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RE: Nowhere is somewhere

in Outdoors and more • last month

😂 Good morning, @galenkp.
After reading your post I remembered a story. About a year ago, on my husband's birthday. There wasn't any money on any of us. So, I woke up and went to my workshop (I have a mini factory where I make leather bags).
When I got to the shop that morning, I had nowhere in mind but I needed to go home with money. So I took some of the sample that were in the workshop and went to a school (since it was the season they were preparing for end-of-year party. Honestly, my nowhere became somewhere. I came back with a contract close to a million Naira 😃😃🤣 Really, going nowhere can actually become somewhere.

 last month  

I'm not sure how much a million naira is but it sounds a lot. Good work, it seems like going nowhere worked out well.