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RE: Hive Holding of Splinterlands Players 3.0

in Splinterlands2 months ago (edited)

I'm glad to see our little back and forth elicited such a discussion! I would more identify with your characterization of "ignorance" over "stupidity". I think a lot of people genuinely just don't know about HIVE, how it works, or why it's used. When I first started playing SPL, it was just a "game". The underlying technology didn't matter, all that mattered was that it worked. Without more emphasis on HIVE in game, I feel like SPL players will continue to sleep on it.
As a HIVE newb, but a SPL veteran, I feel like the only way we're going to achieve a better balance of SPS to HIVE is to have an in game mechanic that encourages staking HIVE and gives a "benefit" to having HP.
As I contemplated this today before making a reply, it occurred to me that a great "incentive" would be an increase to maximum ENERGY on a sliding scale based on player HP. Since SPL energy and HP both sound like resources, it would make sense that they could be interconnected. You could even then factor this into energy regeneration rate with a calculation like (50 energy max = 1hr / energy regeneration) whereas (100 energy max = 30 min / energy regeneration). With 100 energy being the max and 50 being the min, and energy max increase going on a sliding scale similar to SPS requirements vs battle rewards multiplier; easy to make a slight increase, but progressively more HP required as your energy approaches max. This is just a thought, but I'm sure there could be other levers applied to encourage HP. IN FACT, now I'm going to do my own post all about what I just wrote along with other ideas since I've been enjoying writing on HIVE so much lately lol.
Anyways, it was an informative article. I look forward to more ideas on how to encourage / prod the Splinterlands community into further HIVE investment and interaction!


Yes, ignorance is fine for a time being. However, when ingorance runs for 6-7-8 years even after repeated attempts of hand holding, what do you call it?

I am not talking about you obviously. You aren't here for 8 years. But there are others who are ignorant after 8 years. And yet there are still other who exploited this ignorance by farming hive by calling themselves 'players'. I will say that is an the expense of real players like yourself.

I am glad you are beginning the see the light. Knowledge is power. But a bigger question is: what are you going to do with that power?