Victor she's so sweet! I can see what would make her your favorite Kitty. She looks a lot like my Miss Kitty and she even sounds like her purr purring and purring in your face until you can almost not stand it anymore but they're so cute! How can you not love that? Secretly, I think they know that and there is a method to their Madness. Or maybe it's just love. I don't leave my clothes on the floor because my maid would get mad. I'm the maid, in case you think I get paid enough to have a maid. Anyway I make a better place to sleep than any old shirt. She's a Beauty and there's just something so sweet about kitties. I love my dog but oh, it's not a kitty. I hope you're day is going smoothly and I wish for a great night for you.
You should have some words with your maid and set some expectations. Really. She sounds like quite the driver.
Before I make myself off to be too much of a lazy slob, I should say that I don't leave clothes strewn all over the house; I strategically place a shirt in the corner of the room for her to nap on so she doesn't sleep on my face. :)