I have been interested in seeing the Hive HP distribution among Splinterlands players for a while. However, I can only get top 200 staked SPS holders from public sources. Soon that is going to be changing as I am told, and the Splinterlands team is going to change the API call from top 200 richlist to top 1000 richlist. Thanks to @cryptomancer, he manually extracted the top 1000 richlist for me yesterday. Now that we have beebalanced, we can extract any data if we have a list (please don't use a long list randomly, and the page will crash).
So below is the plot of top 1000 hive stakeholders and their hive holding as of today. Just a few min ago @psilence mentioned (sorry bud, I didn't mean to put you on the spot, but you can use some publicity)
If there is no need to hold HIVE, I can see why many SPL players wouldn't [hold hive]
Well the plot above certainly shows that. So Psilence's observation is correct. But my point is that his statement, and most players's action comes from a place of ignorance. Here is a good post and data describing that.
Here @seattlea shows data. He projects that he currently earns about $711/yr (projected at current rate) playing splinterlands for his $8000 invested (marked to market, current value). By the way, I really like his 'marked to market' approach! However, his hive earnings are $2,405.28. He holds 6751 HP which has an estimated value of $3,268.63 (currently). However, hive doesn't really have any requirement to hold HP, but holding HP shows your commitment to the chain and support.
Back to the plots
Alright I digress! Enough of that. Let us get back to the plots. I know that plot with X-axis in linear scale is depressing! Okay okay, let me change it log-scale!
Alright, both axes are in log scale now, and you can see the names clearly. If you think you have more than 130,039 staked SPS, you can ask me, and if I find time, I can highlight you account.
Yeah currently 130,039 is the base of top 1000 stake SPS. Also top 1000 holds 741,153,670 SPS. Here are the 'big-dogs' of SPS, they hold 27% of 'meaningful stake' together.
Last September 2024 I wrote this post. Over on that post linked before, there was this data.
84 accounts hold HP >10,000 Hive
215 accounts hold HP >1000 Hive
505 accounts hold HP >100 Hive
731 accounts hold HP >10 Hive
817 accounts hold HP >1 Hive
Today we can look at this data again.
Accounts Holding HP | Sep 08, 2024 | Jan 31, 2025 |
>10,000 | 84 | 78 |
>1000 | 215 | 205 |
>100 | 505 | 490 |
>10 | 731 | 721 |
>1 | 817 | 796 |
Are we doing better with time? No. But the decline is slight within each classes. Also classes are log-scale, which is perhaps too broad. When I find more time I will look into this in more detail.
I was sincerely hoping the proposal would change this situation but then again SPS has been performing extremely poorly so its maybe not strange that players arent open to more investment into Hive.
I think last year my Hive and SPS assets were the same value. Now theyre probably not even 20% of the Hive value and I havent sold anything. I did buy though.
SPS needs to go up, im sure that will change things for the better.
Yes agree. Also like to add that we are just beginning to add positive changes to the SL community. Only beginning to perform "strategic curation" from SL accounts. I think in 6 months to a year we will see these numbers swing
New Goal for 2025: 135k SPS and 1000 HP staked to get into those categories :-D
Another very interesting article, thank you so much for putting all that together and out! Btw, I did update my profile after you pointed that out :-D Haven't had time to write about other things yet, but will get there :-)
born in Germany, studied Environmental Sciences with focus on water chemistry, migrated to Ecuador in 2013, started an artisan bakery in 2014 which is still going strong, father since 2018. Love to talk philosophy, communication, parenting, stock market and Splinterlands. Newbie on Hive and Crypto and all that, but a decent Splinterlands-Player.
See, now I feel like a know at least a bit more about you. That wasn't hard was it? :)
I have two daughters 9 and 13. I am originally from India, but in the US for the last 25 years.
Thanks to you, I've closed in on 3K HP faster than I would have expected so I appreciate the support. With this recent Hive dip, I'm thinking of topping up and doing regular DCAs over time. It's been fun exploring some of the other projects on the platform and I do hope with a new crypto friendly administration the blockchain will get more attention.
Good plan. Demonstrate your long term commitment for the chain.
Sometimes please calculate how much you are earning from hive. As you know hive doesn’t have any investment requirements, unlike Splinterlands
You think a post maybe once a month both showing what was earned by being active or dca into Hive would be helpful?
It is mostly for yourself, No fixed time window is required. It is entirely upto you.
That's actually not a bad idea for a video. My hope would be to inspire more Splinterlands players to be active on Hive if they see there are incentives to grow on the platform while also being social.
I do wish there was more synergy between both SL & Hive. Just not sure how exactly.
I would love to see more of the SP community active on the chain utilizing the other aspects it offers. But how do you get that message across without confusing new players?
Here I think existing players are a better bet. As you can see from the plot there are only 78 players hold more than 10K HP which is a tiny number. After 7 years this shouldn’t be. Especially when you have received substantial DHF support.
I think I am making slow progress in getting people interested in posting. Rewards are substantial. Help me spread the word please!
Will do sir. I always do already…
I’m like a walking & talking billboard for the Hive ecosystem in real life. Lol
I have a bit more HIVE than that, but it is off-site at the moment doing something else :)
However, the log scale makes it seem healthier than it is. Really only 78 with more than 10K?
You can almost count. 78 it is.
Circle size is reputation.
Yeah, I am just surprised that there are only 78, considering where the game has got a lot of its early funding from. I would have expected more to power up a bit at least over the last what, 7 years?
Until the DHF proposal, the concept of 'belonging' was low, it is still low. SPSP is very top heavy as well.
18 people above 5M SPSP controls 33% of the stake.
This is the problem building a game that puts earning above everything else.
I feel that in order to build that sense of community, they need a public facing (not discord) community to rally around. Since @khaleelkazi (InLeo) and @splinterlands are doing a bit of a collab, perhaps there could be a dedicated Splinterlands frontend built from the Leo template.
Similar to the Join INLEO, Earn Dash template, we launched “Join INLEO, Earn SPS”
Effectively, we’ve made a “Splinterlands Skin” that can get you the best of both worlds - a UI built and managed by INLEO but feels native to Splinterlands as it’s themed in their theme and earnings are displayed as SPS along with being able to buy premium with SPS
Oh Please! Don't get me started on Leo :)
If you ever want to do a podcast and air this out, I’ve always been down. I don’t know where the hate arises from but I bet a 60 minute live call talking like humans could squash whatever beef exists
INLEO’s just trying to build a great business on Hive that benefits both communities.
I’m always available to do a call and talk to anyone. Communication resolves all issues.
Excited to see my name in the log-scale!
I'm honestly surprised that every HP account shrank over the last 5 months. I genuinely would have thought this bullish market would bring people back to both Hive and Splinterlands. I've definitely seen an uptick in activity in other blockchain projects I'm involved with.
I think it could be parly attributed to recent rally in hive. Whenever hive rallies, people tend to take some profits.
Oh, that makes sense. I thought people were leaving Hive and/or Splinterlands completely... but they're probably all just dropping down a group or two.
I think for now that is my conclusion.
easy peasey!
Excellent post, I am currently among the 2,303 largest SPS holders and 2,086 in the SPS staked ranking, with 48k551 SPS total (48k547 staked) and more 1k858 sps in the pool sps/swap.hive, and ke of 1.14, my focus is on accelerating the amount of SPS in a few months, in addition to reaching the "dolphin" classification in the hive soon.
Azircon, I have two questions, first, do you have data on which countries have the most active accounts in Splinterlands?
Second question, following the Splinterlands update reports, I saw that we had a lot of progress in bug fixes in mobile versions, will we soon be able to have a Splinterlands interconnected with the hive in the Playstore?
This is hard in any database we have. No information in taken from where the users are. But there is a solution possible. You have a brazilian discord. You can provide me with the list of account names. Similarly, I can go to Phillippines discord, and get a list from there. Once I have a list (it will be incomplete) I can post that list, and people can add names to that list.
I don't know. It would be good if it does.
I'm glad to see our little back and forth elicited such a discussion! I would more identify with your characterization of "ignorance" over "stupidity". I think a lot of people genuinely just don't know about HIVE, how it works, or why it's used. When I first started playing SPL, it was just a "game". The underlying technology didn't matter, all that mattered was that it worked. Without more emphasis on HIVE in game, I feel like SPL players will continue to sleep on it.
As a HIVE newb, but a SPL veteran, I feel like the only way we're going to achieve a better balance of SPS to HIVE is to have an in game mechanic that encourages staking HIVE and gives a "benefit" to having HP.
As I contemplated this today before making a reply, it occurred to me that a great "incentive" would be an increase to maximum ENERGY on a sliding scale based on player HP. Since SPL energy and HP both sound like resources, it would make sense that they could be interconnected. You could even then factor this into energy regeneration rate with a calculation like (50 energy max = 1hr / energy regeneration) whereas (100 energy max = 30 min / energy regeneration). With 100 energy being the max and 50 being the min, and energy max increase going on a sliding scale similar to SPS requirements vs battle rewards multiplier; easy to make a slight increase, but progressively more HP required as your energy approaches max. This is just a thought, but I'm sure there could be other levers applied to encourage HP. IN FACT, now I'm going to do my own post all about what I just wrote along with other ideas since I've been enjoying writing on HIVE so much lately lol.
Anyways, it was an informative article. I look forward to more ideas on how to encourage / prod the Splinterlands community into further HIVE investment and interaction!
Yes, ignorance is fine for a time being. However, when ingorance runs for 6-7-8 years even after repeated attempts of hand holding, what do you call it?
I am not talking about you obviously. You aren't here for 8 years. But there are others who are ignorant after 8 years. And yet there are still other who exploited this ignorance by farming hive by calling themselves 'players'. I will say that is an the expense of real players like yourself.
I am glad you are beginning the see the light. Knowledge is power. But a bigger question is: what are you going to do with that power?
130K? At least I am not at the very bottom of the top 1000! :)
There you are at the bottom right
I used the Bee Balanced tool and saw my KE ratio at 0.88. This year, I'll grow both my HP/Hive/HBD and SPS as my goal.
good plan.
Wow what numbers!😱
I hold for the moment 8586 SPS and 305 HP, but slowly i will grow... that's for sure!
I am thinking to stop buying cards for a while and start investing in SPS... what do you think?
The answer is: it depends...
Here is my opinion
reasonable advice
Thanks a lot for the advice!
I hope that I will once again reach 10+k HP again by the end of the year. The actual goal is 12k but that seems not very realistic.
I say that is a reasonable goal.
Those are some great returns if you ask me. $711 return a year for playing a game, awesome stuff. That sure beats spending $80 on a console game and then a year later seeing it in the $20 bargain bin. The Currency earned for creating content displayed above is looking nice as well. Most people spend on their hobbies not earn from them like we on the Hive Blockchain do.
Yes. But we already know this. Trick is the spread the news outside of us
I agree on the idea of @psilence regarding the HP : Energy "synergy". An increment in energy based on HP would be encouraging for players to powerup on a regular basis. This would be a great start.
I love the details on your posts. This is an incredible work.
You should be proud of yourself.
Still a ways to go, but I just made a little jump at least. Market dips are for conviction buys.
This weekend, between hours at the park and a few restless nights, I finally took the time to carefully go through all the insights you've been sharing—and wow, what an eye-opener! 🚀
At first, I felt a bit of regret for not committing to #Hive sooner. But rather than looking back, I'm choosing to focus on the future and take action. Strengthening our Power in #Hive is crucial if we want to have a real voice in shaping the future of blockchain—whether it's AI integration, Twitter connections, Video Shorts...
I truly appreciate your work and the perspective you've shared. It has inspired me to contribute more and help the HIVE/Splinterlands community grow stronger together. Excited for what’s ahead! 💪🔥
Agent Beffeater signing off! VONAK!"