There was a system update on 2025-02-04. There is a new training mode, a change in the minimum rental price, fixes for bugs, etc.
2025-02-04 にシステムのアップデートがありました。新しいトレーニングモードだったり、レンタル料の最低価格変更、不具合の修正 などなど。
Personally, I'm really interested in the training mode, I wrote an article about 2 weeks ago about how you can practice in challenge mode, and now they've added a practice mode as it is. 😍
It looks pretty useful, so I'll do a little more research and then put together some more details.
Well, the biggest thing about the 2025-02-04 update seems to be the training mode. It was written at the top of the update contents.
Modern Ghost has been added to ALLOWED CARDS in Challenge Mode so you can practice using cards you don't have. It's great! I was talking about the new training mode. I don't have to practice in challenge mode anymore. 😅
チャレンジモードの ALLOWED CARDS に Modern Ghost が追加されて持ってないカードも使って練習できる。凄い!って話をしていたとおもったら、トレーニングモードが追加されたので。わざわざチャレンジモードで練習する必要はなくなってしまいましたね。😅
The training mode will be very useful for those who want to practice alone and silently. The opponents are probably all bots, but they don't consume energy, and you can choose the difficulty level. And above all, matching is fast! If you don't need to earn rewards, you can play for a long time...?
Also, you can see your opponent's name in ranked battles, the minimum rental price is now 1 DEC, and PancakeSwap and UniSwap have been added to the SPS page. There are also a few other minor bug fixes.
So, my concern is that the minimum rental price is now 1 DEC. This is a reflection of what was passed in the past.
SPS Governance Proposal - Update Minimum Rental Price from .1 DEC to 1 DEC
Yesterday you could rent a card with a minimum price of 0.1 DEC, but from today it is 1 DEC. That's 10 times more! 😱
昨日までは最低価格が 0.1 DEC で借りる事が出来たカードが今日からは 1 DEC です。まさに10倍!😱
Nevertheless, DEC's highest price ever was $0.01654, so now it is 1/25th of that price. With that in mind, the minimum price revision was a good thing, wasn't it?
And since we need 1 DEC to put it on the rental market, we don't need to offer it at a price lower than that.
とはいえ、DECの過去最高価格が $0.01654 ですから、今はその時の1/25です。そう思えば最低価格の改定はありなんじゃないかな?
それにレンタルに並べるために 1 DEC 必要ですからそれ以下の値段で出す必要もないしね。
With that in mind, I looked at Peakmonsters...
There's a 0.1 DEC? 🤔
But I tried to see if I could rent it and it *wasn't rented properly. ** So that's a relief. 🤣 By the way, it seems to be handled properly on the official side, and there was no listing below 1 DEC/day.
でもレンタル出来るか試してみたらちゃんと レンタルできませんでした。 だから一安心。🤣 ちなみにちゃんと公式の方では対応されているようで、1 DEC/day より下はリストされていませんでした。
I guess Peakmonsters is still seeing data from people who have set up rentals in the past. But I expect that skipping the rental setup transaction is failing because it's not being accepted by the officials.
Back to the story.
Therefore, the rental fee is now at least 1 DEC/day, so those who have been renting a large number of Chaos Legion cards for a low price may see their expenses go up a bit. On the other hand, those who have been renting cards will see their income increase a little because the price of renting cards will go up. Maybe.
そういうわけでレンタル料金が最低でも 1 DEC/day になったので枚数の多いカオスレギオンのカードを借りて安く済ませてた人はちょっと経費が上がるかもしれません。逆にレンタルに出していた人は借りてもらえる価格が上がるので少し収入が増えます。多分。
Until now, cards with too low rental rates, such as the SPIRIT HOARDER low-level card I used as an example above, have been a waste of time to list.
今まではあまりにもレンタル料金が低いカード達、例えば上で例に出した SPIRIT HOARDER 低レベルなんかは出すだけ損だったよね。
If I list a card for 1 DEC but the rental fee is 0.1 DEC, I don't make any profit even if I rent it for 10 days. 15 days per season is only 0.5 DEC total profit. 😡.
1 DEC でリストしても 0.1 DEC では10日でやっと出品のコスト。1シーズン、15日借りてもらえても 0.5 DEC のプラスです。0.5 DEC にしかならないなら自分で使っちゃうよ?😡
But if you get 1 DEC, you get 14 DEC in one season! 🤣 Well, those who would put their cards on the table for a rental may not be pleased with 14 DEC, but if it's a little extra, I'd like to see them actively put it on the table for a rental.
しかし、 1 DEC になれば 1シーズンで 14 DEC も貰えるよ!🤣 まぁ、レンタルにカードを出すような人は 14 DEC では喜ばないかもしれないけど、少しでもプラスになるなら積極的にレンタルに出してほしいとこだよね。
The biggest problem so far has been that other cards were not borrowed because they were left out of the 0.1 DEC. I guess SPIRIT HOARDER is a legendary card, so it is unlikely to be left unattended, but common and rare cards are likely to be left unattended. I wouldn't be inclined to list a card for rent in this situation, even if there were a few cards left over.
これまで一番問題だったのは 0.1 DEC で出されたカードが放置されているせいで他のカードが借りられていなかったこと。 SPIRIT HOARDER なんかはレジェンドカードだから放置されることは少ないだろうけど、コモンカードやレアカードは放置気味だったと思われます。こんな状態じゃ多少カードが余っていてもレンタルに出す気にはならないよね。
And Chaos Legion has a crazy number of cards and many of the people who were playing during that period are retired. So I think there are a lot of cards that were listed and left out in the 0.1 DEC. The best part is that all of them are now exempt from this measure.
しかもカオスレギオンは枚数がめちゃくちゃ多いうえにその時期にプレイしていた人は引退者が多い。そのため 0.1 DEC でリストされ放置されているカードがたくさんあると思うんだよね。それが今回の対策ですべて対象外となったのが一番いいところ。
I hope this measure will help the rentals to turn out well. I wonder if the actual impact will be felt after the Conclave Arcana is released?
I'll have to check it out!
The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.
以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar