Yay for being able to come shoot with you :D
Being able to manage a gun if you're going to be living in a house full of them definitely sounds smart.
Nothing wrong with diving into the stockpile occasionally, this way you know that what's in your stockpile works and can make fresh ones to go back in the stockpile so you can be sure they work too ;D
I know precious little about bullets, do you have to worry about them being old?
Usual plans this weekend. Intending on going back to training and might go om a hike depending on the temperature etc as we haven't been for the last few weeks for various reasons.

It should be a nice day, relaxing as there'll be no pressure from other shooters, just us doing our own thing. I predict a nap will occur also, but we'll see. :)
I rotate my ammunition when I use it, including my stockpile so what I would normally have done is make a few hundred rounds in the last week or so to store up the back and take a few hundred from the front. I've been really busy this week though and so I'll just have to replace what we shoot on Sunday over the next week or so.
Ammunition can sit for a long time, if stored properly, so it doesn't really matter how old it is although none of mine would be much over 5 years old. I wouldn't have a problem firing old ammunition really, although would make sure it looked okay before I did so. If anything looked dodgy I'd make someone else fire it first! Lol.
LoL! How very responsible of you XD
Is the nap happening out on the farm as well or will you go home for that? :D
It's always best to risk personal injury or death to someone else prior to oneself. Lol. (I am joking of course, that's not my way).
Nap at the farm...There's a really nice spot within the ruins there, perfect for laying back and having a kip. It's Sunday after all. :)
Bahahahahahahaa XD and yes I know, was just teasing :)
Oh that sounds nice! Don't get burnt :D
We'll be right...Got 50+...Will probably wake up with grass seeds and dust plastered all over us!