I've stopped looking at Threads for now as it had low value for me. I don't care about 'AI' generated images. I use Ecency on my phone, but Waves is not great either. I don't care how many 'points' you got today. Snaps is generally better.
I know the Leo people care about what they do, but I wonder how effective it is. If they really recruited so many users then why do I see no real change in the number of Brits? I run queries for UK locations and find very few new ones. There are some created by leo.voter, but they are not doing anything. Inactive accounts are not helpful. I may add details on who created the accounts to my stats page.
I'm all for Hive growth, but boasts need to be backed up with data.
Takes cover...
No need to take cover. We are the stakeholders. They are begging for our vote. We decide what to do, not them. If they are crooks like I have proven they are they deserve your boot.
Having a bigger stake does bring some pressure to use it well and people may ask for votes on various things. I will make my own decisions on that.
They asked for my vote. I did not give it to them.
Obviously you will make your own decision
snaps is better, but there is also not too much interaction with other users.
There is some, but it may only be a few people really using it.
There is this initiative to share links on reddit to attract more people to hive where I take part.
If you look at these stats there is a great difference between Hive/snaps and reddit.
On reddit users respond, discuss. Here on Hive is very low interaction.
Users are busy writing posting, hoping to get rewards.
On comments you do not get many rewards, so they concentrate on postings.
Thats my humble opinion.
I've heard someone else complain that Hive gets less interaction than other platforms, despite the rewards. We have far fewer users than reddit/FB/Twtr, so you will not find many people interested in a given topic. The simple fact is that we need far more users to get that interaction.
yes, it's the question of the critical mass.
If you reach it, you get more attraction, if not then there is a problem.
Can't get users due to lack of interaction.
Can't get interaction due to lack of users.
Can't win :)
Need pioneers to break the cycle.
The platform broke through in Spring 2017. DV's killed it, because that threatened to distribute stake and end the plutocracy that has governed the platform since a couple dozen users mined the majority of stake in 2016. There have been minor changes over time in that oligarchy, but the plutocracy continues to maintain the majority of stake by funding HW to continue to flag users off the platform to this day.
DV's concentrate stake and perpetuate the plutocratic control of Hive. Now the millions of accounts claimed and accumulated by the substantially staked are being automated with AI. These flaws are features for the plutocracy, but they prevent Hive from rising to dominate the social media industry that has overtaken all other industries to become the largest sector of the global financial market because at the same time Hive has earned the lowest user retention of all social media platforms.
DV's have driven 99.99% of new users away, and this is because that taxation is theft. That is why Hive has lower user retention than egregiously censored Web2 platforms. The crushed hopes of Hive users are worse than the absence of hope of users of Web2 platforms. AI doesn't have hopes and doesn't care. AI socks will turn Hive into a parody of social media, bots talking to bots, and the owners of those accounts will eventually sell and float off into the sunset with @ned - after they finish mining the DHF for that ~$20M with Valueplan fraud and kickbacks.
All this can be resolved with code at anytime.
Simple - Quality users which find wider picture in Hive. For some stupid reason we all here for 8+ years, and honestly it wouldn't be worth to lose this kind of people over 10k bots