Track down the strongest boxer of primates hiding deep in the jungle! / 密林の奥に潜む霊長類最強のボクサーを追え!

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge Theme: Explore and Expand Splinterlands Lore

The HIROOSHI KAWAGUCHI Expedition is an expedition to unveil the mysteries of Praetoria's unexplored regions. It is a journey that continues on, seeking something that exists beyond the roadless paths and the many obstacles that lie ahead.

川口 浩男士 探検隊はプレトリアの秘境の謎を解き明かす探検隊である。道なき道、幾多の困難を超えその先に存在する何かを求め走り続けるものである。

Jungle nature sometimes turns on the expedition team. Silent Sha-Vi lurks behind the rocks, and Mycelic Infantry has set a trap for them. However, the expedition team does not flinch from these dangers, and continues to gather what little information they can and push forward!

ジャングルの自然は時として探検隊に牙をむき襲い掛かる。岩陰に潜む SILENT SHA-VI 、 MYCELIC INFANTRY の仕掛けた罠。しかし、探検隊はそれらの危険にもひるまず、わずかな情報を拾い集め突き進むのである!


It is said that the strongest boxer called LOBB LOWLAND lives in the northern part of the Great Lowlands, in an area called the Endless Valley.

グレートローランドの北部、エンドレスバレーと呼ばれる地域に LOBB LOWLAND と呼ばれる最強のボクサーが住むという。

His punches are said to be powerful enough to blow off the upper half of his body with a single blow. However, violence is not his only virtue. He is also an intelligent gentleman who uses his intelligent thinking to lead a band of lowland gorillas to protect the jungle.



Yes, LOBB LOWLAND is a lowland gorilla. And he is an intelligent forest sage who can fluently speak the common language and converse!

そう、 LOBB LOWLAND はローランドゴリラなのだ。そして、流暢に言葉を共通語を操り会話もできる知性ある森の賢者なのである!

With this information, our expedition will head deep into the dangerous jungle to meet him, the most powerful man in the world. If we can make peaceful contact with him, he will not be able to wield his terrifying power against us.



One week in the jungle and still no LOBB. However, this morning, we found the remains of a camp. It was the remains of a human camp. I wonder if there are people living here or not...

ジャングルに入って一週間、いまだ LOBB には会えていない。しかし、今日の午前、キャンプ跡を発見した。人のキャンプ跡である。こんなところに住む人がいるのだろうかそれとも...

A moment later, a scream echoes through the jungle! Screams that do not seem to be human, but certainly human! What on earth had happened?


We rushed toward the sound of the voices!



I rushed to the scene. A group of lowland gorillas were fighting what appeared to be poachers. There, we saw what we thought was a group of lowland gorillas fighting what we thought were poachers!


Poachers have had their heads blown off and their arms pulled off and died with looks of terror and pain on their faces from that horrifyingly violent blow. The poachers are fighting back, but are unable to hit the target at all, being tossed about by the quick, three-dimensional movements of the gorillas.


As we were astonished to see how fast and powerful jungle gorillas are, we suddenly felt a presence behind us! Yes, we were surrounded!
Among them was a gorilla who was one size larger than the others. I wondered if he was LOBB. I looked into the gorilla's eyes and I spoke.

その中に他より一回り体の大きいゴリラがいた。彼が LOBB だろうか。隊員に動くなと命じて私はそのゴリラの目を見て私は話した。

"We are not poachers. We heard that there is a Lowland gorilla leader who speaks the language LOBB LOWLAND, and we came to talk with him."

「我々は密猟者ではない、 LOBB LOWLAND という言葉を話すローランドゴリラの指導者がいると聞き話しを聞きに来たのだ。」

The big gorilla looked at me for a while without speaking a word, but without tearing off our limbs. It left quietly.


Perhaps he was LOBB LOWLAND. I don't think his eyes, with their intelligence and intelligence, were anything else. However, even if I chased after him, I could not catch up with him and there was even a possibility that he might attack me. It is a miracle that we are safe now.

おそらく彼が LOBB LOWLAND だったのだろう。あの知性を知性を感じる目はそれ以外のものとは思えない。しかし、追いかけたところで追いつけない上に襲われる可能性さえある。いま、無事であるのが奇跡なのだ。

He wondered if he would be able to have a conversation with him someday, and he stared at the jungle where he had gone.



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以下の画像をは紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLを含みます。



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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar