When will the new reward system go live? The current one is soooo bad. Not really worth the time at Gold 2, keep getting 50-60% of portions and 1-2 DEC worthy chests.
With current reward system, really doubt the possibility of the game growth. Not attractive for new player to put money in.
I'm seeing 2 major flaws cause this an unhealthy system.
Countless bots are playing in bronze, silver , gold leagues. (Maybe diamond or higher which I don't know) maybe the counter arguments is without bots you even can not find an opponent to battle with. But why not AMA to setup those bots to have the game running? Resource concern to run those bots by AMA? Why not hire those bots as the outsource with a fix rate hiring fee instead of taking the rewards. On the hand, the bots owner off course will set the bots as tough as possible to maximize the gain of running the bots. This eventually gives the impression to potential new players "too difficult to earn in this game" and kill the growth for the new player pool.
Players spend thousands of dollars on buying cards are getting less compared to people who spend less than hundred dollars to rent cards because of the time gap(around 1 hour) between daily quest and the rental. Today you also can accumulate the uncompleted daily quest for 2 days. It means the rental players rent one time, they can do 3 daily quests. With this flaw, a lot of players can directly rent the cards from bronze to diamond every 3-4 days. With this way works well, it definitely a big discourage for people to spend money buying cards instead of renting and farming big rewards in a sustainable way. I'm not against renting, but such flaw really drive me think hard whether I should stop putting own money into this game.
Besides these 2 flaws, I also wondering how AMA can get people playing more with a ECR cap. Like what recent town hall mentioned "trying to get player okay more to have better reward". But today with the ECR, the more you play, the less reward you will get. Such a big conflict. More reward could be given, shouldn't it based on a growing income and growing new player pool? But with these above 2 major flaws, how we can expect a well progress? (Maybe I lack of such knowledge only)
Finally as a conservative gamer or maybe a small investor, hope the AMA team could make splinterlands a fair and friendly ecosystem for all ranges' investors. I'm pretty much enjoy the game which is also the main reason I'm keeping putting money in. But when comes to the gain, the flaws really cause the concern.
This is a very interesting point of view, I suggest you post this on splintertalk.io or you could directly post this suggestion on the official splinterlands discord server > townhall section, so They might be able to discuss these at the next Town hall.
thank you. I joined this game in E/Dec. 21. end up with i like this card game. hope those points will be thought through.
well, same here, I do join this game in September 2021, indeed bots issues have been around here but actually, I believe the team still working on them while thinking it wouldn't hurt the real person and the biggest latest update to prevent against bots is "fewer rewards on the bronze league" (mostly credits). So, it would be more updates in future.
I agree 100%. Spending thousands to make pennies. At this point staking HBD is a far better return for investment and as they keep increasing the card pool the value is crashing and they are going to release the next expansion on top of it. This makes me want to sell everything and buy up HBD as card value may not go back up till after land is fully established. Meanwhile, I can get that HBD APR with little risk. They need to compete. Right now the game is Play-to-lose. Sad. I love this game but with the amount of money I have attached to this game it’s going to force me to make me sell if there is no correction before the next expansion.
😅 unfortunately, this is what i did just because of my conservative characteristics. i have few friends, all doing on rental, and get way more than what i get.
feel a bit uncomfortable of continue putting money in. i do believe there are a lot players like me have the same feeling. if things will not change, people will start to turn to something else as what you are recommending the better return rather than owning cards.
Good for you. Gaming investment is new to me. Before, investing was simple buy/sell and what of it. Now if I sell I have to rent to play and that’s not what I expected gong do in. This will be bad for renting if no one is holding cards to rent out. The drop of value is worse than profits made from renting.
And for the bots. “Bots need cards too” is a bs excuse for this FLAW.
Okay bots need cards. Now everyone is just botting. This is no fun. Only way to get ahead is to bot. Who want to play that? Less people than whom like to play card games that’s for sure. This game will turn into bot vs bot with poor chums that just bought in and realize they cannot compete against AI. Thus a tanking the value of the cards and next the game is broke with none whom want to play and the cards cannot be given away, because who want to watch bot fight.
really consequence of bots is that new players will be scared to get in this game. eventually will kill the source of reward. then im wondering how AMA can make the money without new players getting in and increase the reward for existing players.
Exactly, no new players, bots with AI and play-to-lose model is an impending disaster. Esport out the window.
So that's why, ANA. Need to do something for bots. If allow them because bots can help the game keep running rather than waiting, then they can hire them as outsource with fix hiring rate without destroying the gaming balance.
you are correct, it is very difficult to win battles nowadays... after investing lots of money and playing smartly, you are not able to achieve even 1000 + rating which is really bad..
Rating below 1000.very high chance you are fighting with bots. They have pretty mature database if which combination has higher win rate. Some of the bits even look at your data to customize the pick for you . So generally , a lot people in fact are pretty suffering when they are at Bronze league.
A similar things will also be seen in silver and gold. But it's a bit better due to more choice on cards and their wider abilities.
So good luck.
oh that is why thanks for clarification .. now i got it..
what is the solution of this problem ?