Calling an Audible

in Splinterlandslast year

In football (the American kind), an "audible" is a change in the offensive play at the line of scrimmage. This means that they have decided on what they are going to do in the huddle, then once lined up, decide to do something else. Often, this is in response to the position of the defense. And then, the defense, who is already lined up, will try to adjust also, with the linebackers and cornerbacks often shifting positions, trying to counter the counter before the ball snaps and the the play goes live.

This is what is coming to Splinterlands.

But before that, there was a new Rift Watcher airdrop card.




Perhaps that is a good name for the latest card, as lot of RW packs had to burn themselves in order to get to this drop. There is still another airdrop card to come, which is 500K burned packs away. And, the majority of them will be burned, because people aren't likely to buy them now that next week, a new set of 96 (!) cards will be released. Firstly, lets have a look at this depressed fellow who has lit himself on fire.


Legendary, high mana so will be prone to getting giant killed with a scattershot killer, but has shield protection from melee and ranged, scavengers off the dead, inspires melee monsters and eventually at max, has blast. What is kind of interesting is that at all levels, all the stats are the same, except for the abilities. I haven't used it yet, but I was "lucky" enough to get 12 (no gold as normal), so mine is maxed.

I am not sure about this card yet.

And, one of the challenges with the new set being released is there is power creep, where each set has to introduce new powers and abilities that make the older ones redundant, or at least, far less useful. They become bit players and in the case of the split tier system of Wild and Modern, there is relegation of "old" cards. Because of the bots/ battle helpers in wild, I only play Modern format now (brawl in Wild), but the majority of my cards are going to be useless, as I have Dice and Rift Watchers only, plus a few key Untamed Cards, like Llama and Kitty. All will soon only be playable in Wild, where I can't compete. Brilliant!

And I only have a few plots of Land and it is shit land, so staking doesn't help.

Supposedly I might be able to squat on other people's Land somehow, which is nice, because I haven't even moved into mine and it looks to have had plenty of squatters already - and they had been eating bad seafood.

So, if I want to keep playing, I effectively have to buy a new set to max, which is fucking expensive considering that I don't own assets that are generating income (other than playing a bit) other than SPS, which doesn't return much, and the ass has fallen out of the price of it. I bought a fuckload of DEC today though, so for all those people who are able to dump their cheaply bought or obtained DEC,

you are welcome.

I haven't seen the new cards yet, but it doesn't really matter, does it? I have to get them.


But, they come with some new elements and abilities, especially for the summoners, which is why this post entered with explaining Audibles. Firstly, there is the dual element Summoners, which we have seen in a monster with Zyriel, playing Death/Life - and in a Neutral Summoner, Lux Vega, that can play all splinters. So, this isn't new, but will be more common, making these cards a bit more playable.

However, it is the Summoner "tactics" that will make a big difference, because these can be applied (in ranked play for now) after the other team has revealed their lineup. This means that an audible can be called and the lineup adjusted with buffs and debuffs, as defined by the particular summoner. This means that there is a timed second round of choices, that while cards can't be changed, some individual or team abilities can.

This makes the game far, far more complex.

I don't think I am going to do well at this.

There are a couple other things that changes the ecosystem with this set too. With another 10 million packs (CL nor RW sold out), to "soak up" some cards for a time at least, the idea is that in order to qualify for the airdrops for the set, it will require staking packs or cards into a lock. That means that it could be that not as many of the Rebellion cards are going to hit the rental market, as people will be hoping to get additional reward cards instead. This is going to be interesting to see how it works, as it sets up a tension between rental income and card value. If rental income seems better, there might be less reward cards printed, pushing up card value, and vice versa.

When it comes to the future values, I have no idea of any of this, but hopefully (from what I hear) is this will burn a lot of DEC in the sales. Then maybe, all this bloody fucking SPS I was convinced to buy will be worth something again, otherwise I might have to call an "audible" and self-immolate also.

I wonder if my life insurance pays out in that case?

It still won't be enough to cover what has been sunk into Splinterlands.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Haha I was reading the 3000+ words in the official post earlier in the day and I lost my way halfway through... Really too much information packed in a single post - I probably need to re-read a few times this weekend.

Agree with you that the new stuff does make the game more complex. For hardcore fans, I think they will love it. But for casual players like me, I am not too sure, haha! But we will see.

Yeah - could have been two posts - or three. Would be nice to have more options on how to create post series that link well together.

 last year  


See that? That was the burn event. Not too long ago. Since then we are steadily making progress. Trouble is back in the day due to someone's stupidity a lot had been printed and it is taking time. But still in May this year, there were 5.2B DEC outstanding.

Fast forward to now: 4.6B

That is a movement in the right direction. A deflationary stable coin? How many are out there?

What is the expectation of how much will be burnt from this? 10M x 4000 ? is that 40B? It is late, but that seems a lot. It is late here - my head doesn't do simple math well :D

Of course to do that, it would have to sell out, not have the supply burned.

 last year  

Best expectation is 3M pack sold in a year. Mind you pack selling doesn't burn, but it moves half of the revenue out of circulation. Yes that alone can remove most of the float. At that point new DEC must be created by burning SPS. That's the flywheel

I think the flywheel needs a lot more oil!

 last year  

Community will provide oil

I only have a few plots of Land and it is shit land, so staking doesn't help.

Hahaha, yeah my 5 plots are pretty trash too. 3 common, 1 magic common, 1 rare. LAME! I deserved better for organizing the 2 split tracts for the guild.

I've been on the fence about what to do for the Rebellion presale. I don't have nearly enough to even get close to buying enough packs to complete a max set. But, waiting for max cards to land on the market won't be easy either, as there is much less incentive for people to buy packs to sell cards as the airdrop qualifier packs do not stack anymore. Therefore, I do believe for the initial rush of cards, there may actually be a premium on cards for sale as people need to "at least" break even on pack price due to the lack of airdrop from sold cards.

It creates a very interesting game of theory on how to acquire the new cards for modern. I also assume the new summoners will be at an extra high price tag as people need to load up max versions of these cards to be playable at max leagues. This feels exactly like the dynamic the team had working when Untamed initially came out, and I feel that the modern rotation will make these new modern cards extra important in the new format.

Exciting times for sure. No audibles here... I still haven't picked my play yet!

3 common, 1 magic common, 1 rare. LAME!

I think this is better than my 10! :D
I bought mine off an exchange for hundreds of dollars each.... should have waited until release.

Do you know how many packs it will take to get close to a max set?

This feels exactly like the dynamic the team had working when Untamed initially came out, and I feel that the modern rotation will make these new modern cards extra important in the new format.

Before my time. I came in and got DICE...

Exciting times for sure. No audibles here... I still haven't picked my play yet!

Any closer?

Decided for 300 rebellion packs. At minimum lvl 4 rare promo and lvl 2 legendary. I really wish I would have been able to afford 1000 BASE packs for 1150 after the 15% promo which would guarantee a max rare and max legendary promo. Oh well!

I think there were some charts shared, but I don't remember off the top of my head. Somewhere around 2700 maybe?

I'll start playing Splinterlands again. I'm interested in new things.

I have plenty of cards you can buy from me! ;D

I received 17 new cards today for free. I'll sell them and start rebuilding my card collection :)

Since I'm not following American Football, this is the first time I've heard the term "audible". Nevertheless, the updates do seem like they'll introduce significant changes to the game, making it so much more complex. I would assume that the gameplay for each battle would also become considerably longer 😅

My primary concern right now is whether these updates will smoothly transition to the mobile application. I mainly play Splinterlands on my mobile phone during my commute. I recall that it was a disaster for mobile users when we initially transitioned from the old reward system to the focused reward system today. Even to this day, the EOS rewards (Pending Rewards showing 0) are not displayed or fixed despite multiple requests to the dev team.

I would assume that the gameplay for each battle would also become considerably longer 😅

For sure. This is okay for me - it might mean I conserve some energy :D

I so rarely play on mobile (has been over a year I think at least) that I forget about how many do. I am guessing there will be some lag getting integrations.

I spend a considerable amount of time travelling to work each day, so playing on mobile is kind of my way to make use of those time to grind. The experience on mobile so far is alright but there are just so many missing functions (brawls, EOS tally etc) that are missing which I do not think that the dev team would be addressing at all.

Only Untamed and Dice will cycle out of Modern. CL and RW are relatively new. The RB sale is expected to last at most 1 year, so CL and RW are here to stay until then. I am hopeful about powercreep on this and remaining airdrop cards though. The RB cards are being finalized, and that stats of the RW airdrops are only finalized near the airdrop time. So they can still be adjusted and are not yet set in stone.

I am not too fond of this card though. I feel like it wants to be a jack of all trades but master of none. It has magic, but has shield and inspire. In a magic only ruleset, both are useless. I'm guessing it would only work well with Jacek, and at the back line as a Sneak tank. I guess I have to see how it does in battles, but I'm not getting my hopes up too much.

Only Untamed and Dice will cycle out of Modern. CL and RW are relatively new.

Did I say CL and RW? I will have to reread - I wasn't meant to at least! :D

The RB sale is expected to last at most 1 year, so CL and RW are here to stay until then.

The problem becomes when there is a return. If a deck only last two years at max in gameplay, but doesn't earn anywhere else, there is not enough value to keep buying. Based on my rewards, I would have to play a deck for four years to break even, and with the bots etc in wild, that can't happen.

I'm guessing it would only work well with Jacek, and at the back line as a Sneak tank.

Pretty much how I feel about it. A bit player at times perhaps.

but the majority of my cards are going to be useless, as I have Dice and Rift Watchers only, plus a few key Untamed Cards, like Llama and Kitty. All will soon only be playable in Wild, where I can't compete. Brilliant!

This was the one I read. You included Rift Watchers, and just wanted to make sure you knew they were safe.

If a deck only last two years at max in gameplay, but doesn't earn anywhere else, there is not enough value to keep buying

That is the problem with Modern. Even in Magic the Gathering, and other card games, Modern/Standard rotates frequently. Wild/Historic is where it's supposed to still be playable. I'm still hoping that bots will eventually be stamped out from the game. When that happens, you can play and earn in wild as well. Land will hopefully give you additional options of recuperating your expenses.

This was the one I read. You included Rift Watchers, and just wanted to make sure you knew they were safe.

Ah, I see what you mean. I also have CL. I meant that the Untamed set. Badly phrased.

I see using bots to play as cheating, especially in the higher leagues. Just imagine if chess championships allowed bots - what is the point of having a championship?

I see using bots to play as cheating

I completely agree. Bots have a lot of big advantages over humans. Even with experience, if you have humans battle bots with the same deck, bots would come out on top. Bots can see the battle history more than the 5 available, they can identify patterns and tendencies of the player, and they always know the best team possible and which one has the highest chance of winning with little counters.

Chess bots/AI have already demolished humans decades ago. Players use them for training nowadays. I read Magnus Carlsen tries to meta game it by using weird/slightly inefficient moves to put the board state in an uncommon position to counter those players that use bot training moves. On a side note, there are actually AI/Bot championships. They pit chess engines against each other to determine the current best engine.

I only got one of them so I can't do much with him.

How did I do with the football talk? ;D

You did great!

I will resume Splinterlands. There have been changes since I left it and they look interesting.

what made you leave originally?

I was excited about so many other games that I eventually decided to abandon several of them, and among those many I abandoned was Splinterland.

I need to start Splinterlands again. All I am doing is just renting cards in the meantime.

Are you getting a decent value for them?

It is not bad, I am getting around 29.359 DECa day. 5% return. I guess it is better then nothing.

I haven't seen the new cards yet, but it doesn't really matter, does it? I have to get them.

I was saving HBD to buy the Rebellion packs. But now I don't want to spend HBD either so I might not buy Rebellion after all. For me trying to keep up with new releases of cards is a losing game- I can never buy enough.

Perhaps they should have Rebellion packs as rewards too?

that would be nice.

I might have to call an "audible" and self-immolate also.

I think we'll all have to do it. So much depending on freaking SPS getting some, ANY, value...

So much depending on freaking SPS getting some, ANY, value...

"supposedly" it will recover once there is enough DEC gone - only another few billion to get rid of at least... :D

I'm really interested in Splinterlands because I see how people hype it and talk about different things in there everyday but I feel I don't have enough money to start it up

Depends how deep you want to play.

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I am just hearing about this game the Splinterland, and I think it would be interesting. I might like to play it someday.