I have been compiling lists of Hivers in various countries using @hivesql. The profile location data is not very consistent, but I try to group people by area when there are a few. There may be some mistakes due to my lack of local knowledge.
It actually does not take long to put these lists together, but finding all the people in a country takes more work.
Other Countries
Currently there are lists like this for:
Germany has generally had a very active community, but it seems somewhat diminished now. I ran a query of everyone who was active in the last year, but these numbers are for the last month and you can see that many have stopped posting or voting. Have they gone elsewhere or is Hive just not keeping them engaged?
A hundred people posting is still not bad. There is one witness and a whale. A fair few people have joined in the last year.
I have grouped by some cities and states, but the format is up to the community to work on. They are welcome to take it on and the list is on Github. I am sure there will be a few to add.
The Numbers
Berlin (16/16/19)
Posting: @alucian (Franken Oberpfalz Mittenwald), @antonireviewer, @bastisvlogs, @city-of-berlin, @fimalmes, @future24, @growandbow (Barnim–Barcelona), @gunnarheilmann, @hauptstadtdiva, @leavingtheherd, @lichtkunstfoto, @longprit, @michaelreischer, @nowargraffitis, @patrivuli, @pogoberlin
Voting: @adalhelm, @broxi, @crimo, @damus-nostra, @dungeondog, @finanzamt, @fiveboringgames (or Dublin), @g-shot, @kimchi-king, @llunasoul (or Barcelona), @mafufuma, @marlasinger666, @mayb, @pxlmitsu,, @shinpurple
Inactive: @adriankrion, @ascha, @bennetcerven, @carolinmatthie, @chatgptxolde, @cryptonight23, @e-rich1, @fourgreentv (and Dresden), @generalzevo, @grintsch, @hiveamt, @inspiring, @jeannart (Heiligensee), @laurita1, @marsell, @queenjennyfer, @seanstein, @sjennon, @wombatapp
Aachen (1/2/1)
Posting: @detlev
Voting: @ali3nspawn666, @jaro-art
Inactive: @hivemeetupaachen
Cologne (0/6/3)
Voting: @aborowczak1972, @dennis.bacchus (and Bochum), @gunnarkaiser, @hopbrothers (and Karlsruhe), @photowanze, @sardaukai
Inactive: @katrin-lux, @momgul.goldbart, @rikyu
Frankfurt (0/2/3)
Inactive: @adler-news, @adorno, @kryptokessler
Hamburg (2/5/7)
Posting: @arabisouri, @tibfox
Voting:, @fromheart, @iamtom, @mima2606, @sharanestone
Inactive: @darijagelo, @freitag, @lightproject, @machamorag2 (popo), @mrurbex, @tatyana-apple, @violator101
Munich (1/8/7)
Posting: @las3rbone
Voting: @actifit-peter, @florian.grieger, @fotogruppemunich, @freiheit50, @highonthehog, @mcsvi, @mpinvest, @peter2017
Inactive: @fitnessgourmet, @jan.kretschmer, @marvinman, @midastouch, @safsa11, @schlafhacking, @tiviye
Bavaria (0/8/1)
Voting: @driveforkids, @landshutbrauhaus (Landshut), @magdalena1b, @mrhoofman, @northmen, @remotehorst23, @stehaller (Landshut), @ygoob
Inactive: @saftmanwikifolio
Stuttgart (0/3/0)
Voting: @betterthanhome, @finkistinger (Rottweil), @szr-network
Germany (81/112/95)
Posting: @achimmertens, @adacardano, @advertisingbot2, @akipponn, @andyjaypowell (Tauberfranken), @annasdiary, @antidorsessions, @augenarzt, @balte (sometimes estonia), @beatminister, @bechibenner (Solingen NRW), @beesmartblog, @big-m, @bivin, @blkchn, @borsengelaber, @bronko, @bundeskanzler, @chaosmagic23, @coachlinda, @cst90, @dejanmilo, @dera123, @dividendencheck, @dotwin1981 (Unterfranken), @edina76 (Dresden), @elkezaksek (Duisburg), @erfahrungsschatz, @erh.germany, @ew-and-patterns, @filosof103, @flummi97, @hackspoiler, @hannes-stoffel, @happycoollove, @hatoto, @herman-german, @hive.helps, @icedragonzes, @irrer-ivan, @ivario, @janisplayer, @jkramer, @johnboywalton (Bottrop), @karizma, @kheldar1982, @kiel91 (Kiel), @klausklaus, @louis88, @lukasbrausch, @lxsxl, @mario89 (Elzach Freiburg), @masterswatch, @mein-senf-dazu, @mibreit-photo, @misterc, @momekato, @mypathtofire, @nerdtopiade, @no-advice, @ogfox, @patschwork, @pippo84 (Northern), @pjansen, @quekery, @ravenmus1c, @rcshad0w, @rivalzzz, @runforfun, @shivatrg (KIEL), @speed-ride, @sportfrei, @stepko (Hannover), @street-ar (Mannheim), @theadamprost, @thomas4711, @uwelang, @vanje (BW), @werkseber, @wulff-media, @xels
Voting: @acgalarza, @alesya-h9, @alexa57, @azizbd, @bushradio, @c0s1, @crimcrim, @croctopus, @cuzimgleb, @david.steem, @depot69, @djrockx, @docmarenkristina, @dreimaldad, @druckado, @e-r-k-a-n, @ebike-adventure, @eddqq, @eikejanssen, @elbiasto, @fotobrina, @freiheitsammler, @freizeit.parkfan, @frieder, @friesennerz, @fromaboveheaven, @gammastern, @gerusan, @goodway, @grizzabella (Northern), @grootwr, @haegar85 (Saarland), @harktheshark, @hivebeyer, @hivekeks, @jamjamfood, @jeanpi1908 (KARLSRUHE), @jedigeiss (Mönchengladbach), @jeenger, @jeferybgomez (Bergisches Land), @john.difool, @jokeruz, @jwjqu.wam, @kanrat, @keepinitsteem, @keksbastelt, @king-arminius, @kirmesfanrlp, @kkndworld, @knowmad, @knownobody, @kristall97, @linuxbot, @literaturkritik, @lucky-cat, @m1sterjw, @macslin, @magicquokka, @mapetoke (Schwäbisch Gmünd), @markus.journey, @maxruebensal, @meerliebe, @meliamau, @mindscapephotos, @mr-hades (East), @mryoung1979, @muchheaven, @muscara, @natha93, @nurodan, @octavian1 (Konstanz), @okean123 (Norddeutschland | Сердце в России), @olliranks, @openmind3000, @overunitydotcom, @payger, @perpetuum-lynx (South West), @pianochan, @pjansen.ctp, @portalmine, @r0nny, @reinhard-schmid, @reini137, @rezfit, @robat71, @rslsaku, @sabine-reichert, @salicj, @schlees, @serylt, @sharelovenothate, @smooms, @snaqz, @sobahd, @sofort77 (Niederrhein), @src3, @svengadget, @tahuna, @talaxy, @taldor, @targodan, @taxguy, @thebluewin, @theissen, @tuxtify, @unlockmaster, @vasupi, @vokus, @xurph, @yaraha, @zanoni, @zockerlounge
Inactive: @abachon, @advertisingbot, @alexko-steemit, @antikesdenken (Gilching), @apartphilosopher, @apfelkeks, @arpadkunst, @artbunny, @banura, @bitcoin2go, @btcsam, @bundeswehr, @captainglondo (Soest), @caro-art, @chainsquad, @chamil, @checkz, @chippyofdoom, @chrisheyne, @cord.uebermuth (Düsseldorf), @cracky0402 (southwestern), @crypto-sainz, @crypto401, @defythedeception, @derasmo, @doubledestiny, @drjj, @educatinglife, @effiworkx, @einfachfabs, @escapinggermany, @eulenews, @fabianduck1, @general.guy, @gptdeutsch, @h3llrais3r, @hive-139669, @ibc, @ideenart, @info-brocker, @inkedjuliusz23 (North Rhein Westphalia), @jaalig, @jannost, @junsi, @kaboomy, @kavaeron, @kutira, @lalliebear (Celle), @lederoderso, @letmoneywork, @linerus, @lineruswelt, @linlux, @lotuslasse, @loverdef, @lucyrebmann, @lunix, @macronaturliebe (Essen), @marcuskober, @mcbrei, @meinekleinewelt, @meta.condeas, @mikenero, @mirwaisrekab, @moecki, @mountcalvaryway, @mrdalle, @musikuss, @natalie9898, @nftland1989, @ninal997, @oelscheich, @padi2312, @pizzeria, @robinia-green, @sammelsurium, @satren (Süddeutschland), @schamangerbert (Neuburg an der Donau), @sinaida, @soneriu81, @streamkeks, @summoner-cha, @test1223, @thedgrill, @thefittest, @theobaldjoachim, @tielen, @tippspiel-de, @titanos, @tkoeddermann, @virtualex-steem, @wanderingiq, @woody-mc, @xeraphim, @zara8
Expats (2/1/1)
Posting: @anna-newkey (UK), @vindiesel1980 (Netherlands Portugal)
Voting: @yoyo-jp (Japan)
Inactive: @ethicalbrandhack (España Venezuela)
Total active Germany: 101, Expats: 2
This shows the numbers in each category of the active and voting accounts. Level is based on 'VESTS' with Minnow equating to a million VESTS.
Level | Number | Threshold |
Redfish | 153 | |
Minnow | 77 | 581.13 HP |
Dolphin | 30 | 5811.35 HP |
Orca | 5 | 58113.48 HP |
Whale | 1 | 581134.77 HP |
This shows when people joined Hive. The last few months are shown separately to make any changes obvious.
Age | Number |
1 month | 2 |
2 months | 1 |
3 months | 4 |
Year | 12 |
Older | 247 |
German Witnesses
Please support your local witnesses:
![]() |
The man behind: | @tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up @proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos #BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK |
Very intresting. So many dead souls!
Me thinks one person is missing in the list - @chrislybear - and he is active.
I assume this schema may give an answer, at least partly, why they are stop activity...
I'll add the bear for next time.
Damn that's interesting!
Well working towards the 10K HP :D
Thank you for tagging @qwerrie!
there are as well the German witnesses
@louis.witness @detlev.witness
Think I voted for one, but will check the other when I find a moment.. 🤗
Cool. I'll include those next time. I hope the list is useful and that some of those people come back.
There are more German witnesses such as @pharesim and @therealwolf / others like @felixxx @satren @condeas seem to have stopped
My script picks up when a witness is active, but I was missing some of these as they don't have location metadata. I am not planning to do another Germany post in the near future, but if we can collect more names then I could do it again unless someone wants to take on the job.
No stress mate, just came across the post and thought I comment
Great to have a list of german users, thank you!! !PIZZA !DHEDGE
Guess I did not make the list. Unlucky.
You don't have a location on your profile. Where do you want to be listed?
Germany without any specifics
No problem. I will generate an updated list at some point unless someone else wants to do it.
Thanks for the overview Steve!
thanks for the mention, and the info. I will be more active, i just created some communities to post recently, collecting material :)
Do you work on the Position or the Citizenship? Where do I belong to, moving around without a Base?
It's fairly loose. The main thing is where people are now, but then I add the expats too. Tracking the travellers is a bit harder. There's no rules for these things and anyone can do them as they want.
So, I am the next level of the expats. The nomad or however you want to call it
Maybe you can make a list of those who do the same.
I really don't know how!
LOL. You can just keep a list of those you find. For these list posts I run queries on profile data and then have a script that checks who is active to create a post. It can be done manually if that is manageable. I do this for fun really.
I just did a query of terms like 'world' and 'nomad'. It found a few hundred people, but some of them may not actually be travelling. Only a dozen or so say they are nomads.
How are you doing this? I think you need access on Database query, right?
Will you do the list for Turkey man? I really wonder the stats 😂
It looks like there are a few there. I will run a list soon.
Thank you so much man 🙂
Hi, please add me to the list too.
You are already on it.
ok, just saw it!
I try not to edit these posts as it sends lots of notifications, but I found you based on your profile data anyway.
Yes, Germans are really hard to convince. Most of them want easy money, but don't want to do any work. Even if they write a simple post here on Hive, they lose interest. Even the people who write a lot but hardly get any attention lose the desire to stay on the ball.
It's a shame as the DACH community has been quite active previously. I met a lot of Germans at the 'fests' I went to. @detlev and @tibfox have been organising events in Germany. We need a few more like them.
Unfortunately, that's the case. Not to attack women here, but some of the votes here are wrong. Some write posts with over 1000 words, then a woman comes with a photo, a text and the rest copy and paste text and get a lot of votes, that pisses a lot of people off here. And those who run competitions to keep the community going are criticized by the watchers
The voting may not seem fair, but it's up to people to vote as they want. If Hive grew then the rewards would be spread more, but it is a small club for now. We still all have a chance to earn when we might make nothing elsewhere online. I do think the 'police' can get it wrong at times, but they are just people.
Thats not a problem which is specific to the German community. At least the first one is not.
It's cool to have a strong German community on Hive :)
Too right! I had no idea how strong it was..
I met some of the guys Hamburg, which was great!
Wow really? Only 101 activ in Germany 🇩🇪
The upcoming #HiveMeetupAachen will create some more new users.
We will bring a few web3 communities to Hive
I'd like the German community to manage this list if someone can take it on. That could include publicising meetups on the posts. That's what I've done on the UK. I do that monthly so people do not get too many notifications. That is also why I try to avoid editing the posts.
Anyway, the data is there for people to use as they like.
There are probably more that I didn't find this time, but numbers are down.
Gotcha, hopefully numbers are gonna be back up! 💪
Oh, we have to do some more Marketing for the platform, or?
Well it would help to bring back some inactive people, but we should always be recruiting. We've had a nice Hive event in Hamburg already this year, but more are always good, even if they are small.
But I don’t see any Activities on the large Social Media plattformsto get people Switch from there to Hive. Have you guys some experience with a strategieto bring time to Hive?
What really needs to be done is to eliminate at least part of the objective reasons why people lose interest after tasting blogging on this platform / evaluating the results. And there is no need to blame them for being lazy and wanting to get something in exchange for nothing. That's not the problem.
There will be lots of reasons including the price, lack of growth, the 'Hive police' and just lack of interest. I think we need to make Hive an engaging platform that people want to use and that is partly down to having more users that they can relate to. We are lacking in big names who would bring others in, but they will be busy elsewhere. If nothing else we ought to be bigger in the crypto community who are using centralised platforms instead.
Agree, -- all this will come in hand.
And this, too. Sometimes enterprise is just 'too big to fail', haha - thats one of the things that work in economy too (tho you will not find this principle in textbooks).
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Hey @steevc, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I myself use Hive as it's fun and it has to be for others too. I'm not too active on other platforms.
Thanx for the mention. Interesting blog article.
much appreciated
Beautiful and insightful compilation. Looking forward to see it grow further.
Man, It's pretty sad to see the number of inactive accounts. I guess it's to be expected, but it still kind of stings a little bit.
Thanks. !BEER
Thanks for Counting me in =D
I think it was not less work to find all the people.
Nice Overview!!
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/20) @ravenmus1c tipped @steevc