybe they'd do $3. And it looks like I can only get about 4-5 packs for the entire period of presale with the calculation on the vouchers, I was hoping to get at least double that.

If you buy 2000 packs in a bundle, and pay with SPS, then the cost is exactly $3 each.

$4 still seems cheap to me, it's still less than a pack of Magic, Pokemon, or any other card game... and people pay more than $5 for packs in games where they can never sell/trade the things they pull.

Well, I really like all the stuff gone on right now. But not to big on the voucher thing as I don't have that much SPS atm. And don't have the funds to spend on some. But I'm just glad that we got some new stuff coming and think they are doing a good job with everything

hope i can find money to investfor cl

$4 + VOUCHER + Lotion + Alpotion = expensivestuff

!PIZZA = notsoexpensive

$PIZZA@kennysgaminglife! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @tedus.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)

I dont know... Im bit disappointed.
The rise in price to 4$.
The voucher (good idea, but its almost impossible for a poor player to get enough sps for voucher...).

On the other hand the game really take off. And the dev found a way to prevent the lose of value of the old cards...

All in all im still hype for this!

i feel disheartened by the announcement. not noob friendly and I'm thinking about my future with the game. oh well.
ign: happypechay

I think this is not very fair for newer players. They don’t have many sps and many won’t get any vouchers while they need them the most to be able to step up in the leagues and build their decks. If you need 2,7k SPS = 700$ for one Voucher the boosters get insanely expansive. And even if the prices for vouchers directly won’t be 700 bucks each, you will have to pay much more than 4$ to get a Booster.

New players will be waiting for the regular sale most likely. The whole point of these pre-sales is to reward long-time players and big investors.

At least nobody gets to open the packs early, so it will be more of a level playing field when they actually appear in-game.

It will be a challenge for new players to get a voucher. 50 sps would go a long way toward getting the 100 sps needed per day to earn 1 voucher over 30 days. Otherwise look forward to a new set of cards as a new split of wild and other leagues.

Most new players will be much better off just waiting for the regular sale (like most not-new players), and just picking those up in bulk, with SPS, for the maximum discount.

Depending on the market price of vouchers, I may just sell mine instead of using them.

It seems like it strongly rewards the folx who have been around for awhile while keeping new players from getting a foothold. I have been staking all my SPS every day and have a total of 166. The $4 price is right given how crazy the cost of potions is ~ another way newbies are left struggling.

Those who have been around, or who have put in money. That's how pre-sales & stuff usually work: rewarding your most profitable customers.

I just hope not too many noobs get tricked into spending a bunch of money on vouchers, when all they have to do is wait for the regular sale instead.

Potions are $0.04 or $0.05 - so even getting 5x each for each pack is only an additional $0.45 per pack. If you spend SPS, that 10% discount basically covers it.

Thanks. I was referring to the cost of quest potions - looking at the amount required for bronze players to get cards at this point versus through packs.

I am so excited for the future of this game after the recent announcements. Thank you @kennysgaminglife for these amazing giveaways. It makes a huge difference for new players like myself! ign: @blueleader03

I have mixed feelings about this voucher thing, as a new player with very low collection power it makes hard to catch up....

Just like any card game, or anything in the crypto world, the only way to catch up is to spend money.

I disagree with this statement or at least i hope if someone is investing his time he also able to catch up to a certain level. Well an initial investment is needed (spellbook purchase) and beside that a small amount is also recommended to have some room for maneuver, my extra was less than the cost of the spellbook....
I started only in the middle of August, and made some bad moves; spent too much on renting, bought cards then sold for less, bought quest potions that did not give a positive outcome etc, missed the cards high value increase because kept my DEC instead of buying cards... but still i'm net+ so far. My collection worth ~ 60$ atm and i hope 'll be able to keep rolling :)

Well it depends on what you mean by "catch up" - because I mean get up into Champion bracket, win in tournaments, etc. The only way to do that is with a lot of money, or time.

For those who have been in since 2018-2019, they've got the time in now, regardless of how much money they spent, so many have had their accounts go up 200x or more.

For those of us getting in in 2021 (or who sold everything in 2019 - doh!), it's either put in a lot (I dumped almost every crypto I had) or wait a few years while you grind.

Well indeed if we talk about the Champion bracket thats needed a massive investment, even the cards are only rented....

Right now I mostly thinking about the Bronze and Silver leagues and mean the "catch up" accordingly. Step by step, there is always someone ahead to catch up. I guess its some grinding ahead, but still without this voucher thing it would be easier to shorten the backlog.

Ya, bronze is where "anyone" (with time, ability to math, and some gaming skills) can catch up and be somewhat competitive, and push into silver on season-end-day to get more rewards.

But even then, if you jump in and buy $200 worth of cards, you're going to crush people that just did the $10 spellbook and have been grinding for a few months.

the hype is real

Example of earning VOUCHERS: if there are a total of 100M SPS tokens staked across all players in the game, then a player who has 100k SPS tokens staked accounts for 0.1% of the total and would therefore receive 33.333 VOUCHER tokens (0.1% of 33,333.333) each day over the presale period.

Right now we have 97M SPS Staked as per the website. Let's just say this count reaches 100M towards the start of the presale then the above calculation will hold true.

If you have 1000 SPS staked, you will get 0.33333 vouchers daily. 30*0.33333 = 9.9999 (~10)

With that much, you can only buy 10 packs. So the rest will have to be bought from the market in case you need more. Vouchers' price could grow towards the end of presale so it's better if you buy as many as you can even if you don't use all of them. πŸ˜‚

If you want to earn 100 Vouchers (to buy 100 packs) in 30 days, keep 10K SPS minimum. Keep more if you think we will have more than 100M SPS staked by the time presale starts.

I have 600 which is nothing. Getting around 15 SPS from the airdrop. I will try to reach at least 1000 SPS by 18th. Let's see what happens. Really excited and I will ape in as soon as I can. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am just, really concerned honestly. As passionate as I am to this game, I am concerned that the amount of SPS tokens that I have is insufficient to buy me the packs man...

Ya, nobody is getting as many pre-sale packs as they wanted. That's a good compromise right, when nobody is happy? haha. Luckily, besides the chance at the LE card, there's no loss for waiting for the normal sale, and it sounds like packs won't be open-able until then either.

Hahaha. Yea... but unfortunately, when I am concerned I really meant it cause... I only have a total of 193 SPS even though I have actively staked them at the earliest possible time. So yea... I am just a bit disheartened to know that I would be getting very minimal despite the efforts.

That's enough for about 2 vouchers, maybe 2.5 probably, over the course of the month-long airdrop.

Are you claiming and staking your SPS very often (like every 8 hours at least) for maximum compounding interest?

Oh yes I certainly am! I started the game late probably around June, so this is all that I have amassed. I am claiming and staking them at a very frequent basis, approximately 30mins - 1hr everyday other than when I am sleeping. That is why the disappointment... =(

Im just happy they released it so we can strategize. I think im just loading up on as much Dec as I can and stake the airdrops, then swap if for sps when we can get something

Looking forward to the new cards and new strategies to play.
Ign luckyshot1

I like how they are expanding the uses of sps and making the game more complete. I hope this CL is going to get me out of bronze rank hehe.

Its going to be tough for new players like me, I guess I'll just wait for the main sale of the packs. But kinda excited tho for the release.

I'm excited but it's going to more accessible to longer time players.

Super Hyped here for the new cards :D

packs are for old and rich players
Idea about Wild and Modern(standard in CCG) is very good.

Well it's good to see the news, but don't know how can I buy many packs because of the SPS staked rule, so i better grind and stack more sps

I am very excited about Chaos Legion. As a new player, I think it is a good time to be here, with the new format allowing everyone to compete on similar grounds.

Honestly kind of hurt by how few vouchers I'll be able to get. Only have enough SPS staked to get around 10 pre-sale packs. Not to mention the fact that the packs are worth 4 USD each now is way above what I expected.

I'm so excited for chaos legion being my first chance to get packs :)

will try to get 100 packs XD

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Thanks for your giveaway!

IGN: @luizeba

I am excited as finally a timeline is announced. The increase in price per pack is not so nice and that I will not be able to buy much during the pre-sale is not nice, neither.

as much as they say they want to make it accessible to new players it's anything but accessible to new players with the price hike.
1st 2x cost
2nd the logic that the pack is more expensive so the cards would be worth more, how is a new player suppose to rent when they cost more.
3rd the power will be less making them rent even more.
4th they have more packs.@bakuoni