Some “experts” are saying, Silver is today's most undervalued commodity, For me, pre-1964 US Silver coinage is the easiest, and usually, the cheapest way to go. They are fractional, hard to reproduce or counterfeit, because it's not worth it. Easy to recognize and ID. Their wear & tear proves they have been around. Being a baby-boomer, I, and many of my peers, know & understand its value, because of how hard it was to earn, work for, or just plain get. When it comes to understanding, the value of Precious Metals, “we” may be the only generation, ever, or in 5,000 years, to not get it. If the SHTF, It's going to be an OMG moment. “Why didn't anyone warn us.” Today, the young and some old, newbies, inexperienced, etc..., better listen and understand, what people like, Gene Everett - @geneeverett, are saying. As Granddad (WWI Veteran) said, to me, “you had better take heed, in what I am saying.” Its coming.
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