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RE: A day in the country with Faith

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

Lol...We have some odd dates for sure, but all of them are enjoyable.

Faith and I are more about experiences than things and so we value time like Sunday. Faith couldn't care less if she ever shot a gun or not, but she enjoys hanging out with me and is actually really good at shooting so it's an enjoyable day. Add in some BBQ and scrumptious foods, no people for miles around and some might nice weather and it's pretty much a great Sunday right there!

I hope your battle game of football goes well this weekend. I'm sure it'll be titanic fun and that's the main thing. Crush them...Have a socially acceptable fun time. :)

P.s. She hasn't been able to get rid of me over the last 33 years so I'm not sure if it's possible...She doesn't try too hard though, only when I'm an idiot. :)


Haha... your wishes for a socially acceptable time?? LOL - I'm leaning more towards Crush them!!! 🤣 We're having one last frantic practice tonight before match day tomorrow. Spicy noodles tonight after training, and for lunch again tomorrow for match day. Local power performance secret.

How wonderful that you and Faith still enjoy one another after 33 years and you have grown together, rather than grown apart. Like I said: inspiring!

Enjoy the moments and have an awesome weekend! !ENGAGE 25

That's better...Crush them is more legit than a socially acceptable game. I'm sure you'll be fuelled on spicy noodles and the desire to bask in the glory and fame of your impending victory over the foe.

My only regret is that I'll not be there to observe the carnage that will ensue on the field of battle. 🤣

I am bringing Miss 16 to take some decent pics and maybe a video so I shall be equipped to make a brilliant Engage the Weekend post on Sunday. I'm also taking (and selling) my stellar organic beeswax muscle rub. 200 unfit people playing hardcore football for 6 hours? It's an opportunity not to be wasted!!

OK - me? off to training! Enjoy a relaxing evening and restoring sleep. ZZZZzzzz....


Oh yeah, beeswax rub sales opportunity for sure! I like where your head's at! :)

I'll look out for the post.

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