You have been on Gold Tier since May 2023. That's 20 months, or 1000 HIVE over a time when the price of HIVE would have averaged less than 35 cents so that's at best about $350. Today your account is worth over $3000 so I'd say you've done pretty well here.
You are very welcome to not be involved in this curation project going forward and if you want to agitate amongst the SGS membership for the changes you mention above then you are free to do that too.
I hope the reset works out for you.
The Reset is when I start selling my Gold... Don't think I haven't given the Reset plenty of thought over the years... I'm fine with taking a time out... I am expecting to return as a "Super Whale" once I start selling my Gold to the U.S. Treasury for $90 in U.S. Crypto Coinage, "per ounce"... $90 in U.S. Crypto Coinage will be equal to 9,000 of today's Fiat USD's... Until then, I'll still be passing out my usual 100% up-votes...