Las relaciones familiares también mutan y evolucionan // Family relationships also mutate and evolve

in Family History4 years ago
Hola Hola! espero que todos se encuentren bien por acá, que tal ese sábado? todo bien?? Bueno yo he tenido un sábado un poco agotado, últimamente siento que el tiempo no me alcanza para todo lo que debería hacer, pero bueno ese es tema para otro día, hoy les quiero compartir una anécdota o historia que creo es necesario que todos lo interioricemos... Soy la hija mayor del segundo y ultimo matrimonio de mi papa antes de casarse con mama papa tuvo un primer matrimonio, de ese primer matrimonio tuvo 3 hijos, que vendrían a ser mis hermanos mayores, dos mujeres y un hombre, con ellos mi relación siempre a sido prácticamente inexistente, es decir no tenemos una relación de hermanos común y normal, casi no los veo y hemos tenido poco o nada de relación con ellos, se podría decir que ninguno de los dos lados ha hecho un sincero acercamiento para trabajar nuestra relación, en el matrimonio de mis padres soy la mayor tengo una hermana menor, aunque no lo aparenta porque visualmente aparento menos edad que ella, la relación con mi hermana menor ha pasado por diferentes etapas, siempre nos hemos amado con locura, pero he de admitir que cuando era pequeña sufrí la etapa de celos muy fuerte, y la trataba bastante mal la verdad ( no se si sea normal) con el tiempo fuimos creciendo y nuestra relación fue evolucionando con nosotras no llevamos mejor, y compartimos mas.
Hi Hi! I hope everyone is well over here, how about that Saturday? everything's fine?? Well, I have had a somewhat exhausted Saturday, lately I feel that time is not enough for me for everything I should do, but well that is a topic for another day, today I want to share an anecdote or story that I think it is necessary for all of us to internalize it. ... I am the eldest daughter of the second and last marriage of my father, before marrying my mother, father had a first marriage, from that first marriage he had 3 children, who would become my older brothers, two women and a man, with them My relationship has always been practically non-existent, that is, we do not have a common and normal sibling relationship, I hardly see them and we have had little or no relationship with them, it could be said that neither side has made a sincere approach to work on our relationship, in my parents' marriage I am the oldest I have a younger sister, although she does not appear so because visually I appear younger than her, the relationship with my younger sister has gone through different stages, always We have loved each other madly, but I have to admit that when I was little I suffered the stage of jealousy very strong, and I treated her quite badly the truth (I do not know if it is normal) with time we grew and our relationship evolved with us. we get along better, and we share more.

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Pero recientemente, en nuestra vida adulta, no hemos congeniado del todo, la verdad nos hemos distanciado bastante por situaciones y decisiones que hemos tomado con la que la otra no se siente cómoda, de hecho hace una semana tuvimos una pelea gigante en la que nos dijimos de todo Adriana, mi hermana, es bastante terca y orgullosa, de las dos ella es la mas fuerte sentimentalmente, yo por el contrario soy de poca inteligencia emocional (y esto es real) ella tiene un habito que realmente me gusta mucho y es que es capaz de arrancar a cualquier persona de su vida, si considera que esa persona es nociva y toxica en su vida, lo ha hecho con familiares y amigos, peor esa gran virtud aveces termina siendo también su mayor debilidad, cuando peleamos hace una semana fui victima directa de su enojo y furia, nos dijimos de toso, y quedamos bastante herida la una con la otra, por lo que nos alejamos unas cuantas semanas, no nos escribimos ni vimos durante un tiempo, hasta un día que la encontré llorando frente a la puerta de mi casa, había pasado por un problema con su pareja y necesitaba u lugar donde estar para calmarse, obviamente le dije que si que no había ningún inconveniente. ella lloro y yo la consolé como pude, y esta es la cosa con nosotras, podemos estar molestas la una con la otra pero si nos necesitan allí estamos.
But recently, in our adult life, we have not hit it off at all, the truth is that we have become quite distant due to situations and decisions that we have made with which the other does not feel comfortable, in fact a week ago we had a giant fight in which we We said everything Adriana, my sister, is quite stubborn and proud, of the two she is the strongest sentimentally, I on the contrary I am of little emotional intelligence (and this is real) she has a habit that I really like a lot and it is that he is capable of uprooting any person from his life, if he considers that that person is harmful and toxic in his life, he has done it with family and friends, worse that great virtue sometimes ends up also being his greatest weakness, when we fought a week ago I was a direct victim of her anger and fury, we said to each other, and we were quite hurt with each other, so we stayed away for a few weeks, we did not write or see each other for a while, until one day I found her l Praying in front of the door of my house, I had gone through a problem with her partner and needed a place to be to calm down, obviously I told her that there was no problem. she cried and I comforted her as I could, and this is the thing with us, we can be upset with each other but if they need us we are there.

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Después de ese día tratamos de fortificar nuestra relación, pero de manera diferente, como soy la mayor siempre trato de sobre proteger y ayudar a mi hermanita menor, pero debo de entender y ella también que mi hermana ya es mayor de edad y esta tratando al igual que yo, de tener una vida de adulta estable, por lo que debo aprender a respetar su decisiones y ella también debe de interiorizar las consecuencias que vienen con sus actos, al ser la menor de la casa la verdad a sido protegidas por todo en ella, y eso a sido en cierto punto que ha vuelto un poco irresponsable, en este momento mas que nada creo que lo que realmente necesita de mi como hermana mayor es ser su amiga, confidente, escucharla y apoyarla en todas la decisiones que tiene por delante y de los problemas de los que esta tratando de salir.
After that day we tried to fortify our relationship, but in a different way, as I am the oldest I always try to protect and help my little sister, but I must understand and she also that my sister is already of legal age and is treating the Like me, to have a stable adult life, so I must learn to respect her decisions and she must also internalize the consequences that come with her actions, being the youngest in the house the truth has been protected by everything in her, and that has been at a certain point that she has become a little irresponsible, at this moment more than anything I think that what she really needs from me as an older sister is to be her friend, confidant, listen to her and support her in all the decisions that she has for ahead and what problems you are trying to get out of.

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Al día siguiente de que la encontró llorando, se me ocurrió llevarla a una laguna que queda cerca de donde vivimos, esto de manera para que se pueda despejar su mente,cuando yo he estado en esos momentos de tristeza y no veo solución siempre he querido que alguien me lleve a algún lugar donde sienta que las preocupaciones no me atrapen, así que nos fuimos a pasar la tarde para allá, compartimos un rato agradable, hicimos una sesión de fotos improvisada lo que nos permitió distraer la mente de todas las cosas que nos aquejan, allí entre risas y emprendimientos que queremos materializar pasamos la tarde, y logramos restablecer ese vinculo que necesitábamos renovar y restablecer.
The day after I found her crying, it occurred to me to take her to a lagoon that is near where we live, this in a way so that her mind can clear, when I have been in those moments of sadness and I do not see a solution I have always wanted Someone take me somewhere where I feel that worries do not catch me, so we went to spend the afternoon there, we shared a pleasant time, we did an improvised photo session which allowed us to distract the mind from all the things that they afflict us, there amid laughter and undertakings that we want to materialize, we spent the afternoon, and we managed to reestablish that bond that we needed to renew and reestablish.

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La familia para mi, siempre ha sido muy importante al igual que los amigos que son la familia que escogemos, y si, ciertamente no podemos elegir a nuestra familia, pero si podemos elegir la manera en la que nosotros nos relacionamos con ella. Para finalizar de todos esto me queda que las relaciones familiares al igual que todo en la vida muta y se transforma, y para nuestro propio bienestar debemos de mutar y evolucionar con ellos, quisiera como siempre agradecer a @naturalmedicine por el apoyo desde mis inicios en la plataforma y también a @historiafamiliar por prestar esta espacios para compartir nuestras anécdotas, al final les dejare mis redes sociales para que si gustan puedan seguirme por allí también.
Family for me has always been very important as well as friends who are the family we choose, and yes, we certainly cannot choose our family, but we can choose the way in which we relate to it. To finish all this I have that family relationships like everything in life mutates and transforms, and for our own well-being we must mutate and evolve with them, as always I would like to thank @naturalmedicine for the support since my beginnings in the platform and also @historiafamiliar for providing this space to share our anecdotes, at the end I will leave you my social networks so that if you like you can follow me there too.

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The ability to look past differences can be difficult with family, after all they know you better than probably anyone. This can cause tiny problems to become big ones.

The fact you are able to look past differences in the face of negativity or undesired consequences speaks volumes to the kind of person you are and the solid relationships you will surely continue to have in this world.

Thank you for sharing such a intimate detail of your family life.


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