Ah that sounds like a really cool time man. I would love to get out there and shooting long range like that. It’s been a long time since I’ve shot outside. We had done it many years ago at a lake house in Maine for practice and then again in Vermont but other than that it’s been all indoors for me.
The seclusion sounds great too, for other fun reasons!
I’m actually excited, this weekend I’m working at a cadaver lab. I have worked there for years but haven’t gotten any work for one reason or another. Once you get past the weird stuff of it being a cadaver it’s interesting watching the docs learn.
Here’s my last lab I worked lol. I’ll be editing this out later but figure you’d get either weirded out and I’m sorry or laugh.
Yeah, shooting outside is nice, makes it more real and to be honest there's no real choice when shooting at range. Besides, skills have to be learned in all conditions...Calling the wind inside isn't a challenge. 🤣
It sounds like you have an interesting week ahead of you...Someone has to do these things and I take my hat off to those who can, and will.
Hey, that photo...Reminds me of that game Where's Wally...Well, here's his foot, I don't know about the rest of the bugger! 🤣
No need to edit it out. It's just a foot. ✅
Interesting. I've hardly shot inside. I have a little time on a range, but much prefer outdoors. We have a shooting complex here that has at least 10 ranges, all out doors. There are a couple of really formal LEO grade ranges, a large trap range, skeet ranges that are formal and normal. There's a 100 yard and 1000 yard informal range, two informal pistol ranges, black powder, archery and sporting clays. It used to be the only county park in Yuma County but they sold to state Fish and Wildlife. Better administration now..
I don't guess singing 'Toe the Line' is appropriate here...