I have mixed feelings about this voucher thing, as a new player with very low collection power it makes hard to catch up....
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I have mixed feelings about this voucher thing, as a new player with very low collection power it makes hard to catch up....
Just like any card game, or anything in the crypto world, the only way to catch up is to spend money.
I disagree with this statement or at least i hope if someone is investing his time he also able to catch up to a certain level. Well an initial investment is needed (spellbook purchase) and beside that a small amount is also recommended to have some room for maneuver, my extra was less than the cost of the spellbook....
I started only in the middle of August, and made some bad moves; spent too much on renting, bought cards then sold for less, bought quest potions that did not give a positive outcome etc, missed the cards high value increase because kept my DEC instead of buying cards... but still i'm net+ so far. My collection worth ~ 60$ atm and i hope 'll be able to keep rolling :)
Well it depends on what you mean by "catch up" - because I mean get up into Champion bracket, win in tournaments, etc. The only way to do that is with a lot of money, or time.
For those who have been in since 2018-2019, they've got the time in now, regardless of how much money they spent, so many have had their accounts go up 200x or more.
For those of us getting in in 2021 (or who sold everything in 2019 - doh!), it's either put in a lot (I dumped almost every crypto I had) or wait a few years while you grind.
Well indeed if we talk about the Champion bracket thats needed a massive investment, even the cards are only rented....
Right now I mostly thinking about the Bronze and Silver leagues and mean the "catch up" accordingly. Step by step, there is always someone ahead to catch up. I guess its some grinding ahead, but still without this voucher thing it would be easier to shorten the backlog.
Ya, bronze is where "anyone" (with time, ability to math, and some gaming skills) can catch up and be somewhat competitive, and push into silver on season-end-day to get more rewards.
But even then, if you jump in and buy $200 worth of cards, you're going to crush people that just did the $10 spellbook and have been grinding for a few months.