If you believe the bots are that drastic in numbers then banning them all together would be catastrophic for que times. Were talking 5-10 mins or more to get a match if you ever get one. Wouldnt that also destroy player retention? And sps weighting would also remain the same because the bots collecting sps would still have the owners collecting the same amount since they would just push the collection power back to them since it is their assets and they would still be getting the same amount of sps / voting weight. I understand your frustration but you are beating a dead horse. Bots are needed and hopefully one day we will get a bot restriction in terms of their earning capabilities per battle. Also you posting these doomsday posts will do nothing but scare aware potential players or existing ones that are easily persuaded that the end is nigh. This game has been around for 3 years. Also to your point on packs not selling....we sold almost 7 mil already. They designed the amount of packs to last a year. It would be dumb to create a new pack set that is so scarce it sells out immediately and then leaves only the secondary market to sell them for 10x the price. The devs have done great with this game imo. And incase you have missed it, crypto is down like 50% so the mania is gone and people are in risk off mode. I think you need to pump the brakes and let the devs do what they do best and run this game the best they can. In the end, this game is not a job...its meant to be fun with the aspect of being able to earn on the side. Which is still plenty possible. If you are a player just comes here to leech off low leagues...it wont be fun because thats what kills games. Just my opinion though.
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Also, I think it was you that posted where the Splinterlands proposal website is. Did you put the bot button out as a proposal? I'd like to vote it up. And I have a proposal or two of my own. Thanks!
Oops. I meant to add that in response to my own post.
I did number 615
Hello, first of all, Thanks so much for commenting. It means a lot, genuinely. Which splinter would you like for your common? I hope you take this response lightly aswell as it's meant for discussion.
Second, I am wondering why your comment is portraying me as if I want the removal of bots as the only solution? In my "what can be done" section my first solution is actually radically pro bot (open sourcing botting for everyone to be a part of). Merely adding the transparency of whom is a bot or not. I in fact have a proposal(615) in the feedback section on Splinterlands. I know you might have read one section and then felt the need to comment on one aspect of the article. That's awesome, I'm very happy I motivated you to voice your opinion and generate a community discussion. But you understand how I must mention the way I stand on botting is actually not anti-bot specifically. I'm moreso against botting without transparency and bot v bot mining. What do you think about this solution that isn't banning? Share a complete comment and I will throw in an extra delegation of a rare card for 15 days (faction of your choice).
In my previous posts I offer solutions as alternatives to botting that are profitable for the asset owner and offer long term benefits.
I agree 100 percent with that I am happy they aren't selling out right away so people can get in on the action. I mention that it is a market low for buying or selling cards some people see that as good news. Others bad. When really it's neither. However either way it is a factor overall.
I'm not ok with the fact that mobile ONLY users (a large part of which have potential income far less than livable) might want to spend 4 dollars because they love this game (Which is a lot of money for them) to buy a pack. And right now not only can they not buy them in app, there's no info popup whatsoever as to what is going on with packs OR ANYTHING aside from a little popup talking about the "Release of SPS" which happened months months ago. This could've been solved with a similar popup saying to go somewhere to buy packs outside of app, this is moreso about that error (ideally not intentional). But it is distressing that packs and cards are released, useable, and openable on mobile but mobile users can't buy them nor know what's going on without outside research (that shouldn't be the case).
I was mostly mentioning packs not selling out as fast as they were hyped up as a lot of people WERE thinking it was going to sell out within a day or two (Despite me saying it was unlikely and even if that were the case there were options to get packs at fair prices beforehand link in post above ). This is the time for real players to get in the game if they wanted, and if bots keep churning out resources they will keep making more bots with the cards they acquire. And new players (particularly app players) will not know this is happening and just see "sign ups" that aren't really players without understanding what is happening, if they know about it and hop in it's a different story. This is why it should be transparent and even a revolutionary feature of gameplay. Not an elephant in the room that new players are in the dark of at first, or entirely.