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RE: My experience with Land 1.5 so far

in Splinterlands11 months ago

Honestly, I pray for a few things:

  • either another hype during the bull. Then everyone who bought now will be in profit and land plots will appreciate too. Occupied epics and magical legendary are most undervalued in my opinion. However, without the hype i see land declining for the next years. Resource production is already low compared to just playing and with SPS turning into essences I don't think land will become more attractive. Alpha cards have dropped significantly in value again and I believe that's because land production isn't meaningful enough. It's more a card dump than a card utility.
  • I hope for some spill-over from arcade colony so we can use our splinterlands cards in other games. I enjoy Splinterlands but I understand it will never have mass appeal. Despite SPL being the most advanced web3 game economy that exists, there are even better games in its own genre. What appeals to me is that it can be played in a casual way with a bot if you are willing to put money in.
  • I believe we have "one more chance" if we miss out on this bullrun which is when SPS is fully distributed and there are good ideas for the transition. Otherwise I don't think I'll ever make back what I invested.