Ah yeah, I think we spoke about DA and drag racing a while back actually...My memory must be fading. Still, maybe the explanation helps someone that isn't quite as knowledgeable as out out huh? I need to think that otherwise it was a waste of time typing it. :)
I love the cold bore thing...But I'd not want to make a precision shot without knowing what the bullet may do first, not an attempted kill on an animal anyway. Centre-mass POA doesn't always mean it'll go there.
Here's me in the snow...
Ahahahaha. I just read a post from a woman that finds herself in New Hampshire from the Deep South. Her 10 year old had never seen snow so when they got it they were really excited to go out and play. It was a hilarious recitation of how little fun they had :) She's going to open a Cajun restaurant in a New Hampshire ski town. Should be interesting to follow along.
I really like snow. On Christmas cards. :)
Sounds like a good story. That's on hive? Tag her for me and I'll have a look.
Yeah, we went to The Remarkables ski fields in NZ last year.. Was great but...Snow is cold. Just saying. 🙂