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RE: Everyone Needs to Know What is Happening in Portland, OR with Federal Officers & Peaceful Protesters (Video Evidence)

in The Resistance5 years ago

Nah, man. I'm not falling for that. I have a folder full of violent videos now - hundreds. Setting buildings on fire, throwing rocks and frozen water bottles, and yanking people out of their vehicles to beat them for being white. Sorry, but those industrial lasers on Ebay CAN permanently blind. They kill the cells in your retinas. Know how I know? I'm an amateur astronomer and own a few. You have to wear safety goggles while operating one. Anything over 5mw needs eye safety, and some of the ones off Ebay are 200-500mw. Shining an 18650 powered laser in someone's eyes should earn you prison time.
Mob rule is ALWAYS wrong. We are a nation of laws. You do not get laws changed through violence. You VOTE, and petition your representatives to change them.
ANTIFA is a hateful, violent, evil terrorist group that uses violence to silence dissenting voices.


"...yanking people out of their vehicles to beat them for being white"

Can you please provide a link for Portland protesters attacking white people (most of the protesters are white, and I am also white)? This is a claim I have heard more than once but have not been able to find information on. Promoting the truth is important, so if this is true we need to bring it to light with evidence included to back it up. Thank you.