Recently, I was trolled for a post that was not about guns - it made me laugh! I'd used a marlin spike photo (a pointy object) - the post was entitled what's the point - and a clueless-fucktard-troll commented on my use of ammunition as the image and made some other claims. A marlin spike is not ammunition at all but facts don't seem to matter to trolls seemingly.
Here's another post - without any firearms or ammunition in it.
You'll see no images of guns, firearms, ammunition, shooting, hunting or firearm- related equipment. Just a collection of photos, some of myself and a girl I know and some other stuff which I have clearly and accurately described beneath each image. No guns though.
A girl in the country not sitting beside a rifle.
A fallen tree without two rifles leaning on it.
These are not two handguns, they're Pokemon cards.
This is not a handgun being cleaned, it's a bunny rabbit.
Here's a packet of dried spaghetti.
Above is Tesla's new electric vehicle due for release next week.
This is me clipping the hedge in my front yard.
Here's a close up shot of a dolphin.
Here's a girl studying for a university exam.
An image of my neighbour's dog taking a shit on his front lawn.
My workbench where I knit sweaters for the underprivileged.
This is a view from the top of Mt Everest after I climbed it last week.
This is an image of me as a baby - cute huh?
An Australian koala taking a nap next to a jar of Nutella.
This is a photo of the best pizza in town!
A hammer.
The female reproductive organs.
I made these cupcakes myself!
Me at the local teddy bear's picnic.
Me playing tennis at Wimbledon - I won it.
A selection of Victoria's Secret lingerie modelled by Donald Trump.
Witches broomsticks.
A rare photo of Papa Smurf and Smurfette under a mushroom house.
A box of Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts.
Frodo the Hobbit from Lord of the Rings making love with Samwise Gamgee.
The best beach in Australia on a sunny day.
A tray of chocolate and walnut brownies I made myself.
Girl taking a sleep with no guns in sight.
Me top left and someone else, me riding a horse top right, a banana and the last book I read.
A worn out pair of shoes.
My fishing gear - I don't catch much to be honest.
I made a lasagne and garlic bread out of these ingredients.
A great white shark in its natural environment.
The prime minister of Australia taking a nap in between fucking up the country.
Wonder Woman's chastity belt and vibrator.
Girl playing golf at St Andrews.
Me on the left and someone else on the right in a hot air balloon.
Me learning how to speak Spanish - Hola.
I wear these underpants on the outside of my jeans.
The first bottles of soda ever made.
Me running in the 100 metre final at the Olympics - I won.
A girl holding a cup of Earl Grey tea whilst talking with the Queen of England.
There's a whole post without one single image of anything firearms related. If you have any questions, or want to know what one or more of the photos actually is, (for real), comment below.
Your captions! I'm dying XD
Man you take that hedge trimming seriously XD
Lol, I'm glad a few have gotten a laugh from this post, that was the point. And sure, when I trim hedges I'm laser focused. 😊
Quality response 😃
Here is a picture of me meeting the president of Pakistan:
I heard the President is a man of quality and great intelligence...certainly looks that way! 😋
Can I add in a photo of a cat playing with a squeaky toy..?
We should all have squeaky toys on our hips.
And our girl persons should all have Wonder Women Chastity Vibrator Belts. I am still LOL about that one. Fucking Priceless.
Is this thee assbucket troll?

I wonder if they have a real account? And just troll with that garbage one?
Yeah he does, I know it also...a self-destroyed account. You know the one also actually.
On the chastity belt vibrator combination...I came up with that because I was thinking about Wonder Woman and a vibrator. 🤣
That's the best squeaky toy of them all!
That's definitely not a black powder colt is it? You are going to get me in trouble. I am shaking the bed so hard from laughing I am going to wake my wife up!
I'm glad you got a laugh, that was the point of it, and yes, you called it correctly - amazing fun to shoot too!
Thanks for seeing this post in the spirit it was intended.
Is it an Army or a Navy? I know there is a way to tell, but I can never remember what it is.
The Army has an 8" barrel and the Navy has a 7.5" barrel with the former being slightly heavier. This is a Navy.
For someone with so many nonfirearms, you sure look awful bashful in your photos.
Is that the Lee-Enfield variety of Nutella?
Edited to add my 2020 first aid kit
The SMLE is the best Nutella one can have, this one is a 1918 model that saw service in WW1 - a pleasure to shoot, or eat. Ok, not so good to eat.
Nice first aid kit, it pays to have one and know how to use it.
That's some sweet, sweet Nutella you've got there. Tasted it a few times myself but never of such vintage.
Did the photo display for you? I get an error icon on and ecency shows nothing.
I see the photo, a holstered first aid kit, and some other related first aid paraphernalia, lid, magazines etc.
Yep, that's it, issue is on my end it seems. Had just rediscovered a dusty old folder of phone photos from 2020 when I saw your post, would love to have been able to take a certain clueless-fucktard-troll downtown with me back then.
Oh yeah, it's incredible how bold trolls are wh n safe behind their keyboard's; in real life my experience of them is the opposite of bold. I'd like to take this one hunting with actually...
This post 👇🏻 is titled Sincerity
The first thing I thought is that guns are so cute. They really are. And photogenic.
When I got to... You know where... 😕 to the Nutella and to the Prime Minister: 🤐
(I don't know how to handle the death of people and I think less the death of animals). I had to put my dog to sleep and I can't recover from that. That made me sick. But this is my business. I understand everything behind what you do, this we have discussed.
I understand you have a need to express yourself. We all do. I applaud the sincerity.
There are always despicable people, yet in my mind I cancel them out. I don't see them. But I also forgive them.
Hola 👋 (nunca pierdas el sentido del humor) 🙂
I added the Nutella comment because your love of it is legendary and has even reached the distant shores of Australia.
I'm guessing Hola too... and I hope the Wonder Woman's chastity belt and vibrator thing has nothing to do with me, according to my recent post.
Hahaha... 😂
We already know why he is so good at Spanish 😅, with those teachers, he will be speaking Spanish better than us, very quickly 😅
I can hola with the best of them. I am a good Spanisher.
Lol...Wonder Woman has needs apparently...that part wasn't in reference to you...but now I'm intrigued about your post, I'll see it soon.
Now you made a POINT! 👍👍
I like the title "clueless-fucktard" better mute them...
Yeah, muted of course and he has a reputation score of -7 so muted everywhere. 🤣
... No doubt the descriptions are the best part of the post 🤣🤣, I’m still laughing 😂
Mate, nice arsenal you have, I don’t know much about the topic but I know of your passion for them and what I’ve learned from your posts, you take good care of them.
What a stupid troll, hive is freedom, if you want you don’t read, if you want you give downvote (I remember giving downvote to the comment, it seemed very out of place), but above all you don’t have to open a post or author that you don’t like 🤦🏻
It's only some of the stuff I have, one must never disclose the full arsenal.l. I'm glad you got a laugh here, that was the intention.
I saw the little weasel dropping a comment on your post and couldn’t figure out where they came from or why. They were using the hive drip to get some liquid hive to power up for shit comments. Ah well, they are going to come around eventually. Thankfully we can mute them and keep on going.
The collection of completely firearm free pictures here reminds me of the chuck norris memes, each one becoming equally or more absurd and amazing at the same time. I got a few good laughs from this for sure haha.
Check out this bull moose I took down with a butter knife. Fucking fed the family for hours!
Trolls will be trolls huh?
That moose man, it's a spectacular example of that majestic species, may your moose fishing exploits continue forever!
Glad you got a laugh or two.
Edit: Forgot to say, I saw you hit that wanker with a DV almost as soon as the comment was made.
Not a Pokémon go fan but wouldn't mind having two cards like yours... Just in case the winds of change start blazing...
Pokemons like this can come in handy, all other Pokemons are a waste of time and effort.
These were great, I had a good chuckle at your captions. I had my own encounter today with nothing like a gun. Not sure if you saw that message though. Check your DMs
Just a "good chuckle." Hmm, I was going for rolling around on the floor in fucken tears of laughter, but seemingly I missed the mark. I'll remember to up the ante next time...but the post will have to come with a warning I suppose.
Hmm, checked, just one message and nothing in respect of a packet of dried spaghetti incident. Hopefully you had Wonder Woman's chastity belt and vibrator (as per my post above) and handled things in appropriate ways.
It's hard for me to RAOFIFTL at the moment, sorry.
Your DMs on PeakD?
Lucky I'm in the CIA, I've put the cryptologic linguistic team onto your messages and have finally broken the code. I'll respond...I hope you have a team of brown cardigan-wearing boffins to decrypt my response.
I really haven't seen any weapons in this publication hahaha
I've seen spaghetti, chocolates, how you cut the grass in the garden, dolphins, how you weave, animals sleeping, pizza... how delicious pizza, and I think one of the things I liked the most were the witches brooms, I think I want one of them hahahaha
The donuts and brownies were delicious, what a good cook! But the best was the lasagna. I love Italian food!
I'm glad you are starting to learn Spanish! HOLA
You made me laugh so much, I needed that hahahaha
Now I really wanted to have a gun.... oops I didn't say that, I didn't see any guns....
Hugs Galen!
Everyone needs lasagne in their life, I'm glad to have provided a photo of it for you.
Thanks for getting in the spirit of this post, just something for a laugh I guess.
Of course I need lasagne hahaha lots of it!
It's a pleasure, I loved the pictures, the imaginary and the real ones!
I enjoyed a lot! Thank you so much!
Hi, my language is Spanish and I thank you for your efforts to learn it, you seem like a good student, maybe someday we can have a conversation in Spanish, and I loved seeing you at the top of Mount Everest, I have news that from the heights the trolls are seen in their real size. To finish hahahah!!! Very funny post. Regards
I'd love to be able to speak Spanish with you unfortunately hola is the only word I know so far, took me a few years to master it, but master it I did. I'm working on gracias at the moment, a few years and I'll perfect it. 🤔
Thanks for seeing this post for what it is, a bit of fun and a reason to drop a few images I have laying around.
Gracias for your sense of humor, I appreciated it. Greetings
I'm gonna need an eye exam after this one...😵
I actually had one today as it turns out; the optometrist was a hottie. She said I have lovely eyes. I'll take it. 😋
You and your neverending expedition around hotties. If I ever "make it", then I'll make sure I join you on that side of the world, just for these special operations. 😂
Something like this? 😏
Hotties everywhere in Australia bro.
The lovely eyes comment...I had no response...what does that say about my mojo? #mustbegettingold
That seems to be the case. 😏
Well, I don't think she was just being nice. Dudes barely get compliments about their eyes. So, I bet you do have some pretty eyes. 🤔
Or maybe she has difficulty seeing properly...she wouldn't make a good optometrist if that was the case, but it's possible I guess. 🫣
Just take the damn compliment and run with it, man. We men barely get any compliments anyways. 😂
Well.This is not a gun.
Lol...nope it certainly isn't. ✅
Lol, great!!
Cheers mate, just a bit of fun I guess. :)
Cool photos. I have never seen nor touch a real gun ever.
Well, I've seen, touched and used enough for you and me both I'd say, an uncountable number.
Wow, I have never fired a gun in my life, but after seeing all these pictures, I think I have become a big gun enthusiast, the problem is that in my country, you are not allowed to own firearms.
By the way, I guess this is the event you mentioned in a post a month or so ago, or it has nothing to do with it.
I'm not sure what post you're referring to a month ago, the post I refer to in the first paragraph was only a couple days ago.
Little cupcakes is so cute😍 love it
One must have cupcakes in one's life right?
I love to see your collection of sweaters someday! 😂
As I've only shown a few of my non-firearms here I'll also only show a few of my sweaters but rest assured they are all good. 🤔
Will my underprivilege kids that I'm teaching be eligible for them? 😅
Oh yeah, for sure. I make special ones too...some with two head holes and three arm holes, some with no arm holes and some even with no holes in them at all...makes it difficult to get on but where there's a will there's a way.
Something like that? 😅
Jokes aside, those are really nice photographs! 😍
It took me a week to knit that! 😋
Thanks mate, I will never show all of my stuff online, I wish I could to be honest as I have some pretty cool equipment. This is just an assortment of a thing or two. 🫣
Are you referring to the M1 Abrams Tank that you're not sharing with us? 😏
I didn't see any guns in these pictures, but want to know that in the picture where you are trying to learn Spanish is that a sniper (whispering in your ear)😉
I don't know what the Spanish word for sniper is...but I think it's hola.
Oh okie.
I understand 😉
Wow, what great pictures, I had a lot of fun reading the descriptions, particularly the one of the wonder woman chastity belt and vibrator.
I don't deny that the one of the animals caused me shock, but I think I read from yourself that it is a less cruel way to make some prey perish and I agree.
Even Wonder Woman needs to keep her chastity intact...and needs to enjoy herself too. 🤔😊
I love wonder woman and I'm glad now to know something of her intimacy. 🤭
She goes through a lot of batteries I'm told.
I don't know why you let a troll get to you, but if it results in an awesome photo dump and funny description, then I'm all for it. I didn't know you had so many guns, and a good variety too.
It didn't get to me brah, I never said that at all, it was an excuse to do a photo dump of guns and get some comments on it. Seems like it's working.
So many guns? This is only a small selection of what I have, most will never be shown on the internet.
I guess I misunderstood it. I thought you calling them "a clueless-fucktard-troll" was because they got to you. I would just ignore those shitters and wouldn't even give them a space in my post. All good.
For someone who doesn't own any guns, and doesn't see it often, two or more is already plenty. But yeah, the photos are awesome.
Anyone one who calls a marlin spike ammunition is a clueless fucktard.
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