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RE: Let there be Light

in Outdoors and more3 months ago

That's pretty cool! I will have to check out that brand for sure. I remember when I used to work at Radio Shack we sold a spotlight that had something like 1 million candle power or something like that. It was pretty insane. On a side note, as a drone guy, what do you make of all this stuff that's happening in Jersey and other places lately?


It's amazing how far the technology has come. Even that little Baton Turbo is much brighter than the lunchbox size 12volt battery things we used to lug around.

And the drones? If they are drones, the Karen's need to get off their little train. Likely people practicing for New Year's drone displays instead of fireworks. I personally like fireworks too, but got to say that the drones are safer than burning, exploding paper and ashes flittering to the ground catching things on fire. And people may have gotten some minor cuts from drone blades, but haven't blown off their hand. Don't get me started!

Wow, that is pretty impressive!

I do have to agree with you there. My brother in law used to work for a fireworks company and almost lost a hand moving a dud with an e-fuse. I think drone shows are pretty cool. I don't think I have ever seen one the size of a car though.

Well, one would have to be foolish to think that other countries (or aliens) aren't flying there above us spying like we do their countries as well.

Yes, very true!