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RE: While You Sleep, THEY LIVE

in Anarchy United5 months ago

Soooooo - you . haved used ----. let say 30 - of yeears . to find out . something cheeper ! Hm - yes .... Just thinking about that .... Never - a word,
I have used about 40 yares. going trough . most of the chemical analyses - machines - and trugh royal rife . trough all this theory . and practise- to find out : that you -know - a lot _ more than me. and that is it - Any proof of that at all ?
I started my own substrakt : So at least I know - what my truth is - AND i do not fool you . I have referenses - and comments : All I do .
And I am open - even get you into linux - if you want. America - but - who the hell care. I agreee to system 5 - that time.
I am : dos is high - person!
I do not lov e Jeff . he does not have to love me ither . I love truth, that is enough.
The point is : have you anyting to prove ? Do it!
If not . Why are you not telleing Most of al is to prove that it all s wrong ?
You got to do better !
I am not - easy . to play with . you know - cards on the boaed !
Or piss off.
emacs -batch -l dunnet - for you !