Community Engagement Challenge: Raise the level! Power also increases! / コミュニティ エンゲージメント チャレンジ: レベルを上げればパワーも上がる!

in Splinterlands21 days ago

Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Support Articles

Since the theme of this issue is about card levels, I will explain what I usually pay attention to. I assume that it will help beginners who are just starting out to figure out which cards to buy and level.


Also, we are assuming that you will be playing at the Silver League level (Lv5 for commons, Lv4 for rares, Lv3 for epics, and Lv2 for legends), so please read with that in mind.


Now there's no longer a level cap by league, but there's a cap on the level of samoner that can be used. I am using a rare Summoner lvl 4, so I am limited to the above levels.



Now, to raise the level of a card, we synthesize the same card. Let's try to raise the level of PELACOR CONJURER.

さて、カードのレベルを上げるには同じカードを合成します。試しに PELACOR CONJURER さんのレベルを上げてみましょう。

combine cards

To synthesize a card, select it and click on the icon circled in red. In this example, the level is increased from 3 to 5, the HP is increased by +1, and the card learns Magic Reflect.

合成するにはカードを選択してから赤丸で囲ったアイコンをクリックして合成します。この例だと、3から5にレベルが上がりHPが+1上昇、さらにMagic Reflect を覚えています。

It has more HP, more durability, and can counterattack against magic attacks. It has become an even better tank.


You raise the card level like this, but there is one caveat.
If the usable level by the Summoner card is exceeded, the level will be restricted. Before raising the level, you should also check the status of the Summoner you are going to use.



For example, if I use this GENERAL SLOAN Lv4, I can use Mr. PELACOR CONJURER's ability to the fullest because the common card limit is Lv5, but if I use Lv2 Summoner, I cannot use Magic Reflect because of the level limit to Lv3.

例えばこのSLOANさんLv4を使った場合、コモンカードの上限はLv5になるので、PELACOR CONJURER さんの能力を万全に使えますが、Lv2のサモナーを使った場合はLv3にレベル制限がかかってMagic Reflectが使えません。

So, if you want to raise the level of your monsters, please make sure that you check the available level of the summoner.



Have you figured out how to raise the level? Then the next step is which card to raise the level of.


Basically, it is beneficial if the attack power is increased when the level is raised, or if excellent abilities are learned. Especially when the attack power is increased from 1 to 2, it is recommended to raise it, because if the damage is halved by Shield or Void, the attack power of 1 will be 0 damage.


And I will give you an example of what specific monsters it is effective to raise the level of.



In the case of GARGOYA LION, its attack power increases to 2 at lvl 3, and it learns the void ability at lvl 5. Lv4 gives +1 armor, but you can't really feel the effect.

GARGOYA LION の場合はLv3で攻撃力が2に上がり、Lv5でVoidアビリティを覚えます。なのでLv3かLv5をまでレベルを上げると効率がいいですね。Lv4ではアーマーが+1されますがあまり効果が実感できませんしね。

And one more thing that is not so obvious but affects the win rate is the effect on the order of attack. This is going to be a very messy subject, so I'll make it simple.


  1. the one with the higher speed attacks first.
  2. attack in the order of magic>distance>melee
  3. higher rarity attacks first.
  4. higher level attacks first.
  1. スピードが速い方が先に攻撃。
  2. 魔法>遠距離>近接の順に攻撃。
  3. レアリティが高い方が先に攻撃。
  4. レベルが高い方が先に攻撃。

It is. This is where level comes into play.
For example, if you have a GARGOYA LION Lv. 2 and your opponent has a GARGOYA LION Lv. 1, you can certainly attack first, although they are the same monster and have the same speed.

例えばあなたが GARGOYA LION のLv2、相手が GARGOYA LION のLv1を入れている場合、同じモンスターでスピードも同じですが確実にあなたが先に攻撃できます。

Sometimes we get into fistfights with the same monster, and the one with the higher level can definitely attack first. For more details, please read the article I wrote a long time ago.


Social Media Challenge! - The order of attack is very important / ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ - 攻撃順序はとても重要


The following is a summary of the points for raising the level explained so far.


  • Raise your level to match Summoner's usable level. If you exceed the usable level, you will be level-limited at the time of battle.
  • If the attack power is increased, it should be prioritized. Especially when going up from 1 to 2, it is very effective against enemies with Shield and Void abilities.
  • It is also very effective when abilities are added. It is good to give priority especially when learning excellent abilities such as Void, Shield, and Heal.
  • If you are in the same monster confrontation, the one with the higher level can hit first, so it is good to keep this in the corner of your mind.
  • Extra. Gold Foil cards are sometimes cheaper, so please check.
  • サモナーの使用可能レべルに合わせてレベルを上げる。使用可能レベルを超えてしまうとバトル時にレベル制限がかかります。
  • 攻撃力が上がる場合は優先すると良いです。特に1から2に上がる場合は対Shield、Voidアビリティ的にとても有効。
  • アビリティが追加される場合も効果が大きいですね。特にVoid、Shield、Healなどの優秀なアビリティを覚える場合は優先して良いと思います。
  • 同じモンスター対決になった場合はレベルが高い方が先に殴れるので頭の片隅にでも置いておくと良いです。
  • おまけ。金枠カードのほうが安くつく場合もあるので要確認。

It is a good idea to take the above into account to raise the level of effectiveness.


By raising the level of cards in this way, the advantage will accumulate little by little and affect the winning rate. You don't have to understand everything from the beginning, but if you collect cards little by little and raise their level, a little advantage will accumulate and your winning rate will increase.


And so on. There are many cheap cards if they are common cards, so please try to raise your level!



The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.

以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar