
It was error and I immediately reverted it to a 0.00 amount you stupid cunt.

You know, you should probably find a new obsession @amirl, this one is probably affecting your fragile state of mental health. No one cares about you...seemingly not even yourself. You're a disgusting piece of filth, a creepy little asshole who talks a big game, thinks you're valid but like @meesterboom says, you're nothing: Nothing.

It's ok if you keep leaving your little messages on my posts though, they simply add weight to the fact you are nothing, have nothing in your life and need to seek validation in some way, even at the expense of your mental health. Please proceed, I think it's funny that you like to be so self-destructive, and if it empowers you then have at it...but I think you know, deep down, that you're nothing but trash. It must be terrible to be you...Look at you man, truly look at yourself; a tragedy waiting to happen.