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RE: Hive Holding of Splinterlands Players 3.0

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Here @seattlea shows data. He projects that he currently earns about $711/yr (projected at current rate) playing splinterlands for his $8000 invested (marked to market, current value). By the way, I really like his 'marked to market' approach! However, his hive earnings are $2,405.28. He holds 6751 HP which has an estimated value of $3,268.63 (currently). However, hive doesn't really have any requirement to hold HP, but holding HP shows your commitment to the chain and support.

Those are some great returns if you ask me. $711 return a year for playing a game, awesome stuff. That sure beats spending $80 on a console game and then a year later seeing it in the $20 bargain bin. The Currency earned for creating content displayed above is looking nice as well. Most people spend on their hobbies not earn from them like we on the Hive Blockchain do.


Yes. But we already know this. Trick is the spread the news outside of us