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RE: I worked...But didn't

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

I think people are a lot more detached from the truth about where their food comes from and what's involved in producing it. I used to cull on a wheat farm, kangaroos mainly so it's the same with a non-animal produce. Things need to die so humans live. It's been the way of it for a long time. You also mention culling to control/manage animal habitats and communities. Some find it strange that in one part of my state they're culling hundreds of koalas and in another saving them...It's about balance I guess. Not that I'd shoot a koalas of course. I don't even like shooting kangaroos.


Believe it or not, we got kangaroo meet over here once a couple of years ago, it was good eating.

Land has to be able to sustain life, too many animals then culling is required, people need to live using smaller footprint on the land, we devour too much of both!

Taking any life never leaves one feeling happy, however it is part of our diet and a requirement, someone has to do the dirty!

I had heard it was imported there but have also been told it was stopped for some reason. It's not too bad to eat, best cooked for brief periods. We can buy it hereat every supermarket along with other stuff including a lot of your meat products too in fact.

Enjoyed the taste and recall it was tender.

Perhaps cooking venison or ostrich over here makes one appreciate unusual meat flavours.

Only ever found it twice many years ago in local Spar shop, exports may have stopped with having our own wild meat locally available.