I suspect that I am more of a extremists than you in terms of our views on gun control but then again, I do live in the U.S. and our view of the subject may be a little skewed by our relatively loose gun laws lol. I generally don't think the government has a place telling the people which defensive tools that they may possess. I live in a particularly gun friendly state but our laws are still rather convoluted and they can be worse in other states. Here, one can any buy rifle, handgun, or shotgun so long as it is not classified as an NFA item (which is where things get complicated) with an instant background check and he or she may carry pistol for self-defense in public with a relatively easy to obtain license. The problem is how NFA items are classified is wildly inconsistent and often nonsensical. Machine guns are pretty straight forward (or so it would seem anyway) but why does a pistol become a "destructive device" when one adds a foregrip? No one seems to know but the law here says that it does. Why is a rifle with a 14 inch barrel more in need of regulation than one with a 16 inch barrel? It doesn't seem to be but the law says it is. I am reluctant invite more of that sort of regulation the industry.
So what is the exact process if a gun owner dies there? Who does take possession of his or her firearms? It seems like they should have written a solution written into the law but that may be asking too much of a government regulation.
If it were up to you, which restrictions would you loosen if any? I have a few things id like things id like to change here, were I king lol.
It seems like some of your firearms laws are as nonsensical as some of ours...That's often the case though - we're collared with laws that just simply do not make sense, like the 14"/16" thing.
I'd like to have suppressors unregulated, at least for rifles; I thin it is completely stupid that we cannot have them. It does not make the rifle any more dangerous, or less, just quieter. Sure, restrict them for handguns as there's no real reason for it, but when I start banging away on the long guns when out culling people know about it...A suppressor would limit some of that noise, and attention.
So, when a person dies the firearms branch often take possession of the firearms if there is no other alternative. They are then sold off and the monies go back through to the estate of the deceased. In my case my wife will contact one of my friends who will come over and take ownership - Guns can be loaned here and as the executor of my will my wife would have the ability to do so until they could be sold. I have a couple of friends who are licensed dealers. If someone was just to die and had nothing set up then it's firearms branch who take the guns and that's where problems arise.