This time, even players who started yesterday can do it. Or rather, I will write a tutorial that I recommend to players who have just started.
What is the recommended method?
“Write Challenge posts on your blog to get paid and get more cards.”
It's a little different from the common method, but I think it's a pretty good way to earn funds to purchase cards.
Splinterlands will be posting two Challenge articles each week: the Social Media Challenge and the Engagement Challenge. You can get a Vote from the official account by writing and commenting on an article that matches the theme of the challenge.
Splinterlands では毎週、Social Media Challenge, Engagement Challenge の2つのChallenge 記事が投稿されます。出されたお題に合わせた記事を書いてコメントすると公式アカウントからVoteが貰えるのです。
This is a very good price, and this is about what I wrote last week.
With $16.00, I can afford to max out on cheap Chaos Legion Legend cards.
The Rebellion cards are a bit more expensive, but I can still afford level 2 or so.
If it's common or rare, it's cheap, so you can buy a lot of it and help increase your odds of winning. Check out the market and you'll be 😋😋.
Then let me briefly explain how exactly you can get paid.
- an official account posts a Challenge article.
- write a blog according to the content specified in the Challenge article.
- share the article you wrote on social media.
- comment the blog URL and social media URL on the official article.
- 公式アカウントがChallenge記事をアップする。
- Challenge記事で指定された内容に合わせてブログを書く。
- ソーシャルメディアで書いた記事を共有する。
- ブログのURLとソーシャルメディアのURLを公式の記事にコメントする。
There are a few things to keep in mind, but once you get used to it, it's an easy way to earn money since the procedure is fixed except for the article content. 😉.
You can find specific examples if you read the official article properly, so I'll just point out a few points where you might inadvertently make a mistake.
- Don't forget to add tags. Basically, #Splinterlands and #Play2Earn are all you need, but sometimes you may be asked to add additional tags. Tagging is also a condition for receiving Votes, so make sure you don't forget.
- Don't forget to include your Splinterlands referral link. This is also a condition for getting a Vote. In my case, you add the Battle URL (URL with Referral) at the end of every post.
- Be careful not to put off submitting your article and miss the deadline; Votes are manual, so you may miss out on getting a Vote if you do so at the last minute, and there is a limit of two Votes per week, so it is safer to submit twice a week on a certain day of the week rather than all at once.
- You cannot post or revise more than once while your HP is low. Be sure to check your articles before submitting them to avoid inadvertent mistakes.
- Change your reward settings to 50% HBD and 50% HP. I think the default was 100% HP. 50% HBD is better because HP takes longer to withdraw.
- タグをつけ忘れない事。基本的に #Splinterlands と #Play2Earn を付ければOKなんですが、時々追加のタグを指定されることがあります。タグ付けもVoteをもらう条件ですから忘れないように確認しましょう。
- Splinterlands の紹介リンクを忘れずに含めてください。これもVoteをもらう条件に含まれているようです。私の場合は毎回最後にバトルURL(リファラル付きのURL)を付けていますね。
- 記事の投稿を後回しにして期限を過ぎないように注意です。Voteは手動なので、ぎりぎりだとVoteをもらい損ねることもありますし、Voteをもらえるのは週に2回の制限がありますのでまとめて投稿よりも毎週2回決まった曜日のほうが安心できますね。
- HPが低いうちは何度も投稿、修正ができません。うっかりミスしないように記事の投稿前にチェックは欠かさないようにしましょう。
- リワードの設定をHBD50%、HP50%に変更しておきましょう。デフォルトはHP100%だった気がします。HPは引き出すのに時間がかかるのでHBD50%のほうがいいですね。
The following is an example of PeakD settings.
That's the Default Post Reward setting above. You may also want to change the Default Snap Reward.
上記のDefault Post Reward の設定ですね。ついでにDefault Snap Rewardも変更しておくといいかもしれません。
Also, the amount of the Vote is quite variable. In my case, the reason why I received more than $30 is because I received a Vote from such an account and the price of $HIVE went up.
Also, I think it will be easier for players who are just starting out to write about anything, because the patterns that are not specific subjects, like this week's Challenge, can be written about rather easily.
Anyway, you can write anything you want.
The amount of Vote may not be very big at first, but you will get a lot as you continue.
Once you are able to write articles consistently, you are ready to go live. Withdraw your reward and buy a card.
First, go to the Wallet screen.
Withdraw HBD or HP from the Wallet screen; HBD can be withdrawn in 3 days, but it takes 13 weeks to withdraw all of HP, so plan accordingly.
The withdrawn HBD or HIVE can be DEC'd with HiveKeychain and sent to Splinterlands!
引き出したHBDまたはHIVEは HiveKeychain でDEC にしてSplinterlandsに送信すればOK!
Oh, by the way, if you want to send DEC to Splinterlands, it is better to use Splinterlands' DEC Transfer than to operate with Wallet.
あ、ちなみにSplinterlandsにDECを送る場合、Walletで操作するよりSplinterlandsのDEC Transferで操作するのが良いですよ。
The rest is fun fun fun shopping. 😍
Let's plan for more cards!
The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.
以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。
Delegate Tokens and HP to Fallen Angels to earn weekly rewards!
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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice