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RE: Results from a Single Leo Thread

in Hive Statisticslast month

That is not very nice. Azircon has been posting about that for the last half a year, it lead to the changes in all three Splinterlands contest rules and now community is aware of issues with milking Splinterlands contests. I for one am no longer voting for accounts that extracted over 75% of their rewards thanks to the easy to see KE of 3+

Splinterlands curators also seem to have gotten better at voting in the first 24 hours. Yeah it is not perfect yet, but at least they are working on it.


And it's ongoing for 4-5 years ? I understand with more people talking about problem they adjust. Still for more time I think he and others just tried to hide the issue and extract money, don't talk about it. Still when I mention it here he attacks me? why ? cause I want it fixed?

Where is the post from azircon about splinterlands voting 3 days old posts ? link it
Maybe he mention people who have bots voting splinterlands content at 24h for years ? I think it's completely different angle and he's attacking people who take profit not people who abuse hive curation together with splinterlands


Actually kinda normal that people take profit and leave when they see how some people from top tier that should care about the game just abuse it. What you would do if you learn that azircon makes a cover for his friends, and they continously abuse game in many different ways while blaming others ? if you sell they going to blame you? what happens when everyone leaves? Maybe they observe this process and instead of fixing REAL issue they hunt witches? Just cause mentioned hypocrisy in first comment...