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RE: No guns

in Outdoors and more β€’ last year

This post πŸ‘‡πŸ» is titled Sincerity

The first thing I thought is that guns are so cute. They really are. And photogenic.

When I got to... You know where... πŸ˜• to the Nutella and to the Prime Minister: 🀐
(I don't know how to handle the death of people and I think less the death of animals). I had to put my dog to sleep and I can't recover from that. That made me sick. But this is my business. I understand everything behind what you do, this we have discussed.

I understand you have a need to express yourself. We all do. I applaud the sincerity.

There are always despicable people, yet in my mind I cancel them out. I don't see them. But I also forgive them.

Hola πŸ‘‹ (nunca pierdas el sentido del humor) πŸ™‚

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I added the Nutella comment because your love of it is legendary and has even reached the distant shores of Australia.

I'm guessing Hola too... and I hope the Wonder Woman's chastity belt and vibrator thing has nothing to do with me, according to my recent post.
Hahaha... πŸ˜‚

We already know why he is so good at Spanish πŸ˜…, with those teachers, he will be speaking Spanish better than us, very quickly πŸ˜…

I can hola with the best of them. I am a good Spanisher.

Lol...Wonder Woman has needs apparently...that part wasn't in reference to you...but now I'm intrigued about your post, I'll see it soon.