Splinterlands Strategies: Buy Summoners before it's Too Late!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

For the past few weeks, I have been buying Summoners off the 'used' market. When I say 'Summoners' I mean the affordable types, that is the Rare Chaos Legion ones.

Let me say that for the moment I plough any DEC rewards I get back into Splinterlands in the form of more NFT's. I trust this project as it's mature and possibly one of the oldest blockchain games in existence.


Why Summoners? There are several reasons.

Historically there has always been a demand. If you desire to get ahead and get out of that Bronze league that's dominated by excellent (and annoying) honed BOT's then you need the edge.


...'a Level 2 Tarsa will enable you to command higher level monsters as highlighted by the green line'...

A Level 2 Summoner will allow you to command higher-level monsters and that's what you will need to kick the arses of these annoying automated 'players'.

Even with your edge, you may struggle to get out of Bronze, such is the proficiency of these robot players who use the mana restrictions and limited cards they have using pre-defined structured tactics to get their win.

I rent out several sets of Level 2 Summoners; they are cheap for new players to use make use of and go some ways to remove the tedium of being systematically thrashed over and over again.

Someone mentioned in Discord that the new player experience is not fun. I have to agree, but there are cheap ways around it. Don't take this shit, rent some cheap summoners and buy the monsters.., they are cheap enough for now.

L2 Renters.JPG

...'I rent out several sets of Level 2 Summoners. In time they will change to Level 3 and 4. There is a method to the madness'...

If you think I get off on renting my Summoners at less than a double-digit ROA then you are mistaken.

Life for renters has been one of diminishing returns for some time but Summoners are in more demand the higher they are levelled.

Their price comes at a cost, one that some players are unwilling to pay in terms of ownership.

Higher Level Summoners.JPG

As we look at higher level Summoners then we can see the ROA of rent is better. General Sloan is the cheapest of the Chaos Legion ones and arguably has the worst stats.

My relentless buying of Summoners however has another purpose and that is due to the forthcoming Land expansion.

As I had been suspecting all along, I noted with interest this little titbit of information from the latest Splinterlands AMA.


Each PLOT is going to require a Summoner to control that piece of land. If you own any PLOT are you going to want a Level 1 Summoner to do the business or one that is higher level?

When Land is released sometime later this year the players will still be playing and using their current Summoners.

They will then be faced with the little problem of their PLOT requiring extra Summoners. They are not going to materialise out of thin air and as I see it there will be a lot of buying pressure for them thus raising their price.

I currently own 45 PLOT and I know these will be varied types of land once the reveal has taken place.

As there are SIX splinters, let’s say that I get 7 or 8 of each type of land.

Let us take Fire as an example and make the assumption that a volcano-type land requires a Fire summoner to control it and its working minions.

I would need 7 or 8 decent levelled Tarsa’s to start the land working for me and producing the materials I want.


...'no summoners are cheap, but for now they are... relatively speaking'...

If I wanted max level Tarsa’s, then that would be 115 BCX * 7, a total of 805 BCX. The cheapest Tarsa is around $3.40 and they quickly move up to $3.80.

Assuming the median price to be $4, I can see it’s going to cost me around $3220 to get the Summoner workers I need.

… and that's just to optimise 7 PLOT with mid-priced Summoners.

I never said Splinterlands was a cheap game and with the introduction of Land it's going to be much worse!

If you are one of those lucky people who bought a TRACT or even a REGION in the pre-sale then hats off to you.


...'being a REGION owner is not going to be cheap. Expect to dish out LOTS of cash if you want the land to be bountiful'...

At the current Summoner prices, to optimise your TRACT with maximum level Tarsa's (an example), you will need 11500 BCX at $4 each.

It’s only about $46,000 so don’t worry so much, a slight dent in the wallet. REGION owners will need slightly bigger wallets at 10x this price, that’s almost half a million dollars.

… and this is at CURRENT prices. Do you think Tarsa will remain at $4?

For most players owning PLOT is not on the cards. Many players who entered the game late now need to dish out over $400 for a single piece of land.


Is it going to be worth it? Who knows.., but I think so. If I didn’t then I wouldn’t own my 45 PLOT.

So for now I will keep acquiring Summoners and so should you. One day in the none too distant future there is going to be a huge surge.

You can thank me then for telling you now ('and I should keep this valuable information to myself and shut the fuck up').


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Drooling Maniac.JPG

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You should have kept this info to yourself! Dang it! Now I am going to have to pay even more for the summoners! I guess I can't complain too much. I wouldn't have even known about it if you hadn't pointed it out! Thanks for that. I was able to get some of the summoners around $2 to $3 yesterday.

They haven't moved an inch since the post. I am no big influencer when it comes to Splinterlands!

I may have missed the boat with land, but they are really dragging out the implementation. I just think they need to make the game viable for those without a ton of cash to invest.

I heard someone saying that the bots are a good thing as it means you can always find an opponent. It does mean the number of players is inflated. I wonder how many are humans.

I missed the boat also, judging from what Ive seen in the game since joining in August, my bet is most lands when people open them, will be common, and have a value between 50-200 dollars each, while a legendary might be worth 3k-10k, and a rare 300-800. Also individual plots that are common will carry an even lower value than a contiguous group of 10 commons, so people will sell these and cycle the money into more land plot claims hoping to pull a legendary. So I will be planning to pick up cheap random commons on the land opening day. IF i had a bunch of plots, id actually sell them as people do these flips searching for legendaries, could be quite a large spread.


Some people must be investing a lot, but I will just get what I can. We will see what happens, but it's always going to be uncertain.

Interesting strategy and information on land. Thanks.
I want to own more, but at these current prices of 300-350$ I have only bought one. I would love to buy some cheaper land, and I didn’t know it will be ranked.

There is a lot to learn with Splinterlands.

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Yes its like a pack of land cards, could be common, rare, legendary rarity, and one of 8 different types, then magic or non magic or occupied, and rare chance of keep or castle. Chance its empty unoccupied also I believe. So people will want to open the plot claims hoping to get lucky with a rare or legendary but most will get commons and probably want to sell it and take their chances again on another claim. Just my theory.

I may have missed the boat with land, but they are really dragging out the implementation.

Its been going on for over a year now. Better to get it right than rush out something that will tarnish the reputation of it.

I heard someone saying that the bots are a good thing as it means you can always find an opponent. It does mean the number of players is inflated. I wonder how many are humans.

Having recently dragged 2 accounts out of Bronze into the Gold league.. I can say that until you get into Gold you are playing mostly BOTS. The coding behind them is good these days, they are tough opponents.

They are tough to beat even when they are all L1 and I have better cards. I can only get to Silver I as my best cards are all for rent. It's a bit of daily fun anyway.

Hmm, I don't find the Silver league fun at all, Gold is where the strategy starts and you have to outthink your opponent. If they are called Enminers-171, of course.. you know they are not real.

True. I think a spellbook should include some credits. Not much, but enough to rent cards.

So people can start with 10 bucks with theoretical close to every card they want (for now every card is cheap to rent).

My opponents do not have the obvious bot names we have seen in the past. I have to find some compromise between rental income and the cards I actually use to play. I'm not buying many cards though. Maybe I should before they get stupid expensive.

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Hmm, seems to make sense. Never bought a summoner until reading this.
I went in FOMO and bought a number including a few Tarsa. I like her.

Tarsa is a great summoner. A group buff (health) and another potential one depending on your playstyle is strong. I don't know why she is so cheap.

Hi @slobberchops
Thanks for the info about the land. I wasn’t active on Splinters when the first land sale launched, but I have bought one and plan to buy more. I am excited that they are announcing more details about what we will be able to do with land.

I am also buying Summoners because prices are down. And I think they appreciate the fastest.

I am also focusing on CL because the prices are better.

Thanks for the reminder that some of the markets allow bidding. I completely forgot.

I am also looking forward to the future of Splinterlands.

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CL is cheap because its in print. Watch what happens when the packs dry up. It may take some time as I feel they slightly overprinted but it will happen, esp when Land is released.


why do you do this? I want to sweep the floor and buy them cheaply.

I see little difference in the prices so far, go ahead and sweep up!

I'm right there with you, I want at least two maxed of each of these summoners, equivalent, I tend to go for one L6, one L4, one L3 and then 1 spare which = 115 BCX rather than max them out.

Getting there, using BIDS to pick up a few bargains, I just keep on eye on whatever is cheap and then move up to the top whichever is on sale, working so far.

I'm still going slow, there's plenty of time for delays and rage-sell off bargains before LAND. \


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Even at todays prices, summoners are not particularly cheap. There are plenty of other monsters I want but I am quite focused on buying them for reasons mentioned above.

It will be the same for monsters. How many of us have lots of surplus cards at decent levels as well as our playdecks? Once it's out.. everything is going to be in great demand. Rentals will increase as there will be less available.

I'm going for a bit of a spread - got my GFLs in first, then a few gold epics maxed now it's summoners, then regular legendaries next I think. Then I'll chillax and shop for a few gold rares and commons.

I think I'll give regular rares and commons a miss.

Gold Summoners? They are a tad too rich for me.., I'll stick with the regulars.

I'm only going for two of them!

I was collecting gold reward cards, but I must admit those gold legendaries fetch a high price. Gold summoners are so expensive I haven’t given them much thought, but your point is a good one. They will most likely appreciate greatly. I will look into it.

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I'm not going to go too mad on the gold summoners, they are tough buy i agree!

45 plots? That's massive if you ask me. I've been thinking of merging my own Tarsa to reach level two, I reckon I might need it to permanently get out of the bronze 1 for silver III. The land ownership promises a lot of prospects. What you just explained about summoners and land is still confusing, I guess we'd know better when it's time. But from the new user's perspective, Splinterlands is expensive. I hope this wouldn't affect more adoptibility overtime.

merging my own Tarsa to reach level two, I reckon I might need it to permanently get out of the bronze 1 for silver III

You should. Silver is also full of BOTS, most using L1 basic decks. Still, you need to have your wits about you to beat these programmed opponents even with better cards.

The programmed opponents are a hastle, I don't be know if Splinterlands being botable is really good at all. Thanks for the advice.

I am not a big fan of them, but SPL have made their stance on this subject. If you really want to make progress and get out of the lower leagues its easy with big summoners such as Yodin, but not everyone has those.

Yeah, not everyone has a Yodin as it can be pricey. Although i might work on it, overtime I plan to get some of these cool summoners when the money comes.

It is expensive, but people are throwing around 1+ eth for stuff that doesn't do anything... The future is bright!

My thoughts exactly.
Slobberchops is definitely in the Royalty league of real estate traders.
I am amazed at the amount of capitol invested here, and can only assume these investments payoff handsomely because every post states a plan to buy even more assets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The game will be successful if it has enough players. Not everyone is willing to invest thousands of dollars. Not everyone is able to invest thousands of dollars. But I wish your predictions were correct.

Not everyone is willing to invest thousands of dollars.

Many people are not even able to. Nowadays my total income is approximately $470 USD per month, and the local minimum wage is approximately $550 USD per month. And there are many people, who live (or rather survive) with much less income. So actually a lot of people are unable to invest thousands of dollars into a game.

The game will be highly profitable only for the rich.

that's true. i bout all the cards from bronze to Silver II. (46k CP), took $1.1k . im pretty happy with these cards, in fact- all good fighting power cards (a lot of them reaching the ceiling lvl of Silver league. ).

when you say the fun starts at gold league, that's really scary. it means it will be few more times of investment of Silver II.

however by reading your article, i think it's really a good suggestion for the summoner's lvl. but the point im wondering more is what if i'm planning a long stay and organic growth with what i invested so far, what summoner lvl will be good enough for the land? i just bought 1 plot with the price you mentioned (prob planning another one - waiting the hive to drop more.) and currently hv lvl4 summoner for water, fire, earth, life and lvl2 Quix

With the cards, land and sps stake, it probably touches my limit of investing in a game ever. really dont want to dump in more money for no returns.

thx for any suggestions.

Actually this article is not mine. It is written by @slobberchops. I currently do not know what it is like to be in the Gold Leagues in Splinterlands. Nowadays my max tier is Silver III.

Gold III. 10k CP. If only put money to upgrade from what I hv(46k) , it takes 5 gold foil legendary cards which currently ~ $500. Besides this, to be able to stay in gold league comfortably. Necessary to upgrade summoner from lvl4 to 6 and related monster cards to higher lvl. By looking at those cost. I want to hold on and keep staying in the silver league until can see certain return then may continue to invest. But on the other hand, the cards price maybe significantly higher than what it is now. A bit difficult to decide.

I am terrible at Splinterlands, so every little bit of guidance is great. Any f-ups are solely my own!

@xplosive, I wonder if this post would be of interest to you as it addresses some of the problems with which you are grappling I think? If not, please forgive me if the mention is a bother.

Thank you, but I am not interested in buying summoners, nor in any cards. They are too expensive for me. Actually I took a break from playing Splinterlands five days ago (on 2022.02.06) after falling back to Bronze III, and getting a bunch of alchemy and legendary potion charges.

But good luck and have fun to those, who keep playing.

I'm really new here and also in the game (splinterlands) in some more knowledge about the whole stuff, please

I write about Splinterlands every now and again. There are many posts from others letting you know what they pulled from their season rewards etc.., whereas I only write information about my thoughts, strategies or something that may help people.


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I agree summoners are the key commodity in Splinterlands, and since joining the game in August, that was the huge bottleneck that stopped everyone, the land will alleviate the decline in rental income for older cards I think and give them a new utility value possibly/hopefully. And needing so many summoners and monsters to work the land is smart, it ensures people that have a region for example are inclined to have "sharecroppers" work their land if they would rather rent their extra cards out for example because its a higher return.

I also hope these minigames they are talking about adding, will use the splinterlands nfts in different ways/utilities in different games, in that way we could see completely obscure cards come to promenance, which is healthy for the long term card market I think.

I actually just bought 4 gold foil copies of each Chaos Legion summoner except Quix. Also have a maxxed obsidian and general sloan. I might grab 5 regular foil copies of each so I have something to sell lol, thus far Ive bought cards I intend to keep in my deck forever. By the way I was curious, the picture at the end of your post, is that you?




By the way I was curious, the picture at the end of your post, is that you?

LOL, do you think a madman like him could respond so rationally?

anything is possible these days I feel like! grabbed 5 more copies of each regular summoner. I wonder where Vouchers and SPS will be on the day the Waka Flaka Summoner goes on sale. Have we already seen the move or are market participants complacent because prices have been on a downtrend for a while so they dont feel rushed? I wonder...

I am not a fan of frenzies and will likely sell into it. Tuesday we will know how many of each will be needed for the next 'Mighty Dricken'.

in almost all trading scenarios you are 100% correct, my value investor side of me thinks they should be $4-$8. But same time whenever you have an asset being given away every day a cycle of cashing in seems to occur in these games unless people believe they can make more in future. Ive been watching vouchers quite a while and since the announcement a significantly less amount of vouchers are being blindly dumped following voucher daily snapshot than before. Signs of life.

I have many vouchers, but don't feel its the time yet. If by Tuesday they stay the same, I will hold. You have to be patient in this game.

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Is buying Tarsa really worth it?

All the in-print Summoners are worth it. That's what I use my DEC for.. more of them.

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Tottaly agree! I'm seeing a lot of posts and streams suggesting buying Summoners now while they are cheap. But I don't know why the price is not changing that much.

throw me a plot and I'll pay you back for it in the future my IGN is the same as my name @pasture because I think it's going to be like the metaverse and so I gave you that little insider tip note that's worth it to throw the plot there

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Awesome information! I really appreciate the details.
Food for thought moving forward.
Cheers and !PIZZA

Thanks, I took your advice!
I need to get at least one up to level 2 anyway :P

This is exactly the post I needed to read. These last two seasons have been more challenging than ever in the Bronze League. I like the idea of renting Summoners and eventually buying. Thanks for the post. I now have a strategy to thrash those annoying bots.

I bought land but it does say what type of land it it?
How do I tell?
I bought it on Hive Engine and transferred it to my Splinterlands wallet?

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None of us know yet, you could have a Castle.

I didn’t know that… that’s exciting. I was wondering if buying land now, with no info was wise, but now I know we are all in the same boat. It’s just another treasure chest with unknown contents. This is very fun, and the ability to make money is like the icing on a cake.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Land reveal is going to be the best thing ever, and luck will be a massive factor.

By the way, you have given out 97,000 upvotes!

You distributed more than 97000 upvotes.
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That’s massive!
In 3000 more votes you hit 100,000 upvotes. I can’t imagine that many votes. Amazing!

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Hehe, I don't count.