As far as years go two thousand and twenty rates up there with one of my least favourite for many reasons - You can take a look back through my post-feed if you'd like to know why. It's drawing to a close though, and a new one is not too far off.
Where I live the end of the year brings summer with it summer and it's always hot...Very hot. That opens up the opportunity for certain activities I love to do and inhibits others, one of which is shooting out in the field. It still happens at times, just differently. You see, Australia is prone to wildfires and so shooting fire-breathing rifles out in tinder-dry fields and scrub land is bloody stupid.
I shoot at ranges of course, but about fifty percent of my shooting happens in the field, in real-world situations, hunting and culling and when I shoot at long range on private property. The latter can't really be done at ranges as none have the distance available and I'm privileged to have private locations where I can shoot at the distances commensurate with my skill, out to a mile, (1600 metres or so.)
This weekend I'm doing exactly that, long range shooting, and I asked my wife Faith if she's keen on coming; She's been limited lately as she is recovering from an operation but feels well enough to come shooting with me and is keen to let off some steam by way of banging away on the long gun a little.
Faith is a good shooter...She can shoot accurately at a kilometre, (1000 metres) and I'm slowly teaching her the science behind it: How to call the wind, work the ballistics software, understanding the many scientific concepts behind making a shot like that and, of course, on building her skills behind the gun. She's good though and I'd not want to be standing 1000 metres away if she had intent to shoot me...She doesn't miss much.
You can see her pictured above sitting with my culling rifle, a heavily customised Tikka CTR in the .243 calibre. She's not shot that rifle before though and so I'm taking that to familiarise herself with it. She'll get out to around 700 metres with it no problems at all.
The image immediately above is the rifle she's most familiar with and the plan is to get her past 1000 metres, maybe 1200-1300 or so, on Sunday. You should see her shoot thing thing though...It's good to watch. She assumes the prone position perfectly, being flexible in body helps of course, and she can bang away on it all day with a great deal of focus and accuracy. I'm going to challenge her this weekend though, get her to apply some of the concepts I've taught her and make her call the wind herself too.
As a marksman the ability to call wind-speed and direction is critical. I can do it to within +/- 1mph which is considered good, and can even read wind speed and direction from the mirage observed through my scope. She's only at around +/- 4mph which affects the data and makes her adjustments more inaccurate - It reduces her hit-probability percentage. She's learning though, and this Sunday she'll have to cowboy up and work it out herself.
It's not all work though and we'll have a great time just being in the countryside. The weather looks perfect and the grasses haven't completely dried out so it's still safe to shoot without fear of starting fires. Just in case you don't know, a large flame shoots out of the muzzle and sideways when I shoot as I have muzzle brakes fitted to my rifles so shooting in dry grass is not really acceptable.
The ruins
We're heading to a range I call the ruins which is a shooting position on the top of a low hill with uninterrupted views for miles in every direction. There was once was a homestead on there, now just ruins, and we'll base ourselves right there as we'll have shade, a wind-break and a nice shooting position. We're taking a portable barbeque and some nice foods for a picnic and will spend most of the day there shooting, eating and hanging out.
It's private property so there is zero chance of seeing anyone; Just how I like it. The farmer gives me permission to shoot there and it's one of my local private ranges and simply perfect for long range shooting.
I love days like this and whilst Faith doesn't always come along it makes me happy to have her there. She's not a gun person, meaning she doesn't shoot regularly but as someone who lives in a house with guns I feel it's important that she knows how to operate them, handle them and make them safe.
Besides that though, there's nothing quite like being in such a secluded spot knowing we will not be interrupted and can pretty much do as we please...Shoot, cook a BBQ, have a nap or whatever...It's our day and is much deserved I think.
Anyway, that's my Sunday this week and I'm looking forward to it. I was going to make some ammunition this week but am going to be lazy and delve into my stockpile which I'll replace later...Come on, I'm not always a good boy...Sometimes I get lazy. 😁
What are you doing this weekend? Do a post in the Engage the weekend Community - A community dedicated to the weekend and feel free to comment below.
Later y'all.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
Very glad to hear she's up and getting out and about. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me! I may get out a bit too.. One of the last weekends of decent weather we are likely to have before the next winter cold snap. Another 3-4 inches of snow supposedly coming our way next Monday night.
I've never shot in snow although competed in a long range practical competition in below zero conditions which was a challenge. It would be interesting to see how the cold affects the shots, my performance etc. Of course I can run ballistics on StrelokPro, but I think it wold be cool to test myself also.
I think you better get out there, once that snow hits you'll be slurping soup whilst sitting under a blanket in front of the fire...Same as me...But the opposite, the heat. That's why we're getting out this weekend. Shooting when it's 40+ is not fun.
I've never heated up a rifle with multiple rounds in really cold weather to see the effect the generated heat has on sighting, but I have stood on a trap line down to -20 (which works for C and F) and 50 rounds gives you an interesting sight plane. Snow sizzling on the barrel is interesting, too.
Because we had a huge regional tournament every winter. 8 weeks with over 50 trap clubs participating, the best 5 shooters at each club scored for the team every week. So you stood out there and took your lumps every Sunday.
Shooting in the cold must be shitty...The Finns do it well of course, they had their shit wired tight in WWII for sure. Expert cold-weather snipers. I think it wold be cool to see snow-sizzle on a hot barrel ...However shooting in -20...Hmm, no fun probably. :)
Every time I go out to shoot long range I always do a cold-bore shot at 1000m and gather the data: temperature, wind, azimuth, MRAD elevation etc. (The DOPE). This is done so I know what my rifles do in a cold-bore situation. If I had to take a shot to kill something I need to know as the point of impact will vary so much depending on conditions.
Hot barrels make for loss of accuracy generally, or so I have found. It also destroys them fairly quickly. I tend not to let mine heat up too much as I don't always have $1500 laying around to buy a new one. :)
The ambient temperature has a huge effect of the FFS (field firing solution) though. I usedensity altitude (DA) in my ballistic calculations which is altitude, humidity and temperature combined into a single figure using an equation and is then factored into the overall calculation. Changes in temperature and humidity have an effect on the DA.
*A DA of 1000m and a range of 1000m requires 8.8MRAD of elevation. A DA of 250m at the same range requires 9.2MRAD of elevation...That's enough of a difference to make the shot miss.
The DA is a figure that indicates that one is shooting in the altitude in that figure. As above, 1000m and 250m above sea level for instance. The lower the altitude the more atmosphere exerts upon the bullet, and so more elevation is required. The higher the altitude the less it affects the bullet and so less elevation is required to arc the bullet into the target.
I find all this stuff incredibly interesting and so would love to shoot in snow to see what happens in a practical sense. Like I said in another comment, I can use StrelokPro to run the data, but it's not as fun.
*Data gathered from StrelokPro based around my 6.5mm Creedmoor with a Sierra 142gr projectile with an MV of 2839fps.
I'm actually familiar with DA. We used it when I was Drag Racing. We had a beautiful wood box with a precision thermometer and humidity gauge in it. We KNEW our altitude (every track is posted) so had a DA to run on a chart for clutch settings and fuel settings. We kept our own chart very secret. We had an incredibly weird guy that was our fuel genius-it gave us an advantage.
I've done a lot of 'cold bore' shooting. Some days hunting you get 1 shot. Some days you don't get any.
Snow is fun for a couple of minutes :) Actually, if the wind wasn't blowing and it was just a gentle snow I sort of liked it. There was a heat bubble around your barrel and the sizzle was another distraction to deal with. You wanted to make sure your hat was pulled down to keep the snowflakes off your glasses....
Ah yeah, I think we spoke about DA and drag racing a while back actually...My memory must be fading. Still, maybe the explanation helps someone that isn't quite as knowledgeable as out out huh? I need to think that otherwise it was a waste of time typing it. :)
I love the cold bore thing...But I'd not want to make a precision shot without knowing what the bullet may do first, not an attempted kill on an animal anyway. Centre-mass POA doesn't always mean it'll go there.
Here's me in the snow...
Ahahahaha. I just read a post from a woman that finds herself in New Hampshire from the Deep South. Her 10 year old had never seen snow so when they got it they were really excited to go out and play. It was a hilarious recitation of how little fun they had :) She's going to open a Cajun restaurant in a New Hampshire ski town. Should be interesting to follow along.
I really like snow. On Christmas cards. :)
Ah that sounds like a really cool time man. I would love to get out there and shooting long range like that. It’s been a long time since I’ve shot outside. We had done it many years ago at a lake house in Maine for practice and then again in Vermont but other than that it’s been all indoors for me.
The seclusion sounds great too, for other fun reasons!
I’m actually excited, this weekend I’m working at a cadaver lab. I have worked there for years but haven’t gotten any work for one reason or another. Once you get past the weird stuff of it being a cadaver it’s interesting watching the docs learn.
Here’s my last lab I worked lol. I’ll be editing this out later but figure you’d get either weirded out and I’m sorry or laugh.
Yeah, shooting outside is nice, makes it more real and to be honest there's no real choice when shooting at range. Besides, skills have to be learned in all conditions...Calling the wind inside isn't a challenge. 🤣
It sounds like you have an interesting week ahead of you...Someone has to do these things and I take my hat off to those who can, and will.
Hey, that photo...Reminds me of that game Where's Wally...Well, here's his foot, I don't know about the rest of the bugger! 🤣
No need to edit it out. It's just a foot. ✅
Interesting. I've hardly shot inside. I have a little time on a range, but much prefer outdoors. We have a shooting complex here that has at least 10 ranges, all out doors. There are a couple of really formal LEO grade ranges, a large trap range, skeet ranges that are formal and normal. There's a 100 yard and 1000 yard informal range, two informal pistol ranges, black powder, archery and sporting clays. It used to be the only county park in Yuma County but they sold to state Fish and Wildlife. Better administration now..
I don't guess singing 'Toe the Line' is appropriate here...
I love the way so many of the interesting people I know and meet through hive have the most incredibly interesting "date nights" LOL. How very cool that although Faith is not a hard-core 'gun person" she clearly enjoys being with you (still!) and supporting you in something that is important to you.
Feeling just a tiny bot more encouraged about humanity seeing that healthy relationships are possible, and that Faith is clearly working towards her recovery.
Looking forward to the weekend!!
Lol...We have some odd dates for sure, but all of them are enjoyable.
Faith and I are more about experiences than things and so we value time like Sunday. Faith couldn't care less if she ever shot a gun or not, but she enjoys hanging out with me and is actually really good at shooting so it's an enjoyable day. Add in some BBQ and scrumptious foods, no people for miles around and some might nice weather and it's pretty much a great Sunday right there!
I hope your
battlegame of football goes well this weekend. I'm sure it'll betitanicfun and that's the main thing.Crush them...Have a socially acceptable fun time. :)P.s. She hasn't been able to get rid of me over the last 33 years so I'm not sure if it's possible...She doesn't try too hard though, only when I'm an idiot. :)
Haha... your wishes for a socially acceptable time?? LOL - I'm leaning more towards Crush them!!! 🤣 We're having one last frantic practice tonight before match day tomorrow. Spicy noodles tonight after training, and for lunch again tomorrow for match day. Local power performance secret.
How wonderful that you and Faith still enjoy one another after 33 years and you have grown together, rather than grown apart. Like I said: inspiring!
Enjoy the moments and have an awesome weekend! !ENGAGE 25
That's better...Crush them is more legit than a socially acceptable game. I'm sure you'll be fuelled on spicy noodles and the desire to bask in the glory and fame of your impending victory over the foe.
My only regret is that I'll not be there to observe the carnage that will ensue on the field of battle. 🤣
I am bringing Miss 16 to take some decent pics and maybe a video so I shall be equipped to make a brilliant Engage the Weekend post on Sunday. I'm also taking (and selling) my stellar organic beeswax muscle rub. 200 unfit people playing hardcore football for 6 hours? It's an opportunity not to be wasted!!
OK - me? off to training! Enjoy a relaxing evening and restoring sleep. ZZZZzzzz....
Oh yeah, beeswax rub sales opportunity for sure! I like where your head's at! :)
I'll look out for the post.
tokens.Sounds awesome mate and glad Faith will get out of the house and both have some time out shooting, Bbqing etc.
Should be good I reckon. The only thing that could make it bad would be rain as access is poor in the wet; There's little chance of that though, so we're looking forward bro a nice day. 🙂
Sounds like a terrific day. Probably the only thing that could make it better would be motorcycles :) Course it's a little hard to be stealthy on a dirt squirter.
That's a serious looking rest you've got there. I mean like just about perfect. Looks like a great place.
I'm really glad that Faith is well enough to be getting out for a day, that says quite a little to me. I'm happy that you get to have a weather probable day when you need it.
We are going from fall (cough) (34C yesterday) to winter this weekend, lows around 6C by Sunday with the wind that goes with that kind of change. The snakes will go to bed for the winter and I can quit worrying about Sam for a few months. I'll probably just wait that change out indoors. My house isn't much but at least it has a roof and windows...
It's a pretty sweet spot, no one for miles and lots of opportunity to shoot at range. We actually leave targets, steel gongs, out all the time and the farm's cool with it. (Not in the middle of the cops of course.)
Yeah, Faith is going ok...Much better than last week and she'll continue to improve. She won't go running about or anything but can lay prone and shoot. I think it'll be a good day.
So, crisp mornings for you on the way but I would imagine the days to be tolerable? What sort of temperatures will you have in the day around January?
Low 20s for the high starting next week. That's pretty much our winter description. In January it will be highs in the mid teens and lows in the 5 range. We'll get a few days near freezing, but not many. We haven't had a general frost in a couple of years, we might be about due.
There is a reason why our population triples in the county in the winter :) The Canadian border is still closed so we are only about 1/2 the normal crowd right now...
I assume you mean Celcius. Seems pretty good. We get highs of 15-20 in winter here in Adelaide, beautiful blue skies a lot too...pretty mild. We don't get Canadians though. 🤣
"slowly teaching her the science behind it"
Outrun one, no...Out smart, maybe. Lol.
Yay for being able to come shoot with you :D
Being able to manage a gun if you're going to be living in a house full of them definitely sounds smart.
Nothing wrong with diving into the stockpile occasionally, this way you know that what's in your stockpile works and can make fresh ones to go back in the stockpile so you can be sure they work too ;D
I know precious little about bullets, do you have to worry about them being old?
Usual plans this weekend. Intending on going back to training and might go om a hike depending on the temperature etc as we haven't been for the last few weeks for various reasons.
It should be a nice day, relaxing as there'll be no pressure from other shooters, just us doing our own thing. I predict a nap will occur also, but we'll see. :)
I rotate my ammunition when I use it, including my stockpile so what I would normally have done is make a few hundred rounds in the last week or so to store up the back and take a few hundred from the front. I've been really busy this week though and so I'll just have to replace what we shoot on Sunday over the next week or so.
Ammunition can sit for a long time, if stored properly, so it doesn't really matter how old it is although none of mine would be much over 5 years old. I wouldn't have a problem firing old ammunition really, although would make sure it looked okay before I did so. If anything looked dodgy I'd make someone else fire it first! Lol.
LoL! How very responsible of you XD
Is the nap happening out on the farm as well or will you go home for that? :D
It's always best to risk personal injury or death to someone else prior to oneself. Lol. (I am joking of course, that's not my way).
Nap at the farm...There's a really nice spot within the ruins there, perfect for laying back and having a kip. It's Sunday after all. :)
Bahahahahahahaa XD and yes I know, was just teasing :)
Oh that sounds nice! Don't get burnt :D
We'll be right...Got 50+...Will probably wake up with grass seeds and dust plastered all over us!
Good to see Faith getting out and having a good time with ya Galen!
You inspired me with your talk of getting out yourself this week! To be honest it gets so bloody hot here that being out there in the summer months get's a little annoying, unless the weather happens to be a little kinder than usual. I figured it's best to get out there and have a shoot before it goes mental. :)
I'm so happy to hear that you and Faith will have a weekend get away. She definetely will blow off some steam and it will be wonderful to be in the countryside with no one around.
Just Sunday really, but almost as good as a whole weekend away. It's a nice spot to be but it's drying up pretty quickly here because we're heading towards summer. Soon it will be far to hot to go out there hence the trip this week. It'll be nice to have a shoot and a little BBQ.