Surely you, who read me, are a happy and successful person. You have already taken stock of your life and can identify the things you possess that you associate into happiness and success and for which you have worked hard, for years, decades... Ok. We already know that being happy and successful is different for everyone.
If you are not in that privileged group of happy and successful people, what are you waiting for? Kill yourself. 🤣
No, no... not yet! I have something to tell you. I beg you to stay a few more minutes.
If you didn't know you had a nose, you wouldn't think about it, would you? This phrase, like the one I used in my title, are things that have clicked in my mind and the time will come when they will do the same in you. They are not my phrases but someone else's. Just wait a bit.
I was telling you that if you ignore something you don't think about it. There are thousands of things that you don't know exist and you don't think about them... until the day you see them, the day comes when you realise that there is so much more out there.
And so we go through life, desiring from lack, let's say it in other words, from what we don't have, that which would make us happy and successful. Who wouldn't? And we do things to achieve those objects of our desires. It is also true that there are those who achieve a lot without effort while others spend their lives getting little or nothing.
Everyone who achieves something they have worked hard for is happy and empowered and continues to attract things... successes, in short.
Let's mention for example comfort. The example of owning a house, a car, and all that is required in a house to live comfortably is what immediately comes to mind.
If we talk about peace of mind we can relate this to money, enough capital for the rest of your life and even to leave your offspring well off.
To have that you would need well-paid job, but you would be happy only if you are passionate about that job, or perhaps much better would be to have a business that you built brick by brick. And then you think about the enjoyment it would mean to go somewhere special where you feel at ease and go on holidays or travel around the world and adventures and so on.

The funny thing about all this is that just as you get all these things, you feel that the happiness promised after so much struggle soon fades away, it becomes so routine, so natural that you want something else.
There are also people who don't need to try so hard to get things... and of course the same thing happens to them. The emptiness comes upon them and they have to look for something else to fill it, i.e. new goals or objects of desire with which they would feel happy and successful.
Well, here I have to bring in the guest who until now has remained incognito between these lines, and he is none other than Joe Dispenza.
What you are about to hear may change your idea of happiness and success. It has changed it radically for me. Because I was really about to kill myself. 😅
I think I keep that powerful idea of creating from the quantum field and not from our three-dimensional reality.
Did you know that there is a quantum field? Well, if you didn't know that a thing called quantum field exists, now you will know it and it's explained in a very simple way.
I came here to show you only what Dr. Joe Dispenza says, talking about a subject that interests us all, money... but there is much more in his words. However, the whole video is very interesting. You are free to watch it from beginning to end.
Four renowned experts on money, abundance and financial success, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bob Proctor, George Kamel and Patrick Bet-David, offer valuable insights into how we can transform our relationship with money and create lasting financial success.
So, listen carefully to what Joe Dispenza has to say about emotions, and the associations we make and how we create memories, and the distance between something we desire and its achievement... or that concept called time, which we would need to achieve this or that. That path that leaves us exhausted and then does not allow us to properly enjoy what we achieve.
When we create from three-dimensional reality we are creating from lack and separation.Joe Dispenza.
But there is a solution, Dispenza insists. This is precisely what he is talking about. I know the video is about unlocking abundance, money... but this applies to all other areas of our lives.
It's only the first 24 minutes of this whole video. I hope you find time to watch it.
(YouTube - 👆 En Español)
(YouTube - English)
Thank you and I have been delighted to participate in this initiative. And I am also deeply grateful for all the times I have been invited and mentioned. Hahaha...
There are so many YouTube videos that I can share here because help me on a daily basis, almost in the same way as the teachings of all the people who come and go in my life.
(I'm a bit crazy without drinking Brandy with ginger, honey and lemon)
Do yourself a favour and don't commit suicide. There is much to learn and discover.
I hope we can debate this issue in the comments section. I also leave you the links to Lewis Howes' channels in case you want to explore them further. There are some real gems.
Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2025.
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It's true, every time we achieve something we strive for we get used to it in a short time soon we are surprised by a void that makes us pursue a new goal... or want to stop and stop doing anything. That is, a kind of virtual suicide.
You also hit that thing of looking at what others achieve or fail to achieve. Of course, we judge them from our perspective that is always biased and subjective. Not real.
The good thing about maturing is that experience allows you to differentiate what is really important, which is usually doing what you really want as often as possible without thinking about anything beyond that. Because the future does not exist and the past, well, that has already happened.
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There are some words that I like very much and they are said in that video by Joe Dispenza. And he says something like this: when you are grateful, you are already in a state of creation, like when you are happy and empowered, when life surprises you...
You are not in a state of creation when you are on the defensive, when you are in stress, running away, in survival mode, there is no creation there. There we just need to save ourselves, to run, to escape.
We have to start doing different things to achieve different results.
And that's why Paloma, he says, this thing of not being anything, not being anybody, not being a person with a job, or a family.... Just being in the nothingness, in the unknown. Here I think he is talking about that pure state of meditation where there are no limiting thoughts, just a surrender to the here and now. And where all the answers are found.
However, you see he says that chasing things is not wrong. It's not wrong to pursue goals. But I think you are happier being from that nothingness. From where you will attract everything.
Bob Proctor also says some interesting things in that video. And he talks about giving and giving and giving... Well Paloma. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. I wrote this when I read your reply to my comment on your post.
I'm still on the road. It is important to keep growing and to find the direction, the real reason why we came to this world.
You already know that I prefer to read in the audiovisual format. 😅 I promise to try with your recommendation. I put it in the list for watching.
I'm reading a book that I'm sure you give me an advantage with it: The power of now by Eckhart Tolle. Every time it mentions the source I remember you. ❤️😘
🤔 Sometimes a void is created in my memory... Paloma that it's 24 minutes, the first 24 minutes of the video... hahaha... ok. Let me know ;)
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Gracias 😉🍀
A vos!!😉
Great!!! I listened until minute 24 just as you said, it is the proper explanation of the law of attraction and the quantum field. I like this explanation, I recommend you a book .... that helped me a lot, The Double, how it works, by Jean Pierre Garnier Malet. It's on the internet in pdf, you can download it, I think it's the culmination of this video and it's fantastic. Jean Pierre changed my life! Thank you very much for participating, I love it !!!!!!! And you can bring all the videos and reflections you want. The idea of the initiative is an idea and even if the time is up ideas can always be expressed! Thank you very much Nani!
Thank you. I really liked something I saw yesterday on Instagram and I'm sharing it with you. It's simple, but it says a lot.
Está bien, leeré a JPGM 😄
Muy buen mensaje... me dejo verlo sin tener Instagram jajajaja porque no tengo! Ese libro habla del desdoblamiento del tiempo, creo estas lista para el libro...
I haven't gotten to the thought of wanting to kill myself yet haha 😂 but I will try to listen to those 24 minutes you say as soon as I have some time to relax my feathers 🦉
Success and happiness may be different for everyone, but there is a common pattern that no one is exempt from, no matter how much they deny it, and that is money 👀
But it is true that when we achieve what we were looking for, there comes a time when it becomes routine and we need to look for something else, something that makes us feel that we are still alive 🙏 I will listen to those minutes and if you ask me if I listened to it and I tell you that I forgot, I give you free stone to peck me haha 😂
Try to listen to those few minutes. Do it when you're in the kitchen washing dishes. Hahaha...
It's interesting and I think it helps people a lot to find meaning beyond the material things they are able to achieve.
Let's learn to attract abundance of everything, not just money, from emotion, gratitude and from the bottom of our heart.
Me encanta este autor. Me leí "Deja de ser tú" y fue una explosión en mí cabeza. Podemos reprogramar nuestra mente y es maravilloso 👏 Un gran motivo para no suicidarse 😅
Tú sigue como vas que estás en el buen camino. Felices viajes, sigue conectando con el campo cuántico.
On the last day of last year came the news that a relative of a person I know committed suicide. Business went wrong, they lost a lot of money, that led to this tragedy. So, things are not always simple.
Oh, Erikah, what a tragedy. I'm so sorry 😞. In the video I recommended, there is a part in which it is said that sometimes very strong things happen that make people react, that is, look for solutions, other ways or change in some way how they were doing things or facing life. But committing suicide is something definitive that closes all doors and I really don't think that anyone should have to go to that... I guess it's like you say. Nothing is that easy. And also sometimes a lot of people run out of options, but fundamentally without emotional support and don't find the strength to go on.
@nanixxx, I paid out 0.328 HIVE and 0.156 HBD to reward 6 comments in this discussion thread.
🍀 Thank you.
Interesantes puntos de vista sobre la ley de atracción y lo relacionado con la cuántica, gracias por compartir con nosotros!!