iheart sleep!
I'm unsure if you'll find what I'm about to tell you informative but I recently got a "burning wood" scented candle and it's the fruitiest, fill up a whole house with the freshest smelling candle I've ever purchased in all my previous candle purchasing ventures.
Need a nap now, goodbye.
Thanx for the tip, that might be just the thing to improve my napping game from motel to luxurious 5 star :)
Ignore @dandays.
He often lies. I mean...always
He always lies.
That candle will keep you awake for 97 hours..do you want that?!?!! I think not.
Only when I'm not standing and sitting which you're probably right, is hardly ever.
Lololol well at least he's honest about that...
You're probably lying about that too. Hehehe
I can't get one passed you's today.
I'm looking to relocate right now. I could use your fire in motivating me... Lol
Are you sitting down? Ok now who's lying? I didn't know one of you was considering relocating.
Did you just give him MORE reason to sleep?????
He is the dev for DreemPort.
I beg of you.
Do not!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂