And Adam Smith described clearly how "private property" leads to and is the main justification for the state.
I'm not so sure about the "Social Justice" comment; certainly while words like that were used, it was not in any way the same kind of propaganda or beliefs as are being pushed by post-post-modern intersectionalists.
I have read quite a bit of anarchist philosophy over the years, that's why I find it so valuable. Proudhon, Goldman, Kropotkin, Tucker, Parsons, Bakunin, Bookchin, Konkin, and many others. There is no logical way to immerse one's self in Anarchy and end up in authoritarian socialism - so if people are, it's an issue with them.
I would argue that the media & governments have been pushing the word "anarchist" to mean black masked agents of destruction, and the mainstream folks getting more and more pissed off at their slave-owners have taken that same definition and applied it to themselves.