
in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

Today is Bella's Gotchaversary, the day when Bella came home from the SPCA. Four years with this little kitty has earned her a way into my heart and is affectionately known, by me, as favourite cat.


I've waxed poetic before about just why she is my favourite cat, and I won't go into it today other than to say that I've nursed her back to health from near-death illnesses twice, and we bonded. To this day she still hangs out on my desk with me and sleeps on my clothes; she will not sleep on anyone else's clothes unless I have not left a shirt on the floor.

Lookit that face.


And lookit how flat she makes herself when she lies down!


Just like me, she likes to hang out by the fire in the winter, and by the tree (and the fire) at Christmas.



Rawr! Actually, this isn't a roar, but a yawn; I caught her mid yawn, and am really impressed with the size of it. Damn. She could almost swallow herself whole.


She's a good kitty. She likes to sit in front of me - on my keyboard - and purr at me while I try to work. I don't really like that, but she purrrrrs, and it doesn't seem quite right to send her off the desk. I think she's knows she's cute and uses it to her advantage.



Happy Gotchaversary, Favourite Cat! Treats are on me tonight.

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
General all around problem-solver and creative type.

My Favourite Tags



Awww, how beautiful Bella is. I'm not a cat lover but I recognize their beauty and intelligence when I see them. What a beautiful union between the two. She is aware of how much you love her and appreciates that by sticking it to you always.

Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures and these beautiful anecdotes with your kitty. I send you a hug and a coffee back, dear Victor. It's always nice to read you. 🤗🥰😊🐱😸


Precious, precious coffee. :)

She really is a sweet cat. I've always been more of a dog person, too, until this cat. She really did win me over.

Thank you for stopping by! 😃

Aww, what a cute kitty.

Thank you!

Aww she is so so cute I better not show my wife or she will want us to get a cat again

Hahahah. I promise not to send pictures.

Lol thanks

Victor she's so sweet! I can see what would make her your favorite Kitty. She looks a lot like my Miss Kitty and she even sounds like her purr purring and purring in your face until you can almost not stand it anymore but they're so cute! How can you not love that? Secretly, I think they know that and there is a method to their Madness. Or maybe it's just love. I don't leave my clothes on the floor because my maid would get mad. I'm the maid, in case you think I get paid enough to have a maid. Anyway I make a better place to sleep than any old shirt. She's a Beauty and there's just something so sweet about kitties. I love my dog but oh, it's not a kitty. I hope you're day is going smoothly and I wish for a great night for you.

You should have some words with your maid and set some expectations. Really. She sounds like quite the driver.

Before I make myself off to be too much of a lazy slob, I should say that I don't leave clothes strewn all over the house; I strategically place a shirt in the corner of the room for her to nap on so she doesn't sleep on my face. :)