Swirls and bubbles

in Polish HIVE4 years ago

eldeberry flowers helios bokeh.jpg

It has been a good few years since the bokeh effect got a very special place in my heart (how romantic!). And ever since I have been chasing the bokeh bubbles, the milky blur, smudges and swirls. No matter what camera I used (and I was starting with a very simple bridge Lumix) I was trying to catch it. Few years has passed, some gear upgrades, experimenting and learning and I still didn't get bored of it.Minęło kilka dobrych lat, od kiedy to efekt Bokeh skradł moje serducho (jak romantycznie!). I przez cały ten czas poluje na te tańczące bąble, mleczne tła i mazy. Nie ważne jakim aparatem (dawno temu zaczynałam z prostym Lumixem), bokeh musi być. Przez ten czas zmieniałam aparaty, próbowałam nowe obiektywy, a bokeh nadal mi się nie znudziło.

pasqueflower seed helios bokeh.jpg

Here I borrowed my brothers toys to try out. Nice sunny day, garden full of plants and probably the best bokeh lens I have tried so far: Helios 40-2.Tu mam pożyczony od brata zestaw. Słoneczny dzień, ogród pełen roślin i najlepszy jaki do tej pory próbowałam obiektyw do bokeh: Helios 40-2.

grasses helios boekh.jpg

It took me a little while to figure it out and get used to it. With most lenses I tried I was able to get a little closer to the object. This one requires bigger distance to focus. And that also means the distance from the background, to catch that bokeh has to be bigger too. But after we get it right, we start to see all the magic :)Trochę mi zajęło zapoznawani się z nim. Większość obiektywów jaki używałam pozwalało mi podejść do fotografowanego obiektu dosyć blisko. Ten jednak wymaga większej odległości aby złapać ostrość. A co za tym idzie, odległość do tła, aby uchwycić bokeh też musi być większa. Ale jak już załapiemy co i jak, zaczyna się magia :).

daisies grass helios bokeh.jpg

Wild rose helios bokeh pl.jpg

grasses helios bokeh 2.jpg

Oxalis triangularis helios boekh.jpg

Shot with Sony a7R + Helios 40-2 lens
All photos and text are my own.

separator flowers.jpg


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 37 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

My, my... I can't decide which of the pictures in my favorite. I like the idea of learning through photos until you reach the desired effect. It happens to me when I want to take some photos up closed to things like the tools I'm making and stuff like that. I have a hard time trying to make the phone camera focus on the important thing and not in the background. Sometimes turning off the IA in the camera helps; others, not.

Hey @bertrayo I know your pain :) hehe as we concluded that we have the same model of the phone, I have to tell you that it is a phone "problem". (we all 3 in the family have the same model). My husband sometimes has to reboot the phone as it gets blocked because of that missed focus thing. Nasty thing.

@ewkaw, super photos 👍 , my favourite is the first one. It is elder (Sambucus nigra), right?

Ha, ha, ha. I see. Next time I will try that. Thanks for the insight, @mipiano.

hehe, actually doesn't always help that. I just talk nicely to my phone , and after that, it listens to me. 🤣

Ha, ha, ha. Feels like I need to coo the phone into taking a nice picture. There you go, those are my 2 cents into this issue 🤣

I guess I should try to to talk to mine to start working properly... Or I will tell him I will get a new one if he behaves like a spoiled brat :p Wonder if that will work...

Thanks! It's the fastest way for me to learn... and also more fun. If something doesn't work.. try something else :)
Can't help much with phone. I don't even take selfies :p

Ha, ha, ha. I know the phone has a mind of its own. And yes, trial and error helps to understand a skills from different angles. :D

What beautiful photographs you show us on this occasion, it always pleasantly surprises us. congratulations on the great shotshow are you dear friend @ewkaw good night

What pleasant memories your images bring me, I love to run through the meadow blowing dandelions to let the wind blow away

Thank you very much for showing us these beautiful images
have a wonderful night

Thank you very much! Glad I could bring some memories :)
Happy New year!

Curated for #naturalmedicine by @drrune.

Such a lovely set of images!! I feel you captured far more than the scenery and the greenery, there's spirit and magic in this. Wonderful work!

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