Focused on focus


You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.

- Mark Twain -

I've done a lot of shooting over the thirty three-plus years I've owned and operated guns and it's difficult to single out the most important thing I've learned...don't shoot yourself, would be right up there I guess though. With different firearms come different elements, different techniques and requirements, and as I shoot across many different systems I've had to master all.

Focusing on handguns, I'm going to single out one thing as critically important for tight groups down range...although keep in mind there are many other elements as stated.

Front sight focus

Focusing on the front sight of a handgun (with open sights) is critical. I don't mean looking at it, I mean focusing on it with laser focus. The rear sight is important too of course, but it's always out of focus, in deference to the front sight, or should be.

There's various techniques to train a person to do this, which I'll not go into here because you're never likely to need the skill or care, but I did and do so spent a lot of time working on this technique making it second nature; I was focused on focusing I guess one could say...See what I did there? Anyway, I'm very good at it and my shooting reflects that; I shoot very tight groups with a handgun, quickly, and am able to get onto a target confidently even when the action is very kinetic. But lately I've been focused on focusing because I've not been as focused as I need to be.

Getting old...and other things

My eyesight is declining due to age and a health condition and I've had to wear reading glasses for a little while now. Having prescription glasses brings everything into distinct clarity of course and I even have prescription lenses in my Oakley sun/shooting glasses as pictured in this post. It's worked well but now my eyes have gotten lazier and I'm having trouble focusing on the front sights of my handguns which means my accuracy and speed is...let's call it sub-optimal.

I get new glasses every year, a couple pairs for reading and new lenses for my Oakleys (wish I'm always wearing) so all good...but nope, it's not all good, only partially good, because my latest prescription works fine for everything except maintaining that front sight focus I need on my handguns.

Red dot solutions

I've decided I'll swap to red dot sights which isn't ideal because it's very costly; I thought I'd share the decision I made; first though, no it's not a visible laser sight projected down range like the Eotech OGL, like often seen in the movies. I just wanted to make that clear.

Anyway, I don't mean the little red thing on the front sight as pictured in this post, that's simply a fibre optic sight to make the front sight stand out better, I mean I'll be removing the rear sight of the gun and mounting a reflex red dot sight in its place. This type of sight projects a small red dot onto the rear of the exposed scope (some are tube-style scopes) which then reflects back to the eye as a red dot to aim at. Basically, once sighted in properly, wherever the dot is aimed the bullet will long as all the other shooting elements come together well of course.

It means I'll shoot with both eyes open all the time, possibly with the exception of taking a longer range shot where I'll probably closs my non-dominant eye, and it means that the need for front sight focus is negated.


I have my preference is Trijicon products but for this particular firearm the slightly cheaper Vortex Viper is the way to go - it's not a gun I use a lot and both would do the same overall job, the Trijicon units are simply more robust...Vortex have a lifetime replacement guarantee (which they actually honour) so it seems a good option for this light-use firearm. There it is below.


Here's the Vortex Viper red dot sight I have ordered, the link takes you to the Vortex USA website where this images were sourced.

In the images above of the actual firearm I'll be mounting the red dot to you can see the front and rear sights. It's the rear that will be removed, a simple matter of undoing those two screws (bottom right) and tapping the sight out from its dovetail (top right). The base plate is then tapped in and the red dot sight is retained to it. From there it's down to the range to sight it in, which I'll do at probably twenty metres, and once done I'll be good to go. It doesn't mean twenty metres is the effective range, it just means that I'll need to place the red dot higher on the target at greater ranges to drop the bullet onto it; Contrary to the movies the effective range of a handgun (to actually hit and kill something) isn't as far as depicted.

I've not been missing everything with the current sights, it's just that I haven't been happy with the level of my performance, it's declined, and that doesn't work for me so a change is needed. This swap over is going to cost me around $800(AUD all up but once done I'll get the accuracy I need.


I've ordered the red dot sight as pictured above which is in-stock but the base plate isn't available until December so I'm not paying for the scope just yet. A mate of mine owns the shop I'm getting it from so he's happy to hold it for me. I'm pretty keen to get it up and running though and will do a post once that happens and maybe also on the sighting-in process.

I know so few of you shoot guns or have any clue about guns so feel free to ask any questions. Alternatively, maybe you'd like to comment on how you've had to change aspects of what and how you do things to account for physical limitations that have eventuated. If you'd like to do so please drop some comments, I always reply.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
All images in this post are my own except for the red dot reflex sight images - link above


Well you know I couldn't pass this one up :) I held off on red dot sights for years, until similar with the eyes. I'm also very strong cross-eye dominant. You know I'm a fan of Vortex as a lower-cost entry, upper mid-level options.

The Viper is a solid choice, but I actually prefer the Venom model (I've got 3 of them on different weapons now). It has choice of either 6mm or 3mm dot, and is brighter. But most important for me, is that you can change the battery in the Venom without having to take the sight off the weapon and re-zero. The Venom is only slightly larger, not really noticeable unless both together.

You may like the larger 6mm dot for speed shooting, but I found the smaller 3mm much better for my type and certainly for longer distance where the dot size may cover the target. Either way, I'm sure you will be happy with it. It definitely reduced my group size significantly, and once used to it also allowed faster target acquisition. Looking forward to the after use posts!

I was hoping you saw this, I knew you had some Vortex products (this will be my first as I prefer Trijicon, NF, Kahles etc.

I understand what you're saying about the Venom, the need to remove the Viper to change batteries sucks ass. With the dot, 3mm is probably just a little too small for the fast target acquisition I require. Shooting on the move is difficult at the best or times so the larger dot will work, the 6mm and the 4mm for longer ranges although it's unlikely I'd change it in the middle of kinetic activity. I'm not worried about the larger size on the Venom, but have heard the clarity is slightly better on the Viper? Could you clarify?

I have shot using so many Vortex scopes and have found them to be good, one can't go past the lifetime replacement warranty either. I'm not against them, I just always went for the more expensive brands (after comparing in the field) because the jump up in cost seemed worth it. If I was buying a new scope for hunting or culling right now it'd be a Vortex scope.

Yes, definitely not even close to the same league as the Trijicon and a few others, but certainly some good bang for the buck. They both have multi-coated lenses, the Venom is considered the "newer, upgraded" model mainly due to the adjustable brightness and battery compartment I think. The Venom is also available in either 3 or 6mm dot size. I only looked thru a Viper a couple times, and not side by side so not really able to provide comparison on the clarity, but hard to think their upgraded model would be less on the Venom...

For me the battery replacement capability was a stage 1 dealbreaker, I instantly tossed any from consideration that couldn't replace without taking off the weapon. The Viper does use slightly more common batteries (at least up here), but I never had any problem getting the ones for the Venom.

Compelling arguments. I'm good at zeroing firearms...but I hate doing it to be honest...shh, don't tell anyone.

In truth, my mate had suggested the Viper, the guy who owns the store, so I discounted the Venom right away. It's worth a re-visit though based on your assessment, which I value and trust. It'll not be a problem to get either, my mate is a good one, he'll look after me...but I'm going to make him justify the Viper recommendation now.

As for batteries...I have batteries for everything, then back ups and back ups for the back ups. when Energiser run out of stock in their Australian warehouse the call me and ask for some of my stock. Lol. One is none and two is one right?

Too funny, yes two is one for sure. My wife gives me trouble about my batteries as well. There's two drawers devoted to them in my office, of course the rechargeable battery station(s), then the drawer in the bedroom, the shelf in the garage, the spot in the basement oh, and the drawer in the garage... good thing they have good shelf life!

I knew there was something I really liked about you... you're a battery slut like me!🤣

Got to have the power for all the stuff!

I have the same old eyes. It is a pain in the chuffer. You should see me in the supermarket trying to read the small print on a tin of beans, it's murder!

Sounds like this will be a good approach to dealing with the situation. May the groupings get better when you get it on the gun! Which isn't as catchy as May the force be with you but ah well :O)

I do the same...A lot of squinting and holding at arms length when in the supermarket. I always have my Oakleys with me though so I often use them, the same prescription as my reading glasses...then I get comments from strangers like, oh it's really dark in here isn't it? Fucken wankers.

This dot will make things much easier at the range with this gun and I'll start using the saying you've coined also. Promise.

The random comment folk are the ones that deserve to be on the wrong side of your new sights :OD

Crikey, dont use that saying. Then people will just be rolling their eyes, heh heh!

I never understand when people come up to me and say stuff like that...I mean, they have no idea of the situation. Maybe I have dark glasses on because I'm legally blind? It's all good though, I deal with it in a way that makes them which a hole would open up and swallow them...unless it's a hottie. 😎

I have had it too. I have prescription lenses and it is so much easier to just dive into the shop with my shades on. That is, in the two weeks of sun we get here :OD

Hotties are always allowed to follow different rules!

Hotties needn't play by the rules.

In fact there are no rules for hotties!

I'm a great shot... with a pellet gun. Oh, you've given me an idea, this can be another publication for Hive. Done! What happens is that I have to focus first.

Pellet gun posts huh? Why not indeed.

I have never shot a gun but it is something I would like to learn. The eyesight thing is a bummer. Have you considered laser vision?

Yeah, it's not something that will work for me though unfortunately. I've actually heard the laser vision correction only lasts for ten years anyway. I'm not sure if it's the same for all though.

Astigmatism are generally caused from looking down(or up) too much and that shapes the eye over time. It will pull the lens into that football shape. I say that as I look down ar my computer ... lol. Perhaps that is cause.

I have a health condition that has caused vision issues...and I'm 137 which doesn't help matters.

137 ... what's your secret?

Donuts and coffee.

Red dots are cool, but have you considered lassik surgery? A life changer!

I've considered and investigated that option but have been told it's not something that will correct my issue. Maybe some advancements may occur in the future though?

It is true that I have no idea about guns and I have never shot one, although I would like to, maybe one day I will, of course with the advice of someone who knows.

It is good that there is a solution for those changes that you have to make because of the vision issue and that you can continue to enjoy what you like to do and it also makes you feel safe shooting.

I really didn't know that you could get such a wide range of accessories for your guns.

I liked the subject of the approach, because just like with guns it can be applied in life, in the objectives and goals that you have, sometimes you have to make changes.

Impossibility or physical difficulty.... I did a lot of strength work that I should not have done about 10 years ago and in a job I had of a lot of walking and bad walking, my knees suffered a little bit, for that reason I try to walk as much as possible, strengthen them, take care of that detail, more in the right knee, and I have achieved it. Exercise is fundamental, for the mind and the body.

Thanks Galen!

There's a lot of accessories available for firearms, there's whole industries built around it and I could add more dollar-value in accessories to any of my guns than the guns actually cost in the first place...and I usually do.

I can tell you really like it and it's nice that you do it and enjoy it.

Good night! Today I went far away... mountain sea and me.

Mountains and sea...there's worse places to be. I hope you had a good day and the run into the weekend is also good.

Yesterday was a great day, I walked for 5 hours! The air and the smell of the sea where there is no more civilization was great!

Same to you Galen!

I don't think I've fired a gun since I was a kid. My sister's boyfriend was a big time hillbilly and he owned some old American Civil War rifles that you had to shove a ball into with a long rod with some gun powder and a little piece of cloth. That's how I remember it anyway. lol!

I remember that thing nearly took my shoulder off when I fired it. The other memorable time was when my dad was in the Army as a drill sergeant back in 1985 or so. One time he took me to the training area somewhere in Alabama and took an M-16 off of one of his students. He held it in my arms and helped me shoot into the woods.

In hindsight I am like, how the hell was he allowed to do that? oh my god.. Man, the 80s were such a different time.

Black powder Civil War firearms (Model 1861 Rifle Musket, among others)'s amazing how dirty one gets with them. Lol. Good fun though and one learns how to keep the sight on target because of how slow the ball moved down the barrel.

Kids with M-16s, what could go wrong? Lol. I think it's good that you've had a go at it though, it means you're a little more understanding of what's involved. I'm not sure how old you were in the mid 80's but I'd say young. I started shooting around 1989 (19yo) and took to it instantly. I don't love guns, they're just a tool, but it's something that has brought enjoyment, taken me to many places I might not have gone otherwise.

I'm so glad that you've finally ordered it, I think it will make things far better and you won't be so hard on yourself about your performance once you've got the whole thing assembled in December. Time goes by so fast at the moment, you'll blink and it will be in your hands.

It should work out well, it's not like I've never used reflex sights before so I'm pretty confident it'll work out.

Actually what are the rules with firearms in Australia? I didn't know that citizens could own them!

The only time I held a gun was during the period when I was serving the army during the 2 years mandatory stint for National Service and only got to fire live ammunition during the live firing examination we had 😅

Most firearms are available to own here, with the appropriate licensing. There are some restrictions of course, but generally it's not too just needs to have the right license. I have many, many, firearms and have had for years.

So anyone could apply for an license as long as they fulfil certain requirements?
Also, I assumed that there should only be certain places (safezones) where you're allowed to use them right?

Pretty much anyone, but there's requirements as you say.

Hmm, we have ranges but I shoot on private property also. One doesn't go to the mall and start shooting though, you know?

Yeah exactly, that is why I'm curious what are the avenues for you guys to use them 😅

Would love to see all of your collection, must have an amazing stash!

I'll never show all my firearms online, just a few here and there which I've shown over the years, rifles and handguns. I've actually done a lot of firearms related posts.

Yeah I definitely saw quite a number of them so far! 😁

What an interesting hobby! Pretty rare in Singapore's context that's for sure.

Your post has been curated on behalf of the outdoors and more community.



All images belong to galenkp and none are for your use

It was error and I immediately reverted it to a 0.00 amount you stupid cunt.

You know, you should probably find a new obsession @amirl, this one is probably affecting your fragile state of mental health. No one cares about you...seemingly not even yourself. You're a disgusting piece of filth, a creepy little asshole who talks a big game, thinks you're valid but like @meesterboom says, you're nothing: Nothing.

It's ok if you keep leaving your little messages on my posts though, they simply add weight to the fact you are nothing, have nothing in your life and need to seek validation in some way, even at the expense of your mental health. Please proceed, I think it's funny that you like to be so self-destructive, and if it empowers you then have at it...but I think you know, deep down, that you're nothing but trash. It must be terrible to be you...Look at you man, truly look at yourself; a tragedy waiting to happen.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Your explanation and insights into the world of firearms and shooting techniques are fascinating, even for those of us who may not be familiar in this field (I'm actually familiar in this field but only in video games lol).

(I'm actually familiar in this field but only in video games lol).

So...not familiar at all.

I didn't know there were that many add-ons you can put on a gun. I've known a few people who had guns and who went to gun ranges. Most of the gears they had were on their person, like gloves and sunglasses. It's pretty cool how you can improve your aim with these.

It's pretty cool how you can improve your aim with these.

It doesn't actually improve the aim - a bad shooter will still be a bad shooter even with a red dot. What it does is allow me a clear sight to shoot at (the red dot) because I'm struggling to focus on the front sight currently, as explained above.

Basically, once sighted in properly, wherever the dot is aimed the bullet will long as all the other shooting elements come together well of course.

I was basing my statement off on this statement, as well as the image provided of the sight. Well, I hope it helps you a lot.

Yep, like I said in that statement, ”as long as all the other shooting elements come together.”

First set your focus and focused on focus. Nice saying!!

Definitely! It needs focus.


Thanks for your comment, have a nice day.