Everyone Needs to Know What is Happening in Portland, OR with Federal Officers & Peaceful Protesters (Video Evidence)

in The Resistance5 years ago (edited)

Our city is under attack by the federal government who are kidnapping peaceful protesters in UNMARKED VEHICLES without cause by supposed federal law enforcement officers that are dressed in full military gear. The local government has called for the removal of federal troops from our state but so far the feds have not heeded this decree, and continue to instigate violence by releasing tear gas and flash bangs for no apparent reason, and violently attacking otherwise peaceful protesters. Some people are even being detained for simply wearing all black (examples in video below).

Stormtroopers have descended on Portland in the name of the Empire


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Oregon has filed a federal lawsuit against the feds for this outrage - not to mention the need to be compensated for being the cause of our beautifully green city's decimation.

A female friend of ours in Nevada was even hit with a flash bang directly in the face while attending a protest in Reno. She obviously ended up in the hospital which landed her with a $1000+ medical bill that put her in debt. The photo below shows head injuries inflicted by three policemen in riot gear to a woman walking home from a protest in Portland while minding her own business.

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The Portland protests were spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement in response to repeated and seemingly unchecked police brutality. This came to a head with the ruthless murder of George Floyd, and communities around the nation came together and started protesting. Currently the Justice Center (now referred to as the injustice center) in downtown Portland is tagged up with anti-establishment graffiti, and police have set up a fenced off perimeter around the building which protesters have definantly breached multiple times. The Portland Police Association office was also broken into on July 18th and set on fire by protesters that have become tired of the abuse. One thing is clear - protesters are not backing down to this invasion and refuse to submit to authoritarian rule.

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The ACLU & ACLU Oregon were granted a restraining order - but President Trump, Mark Morgan (Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection), and the US Marshals Office continue to escalate the situation (Source).

So far I have been unsuccessful with coordinating my participation in one of the hip-hop themed protests (and was unable to attend the 4th of July one due to a crazy person threatening me and my home on that day), never the less, I fully intend on participating in these protests in general now that my work schedule has finally freed up. I still have my speech/song prepared, and feel a responsibility to participate as more than just a number - but also as a voice.

We are planning to join our brothers and sisters downtown to assist in this resistance of tyranny tonight. I will be capturing original footage to share when we do.

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I am approaching this time in history with caution, as there is no doubt in my mind that WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF FULL SCALE CIVIL WAR! This is not to be taken lightly, as I tend to agree with Zakir Khan - spokesman for the Oregon chapter of American-Islamic Relations in thinking that Portland is being used as a test sight (as it has been for many types of new legislation - Oregon being an experimental law state) to expose this level of tyranny and fear to ALL major US cities (source in below image). President Dump actually just recently announced he will also be deploying troops to Chicago as well.


↓Feds are also using these bullets that release a powder which irritates the skin↓

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The most important two items we need to remain safe while protesting for removal of government oppression are gas masks and bullet proof vests (this is seriously for safety - not a joke). If anyone could possibly provide any gear like this please comment below or contact me directly and I will provide a shipping address (supplies like this are currently hard for us to find). We can even return the items to you if/when this situation is actually averted. I promise you we will use what ever you send us. I am a 200 lb 6 ft man, and she is 110 lb 5'6 slender woman (for sizing).In order to safely participate in these protests, it has come to the point where my partner @Hempress and I need as much anti-riot gear as possible.

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The video snips you are about to view are graphic and raw without any filter or included bias. This is a snapshot of the Truth about what is happening in Portland - the biggest city within the most Sovereign state in the union. Props to my love @Hempress for finding some of this... there is so much more to it than what I display here. After seeing this - DO YOUR RESEARCH TO FIND THE WHOLE TRUTH! Do not trust the word of the mainstream media with political agendas. The feds are threatening our way of life, and our lives. This is only the beginning - be prepared.

In case you did not notice, this is the first article published to The #Resistance Community I just launched. More on that soon - LMK if you want to help.

separador nuevo  FULL BAND.png

Click pic or link below to play video

Intimidation & Fear at its "Finest"

I never thought this would happen here. Cascadia has always been about as far removed (both physically and philosophically) from the federal government as humanly possible. The feds were crazy to pick their first fight with Portland, Oregon - a city well known for it's activism and non-acknowledgement of federal rule and unjust legislation.

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Enchanted blessings - with love, truth, respect, & honor - @ELAmental.


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Stay tuned - into the right frequencies


Click here to hear my single: Shift the Focus on Soundcloud from my upcoming album: Power of Truth

(Link to new album title claim)

Click here to hear my un-mastered sample of No Consent

My debut conscious Hip-Hop album The Hex Wrecker is completely free for download on Bandcamp & Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.



Created by derangedvisions.gif

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@alchemage has been keeping me posted - vicariously suffering with you all. I find it hard to pay attention to - not because I don't care, but because I need to self care, so I can care for the earth and my people right here and right now. Thanks so much for being the kind of person to care about you and yours and be a voice here - stay safe honey.

I am right there with you on the self care n healing. I have prioritized that over all else... but I cannot ignore the feds at my front door trying to take over our home. So despite still not being completely mentally and emotionally recovered from my trauma, I am still standing up and being a part of the #resistance against federal military invasion and occupation, as well as doing backend protest work by raising awareness about the truth of the protests here in Portland with posts like this one. I went last night and saw just how melodically non-violent this Portland movement is, and as a collective, really shows a Gandhi like presence that lives up to the reputation that I have come to know in my mind for this area - a place of serious non-violent activism that does not back down (working on uploading the footage I recorded last night right now). I will get to that hateful comment above eventually.

Some things are best left like, honey. Concentrate on the good you can do - there's no need for you to defend yourself on social media.

I am not defending myself, only the thousands of non-violent protesters that are being grouped together with the few people who are responding with aggressive acts to the police and fed's aggression independently. These incidents are being exaggeratedly highlighted to discredit the entire movement here in Portland, while suppressing videos like these to hide the whole truth.

I am approaching this time in history with caution, as there is no doubt in my mind that WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF FULL SCALE CIVIL WAR!

Right on! This was clear LONG before Corona. This is a mega ritual of the elites and the USA WILL break apart. On 12/14/2020 is the next total solar eclipse, which is the exact midpoint of the two Great American Eclipses (8/21/2017 and 4/8/2024), who create an X over the States with their line of totality. One week later is the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which happens only every twenty years and usually brings a dead US president or some sort of attack against the POTUS. This time though, it has PLUTO in the mix, planet of destruction and in conjunction with the 1776 position of Pluto (about 3° off but still in conjunction range). The Great Conjunction happens right on the Winter Solstice, when the Sun is right in front of the galactic center. This is only the beginning. The next years will be ugly.

And don't get me started on the numerology and the Golden Gate of Osiris...

Be save my friend.

The cosmos are certainly beaming something to this time and place in history. This whole situation is being manufactured by the govt for sure, but that does not mean I should not publish that which is not being seen by the masses. People need to know the whole story, not just the narrative being pushed by mainstream media that all Portland protesters are violent when in fact most of them are not.

Yeah, keep the world posted about what is going on. It is up to people like you these days to bring the truth out. I doubt that you will reach the masses but if you can only wake up one single individual, it might be worth it!

It's just crazy what is going on, thank you for sharing the truth and please be careful out there. I know you have to do it, but please stay as safe as you can xxxx

I will. Thank you for the support. Did you see the examples in the video?

yeah I watched the video, had seen some already, I've been trying to follow it online, so really appreciate you posting this xxx

I had no idea burning down buildings, beating up random white people, breaking down fences to private properties, burning homeless camps,taking over city blocks with sub machine guns, burning cops cars, chocking cops out, and shooting random people was a peaceful protest.

Anarchy and Communism {socialism} is the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my life. Maybe you should read a history book. In China they used "youth brigades" to protest everything. Any they were VERY liberal and pro women.Then when Mao actually came to power he literally passed laws about having only 2 children and how men are better so people literally killed their baby girls.

{All these protests are supported by the chinese communist party by the way.}

Black lives matter is run by a literal nazi collaborator George soros who bragged on television tricking jews into giving him their property was the "best time of his life." Black lives matter heads have direct ties to the Weather underground and antifa.... ITS A DOMESTIC TERROR ORGANISATION.

Are people who want to overthrow the United States REALLY crying about being detained illegally? grow a fucking pair of balls if you are trying to overthrow the biggest country in the world. Also if you are an anarchist why are you bitching about constitutional rights?? What a joke.

Portland is a disgusting liberal cesspool of crime it has one of the highest human trafficking rates and just TONS of crime and drug abuse in general. Cascadia by the way isnt even real because you are too lazy to even Secede properly

Last time i checked the border to mexico and canada aren't closed ;)

Two officers arrested him, read him his Miranda rights and then let him leave after asking him to waive his rights.


Is tear gas and rubber bullets really much compared to smashing out cop car windows and trying to pull them out to curb stomp them to death anyways? And what about the children shot by protesters fatally?

Anarchy and Communism {socialism} is the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my life.

You do realize that you just listed three very different things (each of which has MANY various "schools"/branches/etc.) right?

Communism was described as a stateless, classless utopian ideal, which Marx and many others foolishly thought could be accomplished by eliminating capitalism through centralization (state socialism.) Anarchists have generally disagreed with that, realizing that the state and capitalism are one and the same - structures designed to protect & empower a small group of families. Look up Bakunin vs Marx.

Anarchy shows up with every potential economic variant: mutualism, capitalism, socialism, gift economy, post-scarcity access-based economy, and so many other models we haven't discovered yet. Anarchy literally translates to no rulers - nobody who is allowed to violate others without consequence.

I agree with you to varying degrees on many of the things you stated, like:

  • Portland is an authoritarian, "intersectional" mess
  • Protests & Riots being funded & guided by the parasite class
  • Borders definitely not closed; I've been to Mexico and back since they "closed" them
  • Constitutions and other paper proclamations are meaningless mythology to help keep slaves obedient

However, I disagree with any level of protecting/justifying violent organized crime syndicates like the "police" and the lumping of anarchism in with the authoritarian left.

Thank you for addressing this comment properly @kennyskitchen - you know how to describe the issues at play in this realm better than most. I also agree with "Constitutions and other paper proclamations are meaningless mythology to help keep slaves obedient" - but if we are speaking in terms of the rules that are supposed to be upheld by the Constitution for the sake of argument, then yes it is ALSO unconstitutional AND wrong. I was citing that for argument's sake, not because I completely agree with the document itself - just to be clear.

If you would do research you would see that the father of anarchism came up with all the major socialist ideals like social justice and the abolishment of private property.

And Adam Smith described clearly how "private property" leads to and is the main justification for the state.

I'm not so sure about the "Social Justice" comment; certainly while words like that were used, it was not in any way the same kind of propaganda or beliefs as are being pushed by post-post-modern intersectionalists.

I have read quite a bit of anarchist philosophy over the years, that's why I find it so valuable. Proudhon, Goldman, Kropotkin, Tucker, Parsons, Bakunin, Bookchin, Konkin, and many others. There is no logical way to immerse one's self in Anarchy and end up in authoritarian socialism - so if people are, it's an issue with them.

I would argue that the media & governments have been pushing the word "anarchist" to mean black masked agents of destruction, and the mainstream folks getting more and more pissed off at their slave-owners have taken that same definition and applied it to themselves.

an absurd war of extremes! People taking orders and abusing their power, and people "peacefully protesting" for a cause invented by the same means to generate chaos!

It is not right what you are going through, and not because the protesters are right.

They are all together using a game and do not realize that it is the chips. Cops and military getting their absurd and Protestant orders guided by communists!

Look for love and if, if it looks true you are an anarchist you should start with understanding what moves your fellow man, put yourself in his shoes, that is intelligence and strategy!

I feel you, this is a messed up game of illusion for sure. I don't agree with everything people are chanting there, but most of it has powerful messages, and this level of culture and unity is needed when federal troops occupy a city and exert violent force like this, whether it is planned government strategy or not. What is the alternative? Let the feds stay and set up a federal military base downtown with no resistance at all? No thanks, that will lead to even further federal interference in an area that does not want it around. One way or another, the collective has spoken, and is speaking. I am reporting on what is happening here, and I thank you for your contribution to the discussion. Your comment was much needed and is an appreciated inclusion.

An absurd war of extremes! People taking orders and abusing their power, and people "peacefully protesting" for a cause invented by the same means to generate chaos!


The protests & riots serve so very many purposes for the parasite class:

  • Emotional release after months of lockdown
  • Shifting towards the policing models they've clearly laid out in the Agenda 21 nonsense.
  • Getting a bunch of dissidents & potential threats to the power structure arrested, put in the system, turned into informants, etc.
  • The obvious push of the racism narrative, versus the institutionalized violence narrative
  • and so many more

"Peaceful protesters." HAHAHAHAH now that's a good one!
"Peaceful protesters" assaulting people, burning shit, trying to permanently blind officers with lasers, looting, and throwing potentially lethal objects at citizens and officers.

"Assaulting people" - not true as far as I have seen. The PPD and the feds are the ones assaulting people. "Trying to permanently blind officers with lasers" - a bit of a stretch, especially considering protesters are shining lasers at snipers that are pointing laser scopes at them. "looting, and throwing potentially lethal objects at citizens and officers." - definitely not citizens, and the objects being thrown at officers are mostly ordinance that was thrown at the protesters by the officers first, along with some water bottles and a few other not-so-lethal objects. In the one night I was down there so far I saw two protesters with rubber bullet wounds to the head and an immense amount of tear gas and flash bangs were unleashed. There is some credence to the burning of things and looting, but that is a small group of people that do not represent the mass of the protest. There are always a couple bad apples in every bunch, but most of the rest of the protesters do not approve of such actions as it is not in the best interest of the cause. The protesters have been assaulted consistently without directly assaulting the police in return. I would say that Portland is learning how to fight back without actually fighting. I hope we can keep things civil even though we may disagree about what is happening in Portland - I was on the ground and experienced it first hand, and will be going again soon.

Nah, man. I'm not falling for that. I have a folder full of violent videos now - hundreds. Setting buildings on fire, throwing rocks and frozen water bottles, and yanking people out of their vehicles to beat them for being white. Sorry, but those industrial lasers on Ebay CAN permanently blind. They kill the cells in your retinas. Know how I know? I'm an amateur astronomer and own a few. You have to wear safety goggles while operating one. Anything over 5mw needs eye safety, and some of the ones off Ebay are 200-500mw. Shining an 18650 powered laser in someone's eyes should earn you prison time.
Mob rule is ALWAYS wrong. We are a nation of laws. You do not get laws changed through violence. You VOTE, and petition your representatives to change them.
ANTIFA is a hateful, violent, evil terrorist group that uses violence to silence dissenting voices.

"...yanking people out of their vehicles to beat them for being white"

Can you please provide a link for Portland protesters attacking white people (most of the protesters are white, and I am also white)? This is a claim I have heard more than once but have not been able to find information on. Promoting the truth is important, so if this is true we need to bring it to light with evidence included to back it up. Thank you.

Well look at that. I spoke too soon. I just read a report saying that at least 3 officers have been possibly permanently blinded by laser wielding terrorists at your "peaceful" demonstration.





Dude seriously you can stop with the anecdotal evidence. Those aren't protests. They're violent.

All those articles are basically saying the same thing (and all the videos aside from one by Fox seem to contradict the articles and are promoting opposition of federal occupation) and they do not provide evidence of names, photos, or videos of the officers affected (not to say that it did not happen but they haven't proved it). These are good examples of how the actions of a select few are being used to discredit thousands of non-violent protesters. Also good examples of how the mainstream media is trying to blame these responses to the violence from police as the actual original incidents, when it has been the feds and police instigating the violence the whole time. They always start with tear gas and other riot munitions previous to the few instances of aggressive reactions. New information is coming out every day which makes it hard to keep my information up to date, but i do appreciate the counter points, and I am not buying into or falling for anything, just reporting on what is actually happening from the view point of the thousands of non-violent protesters experiencing it. There are some people that are stepping over the lines they should not cross, but those few people should not define these Portland protests as a whole when thousands of people are ALL being non-violent, the police are consistently and persistently crossing lines they should not, and pushing these few protesters to these actions. If there are protesters blinding officers with lasers I (along with most of the protesters) am 100% against that and any other violent reaction. I am not out to defend anyone who is acting out of violence in this situation (police, feds, or protesters), just those that are NOT and being accused as such.

Also the claim of protesters violently attacking police for 52 nights in a row is not true, and the feds are not civilian police officers, they are military being labeled as police. That is the narrative that the mainstream media is pushing that contrasts the footage they are not publishing like what is displayed here. The following link provides the most credible mainstream media coverage I have seen so far, although they did not cover what was behind the Portland Mayor's publicity stunt:

You have to turn on the audio manually for this video.https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000007243995/portland-protests-federal-government.html

I wish more publications would get engagement like this. This kind of discourse is how we achieve a better picture of the reality of controversial situations.