Social Media Challenge: Sneak up on them or take advantage of the opportunity. / 忍び寄るか機会を狙うか。

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

This season is going well and I am already up to Gold II. My win rate is also much higher than the previous season. Maybe there are more new players? Come to think of it, I think the matching is getting faster too...





I got a gold foil EPIC in Rewards! OLIVIA is so strong! I didn't really understand how mimic works, so I took this opportunity to look it up. So this ability copies the ability when you take damage. I see.

リワードで金枠のEPICが出ました! OLIVIA さんはめっちゃ強い!mimicの仕組みがよくわかってないからこの機会に調べましたよ。ダメージを受けたときに能力をコピーするのね。なるほど。


The theme of this issue is a secret that beginners can learn to jump-start their win rate. It is about Sneak and Oppotunity. do you know where the DEEPLUKER will aim with the Super Sneak rule? 🤯.

今回のテーマは初心者が覚えておけば勝率が跳ね上がる秘訣です。それはSneakとOppotunityについて。Super Sneakルールで DEEPLUKER はどこを狙うかわかりますか?🤯


In this battle, my opponent has placed a DEEPLUKER in the third position. Our lowest HP monster is ARACHNE WAVER and we have CURSED WINDEKU in the last row.

このバトルでは対戦相手が DEEPLUKER を3番目に配置しています。こちらのHPが最も低いモンスターは ARACHNE WAVER で最後尾には CURSED WINDEKU を置いています。

Do you think DEEPLUKER will attack ARACHNE? Or do you think he will attack WINDEKKU and take counterattack damage?

DEEPLUKER は ARACHNE を攻撃すると思いますか?それとも WINDEKKUを攻撃して反撃ダメージを受けると思いますか?

As for me, I have the Sneak ability, so I want to attack the tail end and take the damage with Thorns. What would happen?


Sneak or Oppotunity

You have attacked WINDEKU at the tail end. Just as planned. 😉

最後尾の WINDEKU を攻撃してきましたね。計画通りです。😉

In fact, if you have both Sneak and Oppotunity, the target of the attack is not random but determined by the priority of the abilities.



Have you seen this image before? This is a summary of how the ability to limit targets changes in a battle with rules that limit targets.


For monsters with both Sneak and Oppotunity, Sneak takes precedence... I thought Fog of War was changed so that Oppotunity also disappears?

SneakとOppotunityの両方を持つモンスターはSneakが優先... あれ?Fog of War はOppotunityも消えるように変更されたんじゃなかったかな?



Yeah, it's gone. This image is a bit old. please note that the Oppotunity ability also disappears under the Fog of War rules.

うん、消えてる。この画像ちょっと古いね。Fog of War はOppotunityアビリティも消えますのでご注意ください。

Get back on track.


I often wonder which is more effective, Sneak or Oppotunity, but it is Sneak that is more effective. Remember that Sneak is the strongest in melee attacks. Remember that Sneak is the strongest in melee attacks, followed by Oppotunity and finally Reach.


Thus, the Equal Oppotuniry and SuperSneak rules change the target from what it would normally be, making it impossible to use strategies that would normally be effective. For example, if you want to defeat the enemy recovery monster with priority in Oppotunity, you will not be able to defeat the recovery player because you are forced to attack at the tail end. 😱

このようにEqual Oppotuniry と SuperSneakルールは普段とターゲットが変わってしまうので普段なら有効な戦略が使えなくなります。例えばOppotunityで敵の回復モンスターを優先で倒したいと思っても、最後尾に攻撃することを強制されるので回復役を倒せなくなっちゃいますね。😱

It's complicated with multiple rules and multiple abilities, but if you just remember this for now, you're good to go!


  • SchatterShot > Sneak > Snipe > Oppotunity > Reach
  • Equal Oppotunity rule works on all melee, long range, and magic.
  • Super Sneak rule only affects melee attacks.
  • SchatterShot>Sneak>Snipe>Oppotunity>Reach
  • Equal Oppotunityルールは近接、遠距離、魔法すべてに効果あり。
  • Super Sneakルールは近接攻撃にのみ効果がある。

If you can remember this, your odds of winning will explode! 😉



The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.

以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice