I see you've added a new rule to the Challenge article: people who think long-term to grow the Hive ecosystem will be valued.
But it says, “Check your past rewards earned and the Hive Power (HP) you currently hold.” I'm too scared to read that. I'd feel a little disappointed if I'm going to be negatively evaluated if I use the rewards I've earned from blogging as DEC to pay for the purchase of cards.
でも、「過去に獲得した報酬と現在保有している Hive Power (HP) を確認します。」って書いてあるのが怖すぎる。ブログで得た報酬をDECにしてカード購入費用に充ててもマイナス評価されるんだったらちょっと残念な気分になるよ。
Now, let's review the procedure for turning SPS earned in battle into DEC. This article is for those who just bought a spell book and started earning SPS. If you are wondering if you should start now, please refer to this article.
First of all, please refer to this article for instructions on how to purchase a spellbook.
Once you purchase a spellbook, you can get SPS as a reward for winning ranked battles, and once you have SPS, you can exchange SPS for DEC to purchase cards. However, there are various ways to exchange SPS for DEC, and the fees are quite different. Did you know that? Below are the ways to convert SPS to DEC.
How to exchange SPS for DEC on the CONVERT SPS TO DEC
The first method is to exchange SPS for DEC on the CONVERT SPS TO DEC screen. After logging in, go to the SPS Dashboard screen, press CONVERT, and then exchange SPS to DEC on the CONVERT screen after moving on.
まず最初に CONVERT SPS TO DEC 画面でSPSをDECに交換する方法。ログインした後にSPS ダッシュボード画面へ行って CONVERT を押下した後、移動後のコンバート画面でSPSをDECに交換する方法です。
The easiest way, but actually quite costly: a fixed price of 1,000 DEC for $1, from which a fee of 2.5% is taken to get 975 DEC. 1,000 DEC per $1, so you would exchange it for DEC at $0.001, but in the Hive blockchain market, DEC is $0 .00076 or so. This means that if you send to Hive blockchain to exchange, you will get almost 25% more DECs.
一番簡単な方法ですが、実はかなり損です。1$で1,000DEC の固定価格、そこから手数料が2.5%とられて975DECになります。1$あたり1,000DECなので $0.001でDECに交換することになりますが、Hive blockchainの相場ではDECは $0.00076 程度です。つまり、Hive blockchainへ送って交換すれば25%近くDECがたくさん貰えるという事です。
How to send to Hive blockchain to exchange SPS for DEC
Hive blockchainへ送ってSPSをDECに交換する方法
Press TRANSFER on the SPS dashboard screen to send the SPS to the Hive blockchain. On the TRANSFER SPS screen, select InGame for From and Hive Engine for To.
SPS ダッシュボード画面で TRANSFER を押してHive blockchainへSPSを送ります。その後SPSをDECにSWAPしてからSplinterlandsにDECを送るという事になります。TRANSFER SPS画面で FromにInGameを選択し、ToにHive Engineを選択します。
The reason why I have to send it to you is because the wallet in Splinterlands is different from the wallet used in Hiveblockchain. Very roughly speaking, the diagram above shows that the cards and tokens that Splinterlands uses in the game are kind of in a separate group called Splinterlands. So the wallets are separate.
But since it is a member of HIVE blockchain, you can use SPS for various services if you send SPS to the HIVE blockchain wallet. In this case, you are exchanging the SPS you sent for DEC.
でも、HIVE blockchainの仲間なのでSPSをHIVE blockchainのお財布へ送ればいろんなサービスでSPSが使えるのです。今回は送ったSPSをDECに交換するってことですね。
So I will swap it with HIVE Keychain or BeeSwap.
というわけで、HIVE KeychainやBeeSwapで交換してみます。
On the left is the SWAP screen that comes with Hive Keychain, and on the right is the BeeSwap screen. since the Fee is different, you get a better deal using BeeSwap. If you press the SWAP button here, 100 SPS will be reduced from your HIVE Keychain wallet and DEC will be increased.
左がHive Keychain付属のSWAP画面で、右はBeeSwapの画面ですね。Feeが違うのでBeeSwapを使うほうがお得になっていますね。ここでSWAPボタンを押せばHIVE Keychainのお財布から100SPSが減り、DECが増えます。
You then send this DEC to Splinterlands, but this is where you might make a mistake: you operate on the Splinterlands screen, not the HiIVE blockchain service.
その後はSplinterlandsにこのDECを送るわけですが、ここがちょっと間違えそうなところ。HiIVE blockchainのサービスではなく、Splinterlandsの画面で操作します。
Press TRANSFER on the DEC dashboard screen to receive SPS from the Hive blockchain. the key is to select Hive Engine for From and InGame for To on the TRANSFER DEC screen.
DEC ダッシュボード画面で TRANSFER を押してHive blockchainからSPSを受け取ります。TRANSFER DEC 画面で FromにHive Engineを選択し、ToにInGameを選択することがポイントです。
Finally, press Confirm and the DEC will be sent to Splinterlans wallet and the DEC in the game will increase. This completes the exchange. Now you can rent or buy cards. 😉
The images below include the BATTLE URL with a referral link.
If you are thinking of getting started, take a look at the BATTLE before you sign up.
以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。
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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar