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RE: SPL alt art drop...

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Honestly? I have zero idea 🤷‍♂ No idea.It is all very confusing and (lately) very stressful too. I like writing. Period. I don't like politics and I don't care about rewards at all. What I care about is people reading my writing. I care about that a lot. So maybe this is not the right forum for me to practice writing? That's what I'm trying to figure out.

 2 months ago (edited) 

Then don't worry about it.

This is the exact forum for you to practice writing.

Don't worry about politics and don't complain. You shouldn't care how much vote your post get, just comment, read and engage with others. Most others in the SL community do not have any Hive HP to make a difference. Also most splinterlands people are clueless on how hive works.

If you care about people reading your post, then read others post and comment on their post, they will come back and comment on yours. It is as simple as that.

PS. Try not to make a post like this again


SL has many effective content creators, and they are doing really well.

PPS. Go read bravetofu's post. Read and learn.

When I say effective content creators, I mean content creators that are pulling in lots of new players. I don't believe anyone is doing that. Not in substantiual numbers. So it might that the content creators are doing well for themselves... but being "effective" to me means being effective as bringing in tons of new players. I dont think that's happening but maybe I'm wrong and we've had a surge of new players lately?

Agree about bravetofu, if everyone was like him, this would be a better place.

I've been excited about writing lately. So much that I started taking a writing course... Omg, there's so much I never knew. Basic tricks to creating a compelling story. Even started a short story series. Would love to air it here but I think I'm too much of a wimp still. I think I need a safer space to practice--at least for now 💪 maybe i'll get a tougher skin eventually and then can come back and handle this place !