Ha ha ha no it wasn't you! Definitely not. I had a brain lapse so I am glad friends like you are around to set me straight ha ha..glad you were able to watch it!
Yes, I have noticed some of my Splinter preferences have changed as well. It kind of fluctuates for me. I started off loving Death & Fire, then just Fire and now it's between Earth, Fire & Death. Water is still my worst lol...I can't seem to stay in Silver (as I tend to "whine" about in my videos), but I am determined to this time around. We will see. I am not too worried about moving up the ladder. I just want to learn more about the strategies & how to win more often. You seem to be doing pretty well! 80% is not shabby at all and yes, I LOVE the Nectar Queen. She kicks butt, big time! :)
Thanks so much for watching & for your constant support. It means a lot! :) Have an awesome weekend. 💚